《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》Tall she stands


Tall she stands,

In the town square:

A distant reminder

Of the forgotten tale,

Of bravery and courage,

Of strength and valour,

Of tribulations,

Of persistence,

Of dignity,

Of fortitude..

When a lone woman

Stood against time,

Fighting for her people,

For the weakened masses,

For the unjustified victims,

For the deterred spirits,

For those left crippled.

As spectators watched

In awe and wonder,

A woman fighting, fierce

Against all the evils,

That ruined her lands,

Killed her blood,

Massacred their living souls.

She unleashed her dragons-

The indomitable spirit,

Awoke from the pleading cry,

It whirled over the ugly heads

Of the infinite immorals,

She crushed its core,

Conquered their fortress,

A weakling's den.

She carved in chapters of history,

A foundation to cherish,

An event to remember,

Of determination and modesty,

Of grace and power,

Of a woman, standing tall..








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What is one's biggest strength, according to you?

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Take care. Stay safe.

Love and peace✌

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