《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》Hopes for a new day


She knows

More than she shows,

Masks and veils

Hide her tales

And hard set eyes

Cease to compromise.

A once soft heart

Now has no such part;

To reciprocate fully

With each of the bully,

It shredded every bit of fragility

And build hard walls of hostility.

She walks with grace,

But knows no praise..

For showers of condemnation,

Humiliation and indignation,

Was the reality of her being

In her entire seeing.

If only she knew,

Like the droplets of dew

Her soul can be cleaned,

Nourished and weaned

From the freshest of rain

Of love, and even pain.

And that let go, she could

If only she wills, she would

Make way for new sunrises

Bury all of her old vices,

For revenge begets revenge,

Hatred, more reasons to avenge.

Then a new season shall arrive

Her virtues when will thrive

Like the blossoms of spring

Tints and hues which bring

Her buried conscience

Will start living thence.

A subtle reminder, this is my way

To present her, hopes for a new day.

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