《The lonely wolf [bxb]》It's not a date


( Elias)

" how are you really feeling, Elias? It's a simple question. People often lie when they tell you I'm fine." Lilliana asked, and I sighed as I looked down at the plate of food that was placed in front of me. It was dark by the time I got back from the treehouse because Lilliana wanted me here. I was sitting at the table with her and the others after Ryland's sudden departure.

' To be honest I'm confused, I'm more confused about everything than I normally would be. I also feel guilty for what I did to ryland, even though it wasn't really my fault.' I replied, Making Lilliana nod. It's a good thing ryker wasn't here, since he decided to spend some time with his parents. He had been following me around a lot, not giving me the space that I needed. It was then that I realized he had some sort of plan, one I wish didn't involve me.

" That's why you are still going to get the help that you require. That's something you can't put off, that and speaking to Bryan and Brendan's mother." I nodded my head as I listened to what Lilliana was saying. Slowly eating my food because right at this minute I didn't feel hungry anymore. Jason was staring at me as if I were a puzzle he was trying to figure out, making me feel uncomfortable. I hated it when people stare at me, as if I was a freak.

' I know what you want, I'll be able to give it to you.' Raina said, and my eyes snapped to hers confused. She only chuckled and looked back down as if she didn't say anything. After finishing our food, Raina grabbed my hand and we both sprinted out of the pack house as fast as we could go.


' You could have teleported us where you're taking me, you know, now I'm trying hard not to puke after eating so much.' I said, and she chuckled while squealing.

' And where would the fun be in that? It's beautiful outside, the stars are prominent tonight. Puking should be the least of your worries because of what I have in store for you.' She answered back as she let go off me, forcing me to run on my own.

'You are crazy you know that right? Who in their right mind goes for a run at nights?' I shook my head in disbelief.

' You shouldn't always have to depend on magic. Just because I'm a witch doesn't make me your guinea-pig.' She shot back as she came to a halt in front of a tree. My eyes became wide with happiness as I looked at what was in front of me. The tree was decorated with lights, bright enough for me to see what she had done.

' A swing? A fucking swing!' I shouted as I reached for it. After sitting down, I looked at her as she was laughing at the way I was acting.

' What? I haven't been in a swing since I was like seven.' Came my lousy defense, which didn't really explain why I was actually acting like I was seven again.

' Doesn't matter, this is all for you. To get your mind off certain things. I know it's been hard for you, to have ryker here and what happened with Ryland, so this is a way of giving you some sort of happiness. Plus I tapped into your mind when you were asleep and saw the image of when you were younger and in a swing, knowing how much you love them I decided to recreate one.' Raina was blushing as she explained to me why she chose a swing out of everything else. I would have lashed out at her for invading my mind, but I didn't because she did this for me.


' I hope this is not a date or anything like that.' I replied and she shook her head, as the blush remains on her face which didn't convince me, but I decided to let it go for now.

' I really appreciate it raina, this means a lot to me, so thank you.' She nodded her head and got behind me, so she could start pushing me.

' Plus the stars makes it more romantic, don't you think?' She asked, and I agreed with her. I held my head up while closing my eyes as I felt the wind hitting my face, which was enough to calm me down. I shouldn't have complained without knowing what she had in mind, as I was enjoying every minute of this. Not only that, but I didn't know how long I was swinging for or when Raina and I took turns because I was too caught up At this moment.

Time flies when you're enjoying yourself, right? Raina used her magic to push me a little higher than normal, so I was able to see the world below me,, and It was... beautiful. Something that I didn't get to acknowledge before until now. As Raina's magic seeps through the swing, allowing me to ascend even further as I took in everything I can. I was in a much better mood thanks to raina and her ways of cheering me up, it felt good to have a friend.

' It feels so fucking good.' Forest replies as I continued to take in the scenery in front of me. The swing suddenly froze In the air, taking me out of my trance as I looked for Raina to find her sitting next me. She laughed out loud and shook her head while looking down.

' If you could see the look on your face right now. I'm glad you're enjoying this as much as I am.' I smiled at her, as I told her thanks over and over. We spent the rest of the night in our own little world, laughing and acting without a care in the world.

At least this was enough for me to take my mind off what was going on for now. As I looked at my friend, I smiled in awe because I couldn't believe she was here with me and not a figment of my imagination. But somewhere deep down, I was confused and scared. I didn't know if I had made the right decision by staying here, seeing how I have already made a mess of things. I will forever blame myself for what happened with Ryland and that's something that won't ever change. When I accepted Ryker as my mate, I'm aware that day would come where I would have to go back to his pack and that would be the hardest part. I know what's going to happen once I go back with him, I just hope that I still have Raina with me to help me because I would need all the help I can get from now on.

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