

Mike struggled to come to terms with his surroundings. One minute he was bent on a fool’s mission to destroy the Zone Barrier, and the next he was hurtling through a multicolored tube of light. No wind ruffled his hair or clothes, despite the immense velocity he was experiencing. Before any panic could creep in, a notification appeared:

[You have exited the Noob Zone

Excess kills are now being applied towards Leveling]

[Congratulations! Level 11 reached!

+3 Stat Points by Assignment]

[Congratulations, Class Upgrade Reached!

Please select a class Untried/Unexceptional]

The slew of messages stopped as Mike considered his options. On the one hand, Untried sounded like a horrible class if his experience with Unlucky was to be believed. On the other hand, Unexceptional seemed like a path that wouldn’t help him protect his valley… if he ever made it back.

His mind made up, he selected his choice with his usual resoluteness.


Creenchez was beginning to worry. Big Bossy Boss had left hours ago and had yet to return. The bright flash and message that the Noob Zone had fallen only made her apprehension worse, but it was the Skill Spiritual Tracking that had worried her most. For the first time since she had acquired it, the Skill gave her no indication of where Big Bossy Boss was. It only read “Unknown”.

She wanted to collapse into a hysterical pile of tears, but the rest of the followers needed her strength at this time. The only course forward was to continue planting the groves. It was the first mission she had been given, and maybe it would give Big Bossy Boss the strength he needed to return home.

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