《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 158 : Nangong Yiren


It was so late at night. They were all at home. Yixiong, Yiren, Qiuzhen, Zhengyi, Caihong, and Jingkang were sitting in the dining room. They sat around the plastic wrap that was sitting on the dining table. Their eyes were fixed on the package they had received from Qingzhong Park.

Since returning from Qingzhong Park, they really hadn't opened the plastic wrap at all. So they didn't know what things they had found yet. Even they were not one hundred percent sure that the plastic package was really the message left by the kidnappers. There was always the possibility that the package contains random objects that had been placed inside the cavity of the stone bench in Qingzhong Park.

Yixiong took a deep breath. He saw one by one the faces of the people sitting around him. With a slow tempo, he let the words slip from his lips.

"Before we begin, I would like to thank Caihong first. Despite the results of our efforts tonight, which did not turn out to be what we expected, Caihong has put a lot of time, money and energy into helping us. On this occasion, I, Ximen Yixiong, on behalf of Dage, Duanmu Shanquan, I thank him profusely."

Yixiong clapped his hands. The others followed him.

"No need, Uncle. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do!" Caihong answered in a slightly choked voice. "I think everyone else would do the same."

Of course not. Most people won't care.

That night , Caihong had come to their house twice. The first was around eight o'clock in the evening. The second time Caihong appeared there was just before Jingkang, Yixiong, and Yiren arrived.

Earlier, as soon as Yiren set foot on the floor of their house, he had a conversation with Caihong. The young man explained in chronological order the things he had done that day. Yiren listened seriously to everything the young man said.


Apparently, after contacting Gongxi and Pinghe, at the hospital where he dropped Juger, Caihong met another young painter who was also taking part in the painting exhibition. The painter was visiting his family member, who was sick. Since the painter was very skilled at painting people's faces, and he also happened to have brought a painting kit, Caihong asked his help to sketch the face of the girl they saw.

At that moment, Zhengyi was still at the hospital where Juger was being treated, so Caihong also asked the painter to draw a sketch of the face based on Zhengyi's testimony. In no time, two face sketches were in their hands. Therefore, Pinghe did not need to paint two more sketches as they originally planned.

Caihong said that he was surprised when he compared Pinghe's sketches with those of a painter who was Caihong's acquaintance. The two sketches he brought from the hospital were very similar to the facial sketches made by Pinghe. There were some details that differ. However, those differences could actually complement each other. Caihong asked Pinghe to make a fifth sketch based on the four existing facial sketches.

When Yiren arrived home and saw the fifth sketch, he was so amazed because the face painted there was very similar to the face of the girl they saw. Among the people who had seen the girl, Yiren was the only one who had seen the girl more than once.

Yiren also had a chance to have a conversation with Qiuzhen. The youngest occupant of the house said that as soon as Pinghe finished his assignment, Caihong took the man home. Caihong also took away the fifth face sketch. The sketch will be reproduced. Apart from that, there were still a few more things that Caihong had to deal with. Furthermore, Qiuzhen revealed that Zhengyi, who arrived at the house about fifteen minutes after Caihong left to drop off Pinghe, also agreed that the faces in the four sketches left at home were very similar to the face of the girl they saw at the mall.


The second time Caihong arrived home that evening, he brought with him twenty copies of the sketch of the mysterious girl's face that made Shanquan seem to lose his mind. Qiuzhen said he and Zhengyi were surprised when they realized Caihong was really serious about the face sketch.

"Rendi, what are you thinking? Do you think there is something strange?" Yixiong's loud voice immediately broke Yiren's thoughts.

"Nothing strange." Yiren woke up from his daydream. "I was just thinking about the sketch of the face. Caihong has reproduced the sketch. So, that's all to share with us, right?"

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