《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》Colour, colour, what colour?


"Colour, colour, what colour do you choose?"

"Colour, colour, what colour do you choose?"

Chanted the group, loud in unison,

Bubbling with excitement, ready to run.

They had chosen 'purple' as colour of their group

If catcher says any else, "No", they would whoop.

Steadily, with jumpy steps, across they reach,

From one side of the playground, to other where the catcher is;

The catcher stands waiting for the group to come near,

So he could guess their colour, and catch 'em as they run afar.

"Blue", he started

"No", they shouted,

"Green", he tried again,

"No", they screamed again,

"Bwack", he prattled,

"No", they giggled.





"Purple", he found it!

"Yay", they screamed lit.

Then, in frenzy they ran, towards the point they came from,

Bumping into each other, their hearts beating as a drum;

The catcher tail behind, sprinting to catch one,

He clawed at their last runner, so finally he won.

The game continued with the new catcher,

The one who got caught by the previous catcher;

And so they played in glee, until it was dark and dusky,

They laughed and screamed, until their voice became husky.








Have you ever played the game, "Colour, colour, what colour?"

As a kid?



Well, that's a fun game we used to play as little kids. In this poem, I've tried to sum up the wonderful essence of the silly game and how little things bring infinite joy in the kids' world. I hope you liked it.

Comment and share the love.

Take care. Stay safe.

Love and peace✌

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