《Blue Road》Episode 16 (Part 3)


Two men drove a large truck across the highway disguised as movers. One tried to keep his eyes on the bumpy road while going their way through some construction sites and detours. The other fiddled around with the radio and slammed it when nothing but static came on. The second guy slumped back from his seat and groaned, bored that there’s nothing else to do while out on the road.

The walkie-talkie came on as a voice called out to the two. The guy in the shotgun turned the dial to get a proper hearing from the person from the other side before placing it near the driver’s ear.

“Men, you guys need to hurry with that delivery.” The voice warned them.

“Why’s that?” The driver asked. “Weren’t you supposed to distract Ken’s gang?”

“Well, we did. The gang figured out our plans, so I had to retreat and—”

“Oh, so you chickened out, and we have to pick up the pieces of—”

“No! I'm just leading them to someplace else so I can kill them, that’s all. They won’t be a bother for long.”


“Just hurry and get—”

The driver shut off the walkie-talkie and shook his head in disgust. “I can’t believe that guy.”

“What is the organization’s name again?” The passenger asked.

“Ken’s? I’m pretty sure it’s called the Crimson Cross Organization. I think they used to be called The Electric Honey Badgers, though.”

The other guy scoffed. “No wonder they changed the name. Who came up with that?”

“No clue.” The driver adjusted the rearview mirror. From a distance, another car sped up close to them. “Any idea on who that is over there?”

“Who cares?” The passenger shrugged. “That could be just some driver.”

“I don’t know. They appear to be following us. Looks like that dumb plan backfired.”


“Well, what are you waiting for? Just lose them.”

From across the road, Lightning drove the vehicle. Mindy, who had taken shotgun, noticed the truck took another direction.

“Hang on!” He exclaimed, baring his teeth.

He swerved his wheels to take the intersection just in time before losing them, then pushed the drive gear into full motion and sped up to chase them down. The car made nasty turns to try and avoid the oncoming traffic. Horns blaring like a screeching phantom as the cars in front slammed the brakes and swerved out of the way from their crossfire. The vehicles made skid marks on the ground, but were unharmed.

Mindy looked back and sighed in relief after finding no casualties. The two close in on the truck, only a few feet away, with no other vehicles in their sight. Mindy took her seat belts off and climbed out of the car as Lightning drove her closer.

The truck driver took notice of this and released a bit of the gas pedal, moving backward and throwing their momentum off. Lightning switched lanes to avoid getting crushed, but in doing so, left himself wide open. The truck careened over, attempting to knock the car off the side of the road. The vehicle tipped, and Mindy lost her balance, causing her to fall off. She grabbed the bottom of the car and ended up running against the road while the truck drove away again.

Mindy side-stepped toward the back of the car and distanced herself from it using her stretching arms. She looked over and planned a trajectory on the truck. When the timing was right, she yelled for Lightning to stop the car. The moment Lightning hit the brakes, Mindy raised her legs and propelled herself forward in the air. She used her arm to stretch over to the top of the truck and land on it, making a big dent around her.


The duo inside the truck heard the loud thump from above and panicked about what to do next.

“Are you kidding me? I thought we’d lose them by now!” The passenger exclaimed, flabbergasted. “Man, whoever this is, just won’t quit!

“Yeah, no kid—” The driver’s eyes widened as he slammed the brakes, catching the other guy off guard as another loud thunk occurred from the top of the truck. The vehicle came to a complete stop, as the passenger almost had a heart attack.

“Hey, at least warn me next time you do that!”

“But, look.”

In front of them stood a roadblock sign with a demolished road up ahead. There was nowhere else for them to go beyond that point.

“What? A roadblock? How’d this happen?” The first trucker complained. “Why did you lead us here?”

“Oops, guess I wasn’t paying attention to where we were going.” The second trucker muttered.

“Are you saying we went the wrong way?”

“Yeah, but we can always go back and try a different route.”

“Do you even know which way to go?”

“As long as I avoid traffic, then it should be fine.”

“Why are you so calm about this?”

A blue arm emerged from the front of the truck and pulled herself back up, causing the truckers to panic again. Without thinking, they exit the vehicle and end up tripping and falling on the ground.

“Hello, boys.” Mindy greeted as she loomed over them. “You don’t need those chemicals in the back, do you?” The men shook their heads. “Then you don’t mind if I look at your stash?”

“You can, but you’re not taking any, you hear me?” The first guy retorted.

“Is that so?” She leaned over to pick them up. She walked past the roadblock and dangled them both by the edge of the road. The long way down made their stomachs turn, too terrified to even let out a scream. “Change your mind yet?”

“No, don’t drop us!” The first guy panicked, flailing about, trying to break free, but to no avail.

“We should let them take our stuff.” The second man suggested.

“How can you be so calm at a time like this?!”

“I’m waiting.” Mindy threatened, her tone sharper.

“Alright, we give in, you can have the capsules, just leave us alone!” The first man shouted.


Mindy put them back down safely on the road. She took out rope to tie them up so they wouldn’t escape. She headed toward the back of the truck and used her strength to open the hatch. Inside were stacks of boxes that contained capsules with glowing blue substances in them. There it was, a lead, something she has that Carlos doesn’t. Mindy hoped it stayed that way, and she’d get an advantage. Now, if only she could remember how to pick apart and decipher them.

“Alright.” She picked one up and stared at it.

Lightning drove over beside them, rolled down the windows, and peeked his head out.

“Hey, how’s it going?

“Took care of it.”

“Nice work handling all of that.”

“Lightning, take care of those two over there. They nearly put innocent lives on the line for that delivery. I’ll go catch up with others after taking care of this.”

“You got it.”

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