《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》You Were Right


(The person this is about follows me, welp, what can ya do. Anyway sorry for not posting for a week, I was on a vacation with my family, which sucked the only good part was that it was cold. I never want to be in a car with them again, I also got to go to a crime museum which was fucking awesome 10/10. This is definitely more of a vent than anything so yeah, enjoy!)

You were right

Congrats, you finally got something correct

And you've gotten the minimum of things right before

But wow that prediction was just great

She left

Not fully of course

Because no one can ever leave fully


There is always something there to make you remember them

And her stuff is all here still

"We are waiting till January"

That is such bullshit

This is all bullshit

Why did you get roped into this

You're a fucking idiot

I mean it's just one of his girlfriend's

Nothing permanent

You should've known

But you just wanted a friend

It's all you wanted

You were lonely

No one was there anyway

But she meant something

She was the first one you got close to

Which truly was idiotic

It took you years to spill anything to your best friend

Why would you spill it to someone who didn't show up for you

She showed up for him

So you should blame him

Not yourself

You had no say in how things went

But didn't you?

You were there

Time and time again

Being a little pest

A bothersome person just there to cause issues

Because that's all you do

You cause problems and leave ruins in your path

Then you stare and wonder

'What happened?'

So yeah

Maybe you were right

You were right about the one thing you wish you weren't

You were right about her leaving

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