《Blue Road》Episode 15 (Part 4)


Richard jumped back and spun, nearly losing his balance. He squinted his eyes. He could’ve sworn somebody was there. He heard footsteps as a figure walked toward the light. Mindy stepped forward, the light reflecting off her glasses as she stared him down with a severe look on her face.

Richard shoved his hands into his pockets and tried to force out a smile. “Uh, hey there.”

“Surprised, aren’t you?” She taunted. “Well, I got another one for you...”

“What do you—?” Richard shook his head. “No, wait, I can’t stay for long.”

“Why’s that? Are you sick? You could’ve told the boss.”

“I didn’t know about that, but I don’t feel great right now.”

Mindy looked down and noticed his legs sinking into his clothes.

“Oh my god, what’s happening to you?

His eyes darted, searching for a place to hide before he transformed. But he was too late, as his clothes disappeared and his body took the form of a strange creature

Mindy’s mouth gaped open, witnessing it with her own eyes. Her face morphed into a wide grin as her hands shook.

“No way, so it’s true. I knew it!”

“Are you ok?” Richard asked. “Wait, you’re not disturbed by my appearance?”

“No, I’m delighted. In fact, my hypothesis was correct.”

Oh, no! Hypothesis? Did she plan this?

Without giving him time to react, Mindy backed him against the wall and examined the body up close. She heard his heart beating rapidly, making him feel uneasy.

“W—What are you doing?”

“Your body structure looks like most of the blobs, but it’s a different shade of blue, it seems.”

“Don’t tell me...” Richard pushed her away, his face contorted with a grimace. “You’re working with those scientists!” He tried to break the doorknob next to him with his strength.


“No, wait, don’t get the wrong idea!” Mindy raised her hands in defense. “I don’t work for those guys!”

“Yeah right, likely story.”

“Hold up, let me show you proof. This won’t be so awkward now that I know your form.”

Mindy closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled, and soon, her body lifted into the air. The surrounding room shook, as paper and books flew out in many directions. The lights from the lamp flickered as heavy appliances toppled down to the ground.

A giant printer sprang in Richard’s direction at full swing. He didn’t have time to think or process what happened. He braced himself, not figuring out he could punch it away, when a ghostly force levitated and shoved the device out of the way. Richard looked over as Fawn arrived on the scene.

“That was close. Glad I wasn’t too late,” Fawn said. “You should be careful. I’d hate to come back and see you in trouble like this.”

“Fawn, where were you?” Richard hissed.

“I had to do something important. I was doing some investigating on my own accord. What’s going on here?”

The two looked over as the chaos died down. A familiar shadow lurked towards the light. Richard turned pale upon what he witnessed. Mindy’s form turned blue and had a blob-like structure, just like him. The difference seemed to be a lighter shade of blue and a slightly slimmer figure.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Fawn covered her mouth. “She’s the last person I’d expect to...”

“So, when that one guy said that there was ‘another blue blob in the city,’ he meant you?” Richard questioned.

“Oh, so you heard from the same source too?” Mindy inquired. “I couldn’t have believed it myself either, so I’m glad I met someone else that had a similar fate occur to them.”


“You mean to tell me we aren’t the only ones that succumbed to the cruel experiment?” Richard asked, trying to process what he just heard.

“Yeah, the species’ bodies they transmitted onto us are apparently an endangered race.”

“So, that’s why...”

“Of course. Now let’s get started on our mission. It’s time we go on a night raid.”

“Oh, I was wondering what the mission was— wait, what? While in this form?”

Mindy nodded, explaining how she got used to the form and could transform on her own. She also mentioned a man she knew named Carlos. He was one of the brilliant scientists that studied different things at The Test Center of Developed Immunogenics, but had recently disappeared. Mindy figured he hid somewhere away from the authorities and was determined to find him. It wouldn’t be easy, didn’t help that this Carlos fellow was an inspiration to other workers that could reside in the vicinity.

“You’ll just have to take my word for it.” Mindy continued. “This mission’s not only beneficial to me, but also to you.”

“I don’t know. Can I think about this?”

“Alright, but I don’t have all night for this.”

“What are you doing?” Fawn questioned.

Richard walked over to Fawn and huddled up to whisper to her.

“What do you mean?” Richard asked.

“Don’t you see? This could be a golden opportunity. We might find some more information and answers to our questions.”

“But, don’t you find it odd? What if she has other motivations? She seems so eager to want my help after giving me the cold shoulders beforehand.”

“Who knows?” Fawn shrugged. “But it’s not like we have better ideas. Why don’t we give her a chance?”

“I guess you have a point.”

Richard turned back to face Mindy to give her his decision. He inhaled and exhaled before speaking. “Alright, we— I will accompany you on this.”

“Excellent.” Mindy chirped. “Let’s head out as soon as possible.”

Richard gulped as he followed her upstairs. He glanced at Fawn and muttered, “I have a bad feeling about this. I hope it goes well.”

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