《groovy - steven hyde》042


donna was showing jackie and isabella the promise ring that eric got her.

"can you believe it? isn't it pretty?" donna asked.

"it's beautiful." isabella said.

"yeah. i really need to introduce you to my good friend, nail polish. and a promise ring is sacred, donna. why aren't you wearing it on your left ring finger?" jackie asked her.

"i don't know. cause i like it on this finger. what's the difference?" donna asked.

"donna. if you don't wear your promise ring on your left ring finger, it totally cancels out the promise that you'll be together forever." jackie said.

"wait that's what i promised?" donna asked.

"yeah, you didn't know?" isabella asked her.

fez walked into the hub and walked up to his friends.

"hey, ladies. oh, nice ring, donna. jackie, let me see yours." fez said.

"i don't have one." jackie replied.

"oh, no, of course not. because kelso has not given you one yet. i mean, ever. i mean... look away. " fez said before running away.

"girls, did you hear that? michael's giving me a promise ring." jackie said.

"congratulations." isabella said.

"yeah, that's great." donna said.

"i wonder how he's gonna give it to me. i hope he hides it in food. i told him if he ever gives me something nice, he should put it in food. it's classy." jackie said.


isabella, jackie and donna went to eric's to see the boys playing basketball.

"oh, there you are. the movie's about to start. come on. where... where's your ring?" eric asked her.

"oh, i put it on a chain so i could wear it around my neck." donna replied.

"burn! oh, super burn. the wedding's off." kelso said.


"kelso, shut up." donna and eric said at the same time.

"yeah, michael, you don't know anything about anything." jackie told him.

"i do, too." kelso replied.

"now i don't know which fight's the funniest." hyde said as isabella light hit his arm.

"wait, fight? we're... okay, i'll be right back." eric said going over to donna as everyone else followed.

"donna, why aren't you wearing the ring on your hand?" eric asked her.

"i don't know. i didn't really think it was a big deal." donna said.

"that is not true. i told you. i told her it was a big deal." jackie said.

"look, eric, why don't we talk about this later?" donna said.

"you know, there's not really anything to talk about, unless you don't wanna wear the ring." eric said.

"ouch! sorry. i'm sorry." kelso said seeing that everyone had glared at him.

"it's great. the ring is great. see? it's great." donna said taking the necklace off to put her ring on her finger.

"so we're good?" eric asked her.

"yeah, fine." donna replied.

"okay, good." eric said.

kitty came outside and took a picture of donna and eric.

"it's my god given right as a mother." she said before running back into the house.


since eric had gotten donna the promise ring, it was causing some drama.

everyone was gathered around the kitchen looking at the picture kitty took.

"oh, mrs. forman, that is a wonderful picture. you can really see how unhappy donna is." fez said making everyone look at him.

"okay, all i know is, when donna said she was fine, she didn't seem that fine." jackie said.

"eric has never been good at knowing when fine isn't fine. it runs in the family." kitty said.


"no, it does not." red argued.

"fine." kitty said.

"okay, good." red said.

"i don't know. she doesn't look that unhappy. she kind of looks like you." bob said to midge.

"i'm unhappy, bob." midge said.

suddenly, everyone heard a can being opened and they saw hyde with a beer in his hand.

"i'm just so worried about eric and donna." hyde said before laughing.

"oh, fine." hyde said before passing the beer to red.


isabella walked into the basement to see only hyde was there.

honestly, she couldn't complain about that. he saw her walk in and she let out a sigh.

"it seems like everyone's having relationship problems." isabella said before hyde sat next to her on the couch.

"yeah, everyone but us." hyde said making isabella smile and she leaned closer to him.

she cupped his cheeks while hyde's arms made their way around her waist.

she pressed her lips on top of his and the two of them fell into a peaceful state.

their kiss was starting to get more intense and hyde's lips attached to her neck.

isabella lightly pushed hyde away and he looked up at her.

"we're moving too fast, aren't we?" hyde asked her.

"no, no, it's just if i get a hickey the gang is gonna ask where i got it from." isabella said.

"oh, damn. you're right." hyde replied.

"looks like you're just gonna have to give me one where the others won't see it." isabella said catching hyde off guard.

"well, there's still a bed in that room over there." hyde said making isabella grin.

"before we do this, i just wanna be sure that you want this, too." isabella said making hyde stop.

"bella, i've liked you for the longest time. i want to be with you." hyde said as she smiled.

"good." isabella said before attaching her lips back to his.

the two of them stood up, not breaking the kiss and isabella wrapped her legs around his torso.

hyde carried her over to the little room in the basement and the two of them explored each other.

that night, steven and isabella crossed the line of friendship and there was no more going back.

after they were done, they were putting their clothes back on and hyde turned to face her.

"so, are you okay?" hyde asked, wondering if she enjoyed their first time together.

"i can honestly say it was amazing, steven. are you okay?" isabella asked him, making him smile.

"i'm fantastic, doll." hyde replied before he leaned down to kiss her.

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