《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 66 One story, two sides.


About 1 hour before Darwin’s arrival, ??? POV:

“Prentza! Where in hell are you? I swear if I find you slacking off again.”

“I am here!”

The door that led into the room quickly swung open and an alien girl ran in.

She had dark purple skin with bright orange hair that was held in a loose bum. She didn’t have eyes, instead, there were three black pumps on her forehead, with two others on her hands.

The one who called for her, a human-looking bald man looked at her with disdain and pointed at the crates on the floor.

“Take this to sub storage B. We are drowning in work because of the Delegation and since they are bringing those damn nobles, the captain ordered that we clean up the entire ship.”

“Ehhh, but should I be up on the deck grea-“

“The captain said that your time would be much better spent doing this than bothering the guests. Now get your ass working, I have others to boss around.”

With a sigh, the girl picked up the crate and walked out.

As she did, she could clearly hear a whisper under his breath.

‘Damned klankens…’

This slightly shook her but she just kept on walking, since she understood very well what the man was talking about.

Her race, the klankens, were the last species of aliens that the Coalition, the name of the organization in which most intelligent life forms have gathered, faced in a war.

Her race only joined the organization after they were defeated so there was quite a lot of bad blood between them.

“Sight it will get better…. I hope.”

Even if she didn’t participate in the war, her parents did and when they learned that she joined the army, they almost kicked her out of the family. If not for the money she earned, she would have changed her last name a long time ago.

With these thoughts, she wondered about the dark corridors when she saw one of the windows open.

“Who was the idiot who- AAAAAAAAA!”

Before the glass stood the scariest thing she had ever seen in her life.

It was a black skeleton, wearing a robe made from patches of different fabrics.

To her scream the thing turned towards her, scaring her further.

The thing had a sack over its head, which was so ragged it wasn’t hiding too much.

Behind the sick, she saw a black skull with no eye sockets, only a giant hole in which a green flame was burning.

The mouth of the thing moved, speaking in a language she couldn’t understand, with a voice that reminded her of a swarm of flies.


In a panic, she slammed her communicator that was in her ear.

“All decks! There is an intruder! It's… I don’t know what it is- AAAAAAA!”

With a speed that shouldn’t be possible the skeleton grabbed her by the throat, lifting her over its head, the bony fingers of the thing, slightly piercing her skin.

Then with a firm grasp, the thing grabbed the communication device and yanked it off her ear.

Since the device was embedded in her skin to not lose it, so when it took it off it ruptured her skin, spraying purplish blood on the floor.

The thing looked at the devices and spoke into them in its strange language, then it stared at the girl.

She felt a terror that she never experienced before, shaking her to her core.

To die when she hasn’t even reached her goal of becoming a member of the upper echelons.

“Mother… I-“


Suddenly the monster screamed in pain, letting her go.

Coughing, she saw several people in riot gear and taser weapons coming from a corridor.

“Unidentified organisms located! Preparing containment! All units, be prepared!”

The monster turned towards the guards and with a bone-chilling scream, it disappeared from sight, leaving no trace behind, except the small wounds on my neck that started to itch really bad.

One of the guards approached her, its weapon aimed at her.

“We have wounded! Take her to the nearest infirmary.”


Darwin's POV of the events:

“Shit! you scared me!”

I looked at the creature, trying to decide what it was.

It looked humanoid enough, but her skin was dark purple, and she had no eyes.

No, she had eyes, and three spots on her forehead.

As I was looking at her, she slammed her ear and started to speak in her quick language.

Is that… a radio? it would be dangerous if she would kill reinforcements.

Quickly grabbed her throat to shut her up and lifted her over my head.

Let’s get this annoying thing off her.

I reached out and I took it off her ear.

I didn’t expect it to be embedded in her body, the blood spray did surprise me a little.

did they put the device near a major artery? What a dumb decision.

Shaking some of her purple blood off, I examined the device closer.

It looked like some sort of microphone, with several blue and red lights flickering on it.

“Incredible. Does each light correspond to a different function? How did you guys manage to miniaturize this so much? Is it perhaps an extension to a much more complex device that’s in your head?”


I leaned closer to her face, trying to find any sign of a subdermal mechanism.

I should just kill her. Kill and open her up. She is an alien with potentially unknown biology and technology in her. It would be like opening a gift rack.



From behind I felt a shocking pain, forcing me to drop her.

“What the actual…”

When I turned, I saw several people wearing riot gear and holding futuristic weapons.

“Damn it that hurt!”

I screamed at them in pain, before turning my power on, falling through the floor, only returning tangible when I saw another floor under me.

“Alright, I can scratch the idea of peaceful first contact. Guess it's back to being the creepy monsters looming in the dark.”

Walking around in the corridors, I saw several different species. Some looked like those that existed in my ‘home world’ like elves or goblins.

And there were others.

Things that looked like trees, things that I couldn’t even describe.

And then there was the technology.

The things that I saw by just walking around were nothing more than magical.


They were better than magical.

I had to face it, there was the chance that I would never understand magic. It was already that I could use prayers and the skills I had.

But this. This was science. Super advanced science, but science.

If I could just dissect and analyze them there was a chance that I could reproduce them.

And once I knew about this civilization. Nothing on that planet will be able to stand before me.

“Hehe, I just can’t wait. I want to do it…”

As the urge to rip someone apart started to spread over me, I had a stroke of extreme luck.

Somehow, I arrived at the infirmary or at least something with its equivalent.

There were several rows of beds with their heads built into the walls, with blue monitors showing several states that were written in a language that I couldn’t understand. As I was looking around, I found something quite interesting.

There was a human-looking man with red hair turned away from me, his eyes glued to his tablet-looking thing.

“...Okay you are just begging for it.”

With my powers active, I inched closer to him, and with an exciting look, I tried out something that I meant to do for a long time.

While still in an intangible state, I reached out to the idiot, and I passed my index and middle finger on his neck.

And then... I turned the power off.

The result was that my fingers were pushed out from his body, making the poor man scream in pain as he turned toward me.

“Hmmm, Interesting. So, it’s true what they say, two things cannot inhabit the same space. Still, at least I want to try –“

The man seeing me made a shriek, but I silenced him by reactivating my powers and walking into his body.

Immediately I saw a notification pop up before me.

[Possession complete]

Soon my point of view changed, seeing the world through the eyes of the man I had just taken control over.

I looked down at his hands to see that they worked properly only to see two skeletal hands that were slightly visible through the white skin.

“I hope that it’s only visible to me. It would be nice if I could blend into the crowd of these creatures without any problem.

As I was mumbling, I glanced at the floor, where the tablet was.

I reached down for it and glanced at it expecting to see more alien letters.

Yet, it wasn’t the case.

I could read the text, an article about a bacterium that was found in the digestive system of some sort of alien, which could calcify the human muscles.

Slowly the face of the man I was with started to twitch as it turned into a crooked smile as I looked for an application that would connect me to the sci-fi equivalent of the internet.

“Oh, this is going to be fun.”





Name: Darwin Tim Right 'Plague Father'

Race: [ True Kayeri (Mechanically Augmented)] LV: 1/10 000 (1/10 000)

Main Class: [Dark Apostle of Putrefaction]

Sub Class: [Father of Biopunk]

MP: 60 000/60 000

Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed]

Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering [Mold Manipulation] [Fly manipulation] [ Decomposing touch] [Rot Embodiment] [Inorganic conversion] [Plague Mist] [Face Switch] [Organic Matter Comprehension] [Organic Matter Manipulation] [Cellular Mutation Inducement]

Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Superior Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge] [Healing Hands] [Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision] [Mechanical Skeleton] [Toxic Air] [ High Regeneration] [Organic Clockwork] [Demon’s Presence] [Sight of Blood]

Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity]

Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life] [The 13th Dark Apostle] [Father of New Race] [Exclusive Class Holder]


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