《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》THIRTY-FIVE: irl


Astrid got out of her Uber, smiling at the driver and giving him thanks. For once she hadn't got out at George's flat, but at the corner shop at the end of his street. The last time she'd been there her eye had been drawn to a certain machine at the back.

At the time, when she begged George to get a slush with her, he'd said no. Complaining about getting a blue tongue before he streamed, she'd been distraught, seemingly over it after he offered to pay for their sweets but she'd never forgotten about it.

George wasn't streaming today, he'd streamed the week before and most probably wouldn't stream again until MCC in two days. So he had no excuse.

She was downright giddy as she pulled two of the largest plastic cups from the stack, salivating at the idea of the cold rush the drink would give her.

Filling one to the very top with blue raspberry, knowing full well that George would complain all night if his wasn't his favourite colour, and the other with red cherry. She loved how vibrant they were side by side, two completely different colours but they complemented each other so well.

She'd always only got one flavour, couldn't stand the colour of the mixed ice, the two colours were separated and that's how they should be. The purple slush that would come about twenty minutes later was not worth the mixed flavour.

Astrid almost danced down the street, her hands almost shaking in the cold weather. Despite April being right around the corner, and Spring halfway done, the English night breeze was hard to fight against.

Once she finally reached his door she was stuck, both hands full. She looked around, nobody in the street, her only choice was to kick the door... and so she did.


"Why did you kick the door?" Was a reasonable question from the dark-haired man, looking her up and down in confusion. The crazy smile on her face, both hands behind her back as she bobbed back and forth from foot to foot.

"My hands are full" her eyebrows jumping in excitement.

"With what..."

"Let me in and I'll tell you"

He finally moved out of the way, opening the door wider for her to slip passes, awkwardly turning so that he couldn't see behind her; the boy as confused as ever.

They stood and stared at each other. Astrid suddenly realised that with no hands she couldn't shred her coat or take off her shoes.

An unfortunate dilemma.

But George knew her well.

"You want me to go upstairs so you can hide it from me even longer?"

"That'd be great" a toothy smile made its way to her face as he laughed, slowly ascending the stairs with his head over his shoulder to stare her down one last time.

Once he was out of sight she placed the melting slushies on the floor, shoving her shoes in their spot and her coat on the rack before picking them up, almost running up the stairs.

Running until a shout stopped her.

"Don't trip!"

The sudden shout startled her, toes not quite gripping the step as she tripped up. Elbows hitting the steps above her as she, fantastically, held the slushies just high enough for them not to spill.

Fast footsteps ran to her aid before they stopped.

Astrid's eyes raised to see him staring down at her, a laugh in his throat that he just couldn't hold, he doubled over with a boisterous laugh. Clutching his stomach as he didn't even attempt to help her up.

"Are they-" he stopped to let out another cackle, "are they slushies?"


"Yeah..." she whispered, an overdramatic pout on her face as she picked herself up, "they were supposed to be a fun surprise"

"Well, they're the second best thing to happen tonight," he eyed her, humour still in his eyes, "if that helps"

"Shut up" she wittily replied, placing the plastic cups on his coffee table, cringing at the water rings that they'd leave. She really had to buy George some coasters.

They fell down to the couch, spread out as his laughter trailed off hand falling to her leg to rub it in comfort as she pushed it across his lap.

"Which ones mine?"

"Which do you think?" The corner of her mouth tugged slightly as he grabbed the blue one.

"You got cola?" He asked, sipping some up before taking the straw out to scoop up a bit with the spoon.

"No, it's cherry, red" she corrected, the colourblind boy nodded in understanding.

"Red and blue?" She nodded, "that makes purple right?"

"Yeah..." she spoke slowly, thinking of the nasty dark colour they'd make if he offered to split them.

"Then let's make purple" a smirk on his lips as they made eye contact.


Written: 2nd November 2022

Published: 19th November 2022

Did that make sense? Thought of this a while ago and idk if i wrote it properly lol

Also a lil timeline sorted... Not to scary anyone : )

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