《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》Fallen


It chirped and chirped, all day long

In its nest of straws and feathers,

Singing, many a joyful song

Of autumns and cool weathers.

A week or two had soon passed by

Among the shells, in love and care,

It was now time, for the chick to fly

A wild, wide, world, to soar and fare.

It hopped a bit, it flew a while,

The tiny, baby sparrow;

Tired it sat, as if a mighty mile,

It winged like an arrow.

With keen eyes, they sat and watched,

The sparrow mama, the sparrow pop,

Rushing to its aid, since it hatched

For each little move, each little hop..

Filling its beak with crumb and crust,

The mama fed its chirping chick;

Else and others, they didn't trust

With baby sparrow,to let anyone pick.

It's said, there's beauty everywhere,

Maybe it's true, maybe it's not;

For, the beauty that sat there

Was sadly, too soon left to rot.

Cuz one day, it so happened:

The ceiling fan was quietly rattling,

Stricken, the poor chick flattened,

For dear life, it lay there battling.

A lot of sufferings, the chick endured

With broken leg and broken wings;

Try to fly, they both lured

But it sang of melancholy life brings.

All good things come to an end;

It's so unfair, it's so not right.

But against death, no one could fend,

Too heartbreaking, is such a sight.

It withered away into nothing,

From a chirpy chick to being sullen;

Might've grown, and seen everything

Instead it fell, and laid fallen..








Last week, we witnessed the last moments of a teeny tiny sparrow in the veranda of our house. It broke our hearts :'(

Why do all good things come to an end?? (I know..I know..)

Do you also have these cute li'l uninvited guests (no, residents) in your homes?

Comment and share.

Take care. Stay safe.

Love and peace✌

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