《Deviant's Masquerade: The Huntsman's Quest (An Urban Magic Quest/RPG)》32 Suns


32 Suns

--- Jon ---

(You know this is actually kind of peaceful.) He thought as another blade pierced the tree they were using for target practice. (Nice and repetitive. The exact kind of thing you can just sort of zen out to.)

He smiled as he listened to the steady thump, thump, thump of his knives hitting the tree, and echoed by his ma’s knives doing the same a few feet away.

“Hey, I told you about them hitting those Dealer Warehouse’s, right?” His Ma asked after a few moments.

“Uh, the ones that Mask tipped you off about?” He checked, half covering for himself. “The one that saved Kenneth.”

“Yeah, those.” His Ma nodded. “Anyway they finally hit them the other day, and the whole department is doing this celebration thing since it’s supposed to be a big win or some shit.”

“Language.” He scolded passively, before frowning. “So what, are you being dragged to some kind of party or something?”

“Yep.” His Ma sighed, throwing another knife. “Of course this means I’m also dragging you along to the Saint’s Crossing so I don’t have to suffer alone.”

“What but why? I mean Rodriguez is going to be there isn’t she?” He pointed out. “And I’m under age so I shouldn’t be in a bar in the first place!”

His Ma merely smirked, having apparently been looking for that reaction. “Eh, it’s not going to be that bad, they serve non-alcoholic drinks and they’ve got food, so consider going out to a restaurant or something.”

“I don’t like that either.” He reminded her before scowling. “And bar food isn’t real food, the only reason people eat it is because they’re too drunk to care it tastes like garbage.”

His Ma rolled her eyes. “If you don’t like the food then you can bring your own.”

Scene Consequences

-Gained 1XP to Knives and Throwing

--Currently: Knives Lv. 3 (6/8) and Throwing Lv. 3 (3/8)


Given Ying’s request for his help, he decided to focus on a part of DeSade’s books that he’d been purposely ignoring, seeing as they were likely responsible for DeSade’s Devil moniker back in Blackwell.

For the most part a large portion of the Art overlapped with what he already knew about his Contracting when it came to his summons like with Pix and Wolf, giving him a decent foundation to start himself off with. One that was then further expanded when he took into account everything DeSade had taught him about the Occult and applying it to other magical Arts.

The Dealmaking branch of Contracting as he’d told Ying the day prior, primarily revolved around using the ‘Deal’ to induce a spell effect -whether beneficial or harmful- in a given subject.

Usually these deals would revolve around a magic user infusing a temporary boon of sorts into a subject in exchange for a given rule or condition that if broken would apply a curse as punishment until the subject’s spell system burned it out. A higher level Dealmaker could then take these two conditions referred to as ‘Payment’ and ‘Penalty’ and make their effects permanent.

Though regardless of skill level there was something about ‘Weight of Services’ that he was having a bit of trouble understanding, seeing as it involved something about the economics of spirituality, physicality, magic, and the mind’s perspective.


(Since it’s not really what I’m after here, I don’t think it really matters, so I’ll just come back to this later.) He decided after rereading that particular page for the fifth time, without any further clarity.

Based on the spell formulas he was able to piece together, -as well as his previous experience with Spell Scripts and the Occult- he figured his best application of Contracting at the moment would be to infuse a person with one of his Concepts giving them an enhancement of sorts. From there if he so desired -not that he did- he could then infuse someone with an inversion of a given Concept, causing the deal to rob them of whatever power the Concept would usually enhance.

(I’ll still have to take the time to write out a deal, but I think I’ve got a pretty solid grasp of the basic theory and application at the very least.) Though given the complexity of Dealmaking when compared to Script Craft, he doubted he’d be able to make more than a single Contract at a time at his current level.

Technically speaking he still hadn’t found the exact thing he needed to help Ying, but “At the very least it’s a starting point.”

Scene Consequences

-Learned Contracting: Dealmaking

--Due to skill overlap with [Contracting: Summons] gained 4XP.

--Thanks to Occult gained an additional 6XP.

---*Skill Level Up* Contracting: Dealmaking Lv. 3 (0/8)

-For learning a new Magic Art gained 1XP to Occult.

--Currently: Lv. 6 (7/14)


He met the glaring fairies gaze and held it for a full minute before finally relenting and making a ‘hand it over’ motion with his hand.

Pix let out a series of excited trills and chirps as she did a loop de loop through the air before picking up the book and giving it to him.

Flipping back to the page Pix wanted him to read, and found an image with a trio of fairies staring curiously at the camera. (Might as well see if the Association’s notes are any different from my own.)

“Alright, so… ‘Fairies (Subspecies: Lesser Pixie).’” He began. “‘Suggested Contracting Rank: E. Magic Cost: A-, Sociability: B+, Combat Threat: E, Magical Ability: D-, and Protective Ability: F.’”

(I’m… not actually sure how that measures up to reality.) He frowned, just realizing the fact that comparing these ratings to Pix was his only real frame of reference and he had no idea how she actually compared to these ratings.

“‘Fairies are one of the most famous creatures throughout human folklore, and represent a species of nature spirits more commonly known as the fae.’” He continued under Pix’s enraptured gaze. “‘These spirits have throughout history proven themselves to be both kind and cruel, with a morality as varied as humanity’s own. The interesting thing to note here however is the sheer variety of Fairies compared to most other mystically-inclined species, as well as the commonality of subspecies to transfer into different varieties of themselves.’ I guess they’re talking about the whole young fairy to adult fairy to elite fairy thing there.”

Pix gave him a chirp of agreement.

“‘The variant more commonly known as a Pixie is a small humanoid fairy with insect like wings and secondary characteristics most commonly related to flying insects such as butterflies, moths, and dragonflies.’” He’d tangentially known that, having seen a few of such fairies in the fairy colony Pix had originally come from, but hadn’t written it down thinking it was the fairy equivalent of a skin tone. “While these secondary characteristics are usually a sign of developing personality traits, they possess little relevance beyond being a demonstration of the usual physical malleability of spirits.’”


“‘Pixies themselves are a relatively sociable species amongst each other, and while friendly do possess a notable temperament towards mischief and grudges with the humans they interact with.’” He continued, despite having a similar note in his own bestiary.

“‘Individually Pixies possess little in the way of actual combat ability beyond some simple Nature and Light spells, however thanks to their innate magics they are capable of becoming a powerful support unit if given the time and training necessary to develop their abilities.’” He read, mildly amused by the way Pix was puffing up in pride.

“‘While not the most ideal summons for a first Contract, Pixies still make for a good early summons due to their varied nature and vast developmental potential, allowing them to grow alongside their partners if contracted early enough.’” He concluded, fully agreeing with the book’s author as he smiled at his little fairy before noticing that, “Oh, wait, there’s one last bit. ‘It should be noted for parents concerned about allowing their child to Contract with another, that a number of Fae possess an instinctive fondness for children leading them to be more protective of them than they would older Contractors. (Though they may still drag your children into their mischief making.)’”

He was probably a bit too close to the young vs old line to properly weigh in on that one, (then again Pix did get along surprisingly well with the few campers who found out about her.)

Either way, having finished the section Pix wanted him to read he closed the book before turning back to the little fairy as he pet her head between her antenna unable to keep himself from teasing her as he told her that, “As badly as you wanted me to read this, I might think you want me to summon another fairy.”

Pix immediately froze before slowly turning towards him all compassion dead in her wide eyes as she slowly began to glow.

The ensuing flurry of angry buzzing and zapping she gave him ensured that he understood that she was the only fairy he was allowed to Contract with. (As if I’d actually summon any other fairy.)

Scene Consequences

-Gained 1XP to both Contracting: Summons and Occult

--Currently: Contracting: Summons Lv. 4 (7/10) and Occult Lv. 6 (8/14)

-Grown a bit closer to Pix.


“You know I wasn’t actually expecting you to bring your own food.” His Ma admitted as he laid out a proper dinner for himself, his Ma, and Rodriguez, with enough left over for any other (saints) who managed to befriend his mother.

“I didn’t, I brought our food.” He corrected, pulling a plate from his backpack and setting it in front of his Ma.

“Don’t discourage him.” Rodriguez told his ma as he gave her a plate. “He’s a better cook than me, and I want something other than take out and microwavable garbage for once.”

“You know most places have rules against bringing outside food and drinks.” His ma pointed out.

“Bribed Chris and Maddie with cookies.” He explained casually.

His Ma narrowed her eyes at him. “You know you’re lucky that’s the exact kind of thing I’d do, or I’d be a lot less proud of you right now.”

“I’m sure.” He smirked, before feeling a subtle shift in the air. One he’d felt several times back in Blackwell, and that had the beast in his head opening an eye, as his own drifted towards the pale dark-haired teen who just walked into the bar. (Huh, since when is Josh a Deviant?)

It must’ve been a recent development given how he hadn’t really noticed it before, and likely wouldn’t have noticed it if the bar entrance wasn’t just a few steps from their corner table.

(That can’t be good…) From what he knew if a Deviant unlocked their powers suddenly rather than over time, it usually meant they’d had something happen to them to trigger their powers, such as Ying not realizing she was an Incarnate until after she’d been Corrupted.

(Still… It’s not my place to get involved.) If Josh was in serious trouble he had his brother and Maddie to help, and they in turn had an entire police station that wanted nothing to happen to their main bar.

“Ah, there you are Officer Rodriguez, Detective Whitaker.” A young blonde woman greeted as the officer walked up to their table before frowning as she noticed him. “Oh, pardon, I didn’t realize this was a familial meeting.”

“Nah, I just dragged him here to get him out of the house for the night.” His Ma assured the new woman. “Jon this is Officer Fiona Steele, Fiona this is my son Jon Whitaker.”

“A pleasure to meet you young Whitaker.” Steele smiled offering her hand.

“Uh, you too?” He nodded accepting it with a shake.

“Fiona here just transferred in before the raid.” Rodriguez cut in, explaining why he hadn’t seen her before.

“Yes. Our superior officers believe that with the uptick in gang activity in the city’s southern districts, transferring a few more officers here should help to keep a handle on the situation.” Steele elaborated as she took a seat at their table. “Your mother has been most helpful in helping me get settled since my transfer.”

“Huh, that’s good to know.” He smiled before leaning forward to tell her that, “If at any point she tries to scare you into submission let me know and I’ll make her pull back.”

“Pardon?” Steele blinked.

“I’m not going to haze the rookie.” His Ma told him with a roll of her eyes.

“Right, my bad.” He admitted. “You haze everyone but the new guy.”

“Exactly.” His Ma nodded. “Unless they’re assholes in which case I’ll double down.”

“Of course.”

Scene Consequences

-Grown a bit closer to Ma.

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