《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》Rise up, above and beyond..


Rise up,

Above all the petty bothers that's shackling you down,

Beyond the same, old monotony that's keeping you from a pleasant change.

Rise up,

Above the confinement of prejudice, bigotry and intolerance,

Beyond slotting on the basis of race, colour and gender.

Rise up,

Above the vicious cliff that's ready to swallow you into its dark spiral,

Beyond all the little tiffs that's ruining your harmonious home.

Rise up,

Above all the empty talks and shallow promises,

Beyond the masked faces and hypocritical hearts.

Rise up,

Above all that is known and chartered,

Beyond the comfort and safety of your cocoon.

Rise up,

Above all the lands, mountains and oceans,

Beyond the stars, skies and infinities..








Where do you want to rise up to?

Above what?

Beyond where?

Share your aspirations here.

Take care. Stay safe.

Love and peace✌

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