《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》Freedom


To fly

And not stay shackled

To speak

And not be silenced

To think

And not be brainwashed

To breathe

And not suffocate

To act

And not be overpowered

To be

And not just exist..

Oh the liberties I take

Each day,

Every moment..

Forever grateful, I should always be

For I live in a haven where I'm free

I could wear brown, blue or white

Tie up a bun or braid my hair tight

I could learn all mathematics

Or dive into aerodynamics

I could choose to be an engineer

Or work with llamas and deer

The fact that I can choose

Is one thing I would never wanna lose.

It's a complicated world, and the idea of Freedom is even more complex here, definitely not how it should be..

Yet there's soooo much that we've taken for granted, it's unbelievable..

I think if we could just learn to whine less, appreciate more and stay true to our purpose, we could go a long way..

What say??

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