《Heartstopper agere/regression》Time out


Little Nick

CG Charlie

(Nicks mom knows about his regression btw)

Nicks point of view

I got home from the dinner I had with Charlie and his friends form band I just talked with Darcy and Tara the whole time because they were the only people I knew besides Charlie, he was too busy to talk to me, because apparently i'm just his "mate" I don't get why he would call me his mate in front of all his new friends who of course are boys, I was starting to make myself upset by thinking about it again but I couldn't help it, I felt my eyes welling up and a few tears fall before my mom called me down to do the dishes I walked down the stairs carefully holding onto the railing tight because I knew I was a little regressed but I didn't want to deal with that right now, I just wanted to be normal maybe if i'm normal then Charlie will like me again. I stumble down the last two steps landing on my butt at the bottom of the stairs. "Honey are you ok" my mom says offering me a hand up, I turned down her hand and got up on my own "Umm yeah i'm fine just got distracted" she smiled and followed me to the kitchen sitting down at the table watching me shakily put the dishes away, "Honey you know I understand when your regressed you don't need to the dishes if you are, I can do them here let me help" I blocked her form helping me wanting so badly to prove myself, I needed to be normal this is what Charlie wanted. "I'm not regressed mom i'm FINE!" and as I said that I dropped the plate on the floor, I couldn't move I was so consumed with fear, tears escaped my eyes, I ran up to me room, feeling so guilty and stupid why couldn't I stop this why didn't I have control over my body. "HONEY ITS ALRIGHT ITS NOT YOUR FAULT DONT WORRY ILL CLEAN IT DONT BE SAD ITS OK" I heard my mom say from downstairs.


Charlie's point of view

"Charlie can you come over Nick is acting super weird, he's regressed but is trying to hide it i'm not sure what to do, and I know you take care of him best" I smiled hearing Sarah say I take of him best, it means a lot coming from her "Of course I can i'll be over in 5"

I knock on the door and Sarah opens it instantly "Hi darling thanks for coming I just hate seeing him sad maybe you could cheer him up he's been ignoring me" that's weird Nick never ignores his mom he loves his mom. "Maybe he just needs a nap i'll put him down for one" I said smiling knowing he usually just needs a nap when he's grumpy.

Nicks point of view

I heard Charlie come over why was he here I

didn't want him to be here. He was talking with my mom, they think just putting me to bed will fix this, I didn't want to see Charlie and I definitely didn't want to listen to him.

I could hear him walking up the stairs I was sitting on the floor chewing on my sleeve resisting the urge to put my thumb in my mouth. "Hi baby everything alright" I ignored him. "Baby I need you to cooperate with me it's time for a nap, ni ni time!" I wanted to speak but couldn't I was too young, I ended up mumbling something in gibberish. Charlie picked me up and put me on the bed over a changing mat, he changed me into a fresh overnight diaper, as he was changing me I managed to say "stwop" he creased my cheek with his thumb "I know love it's ok, its uncomfortable yes but you need it to sleep your sheets will get dirty" I bit my lip to stop myself from crying once he changed me, I tried to say something but he pushed my pacifier into my mouth "Shhh it's ok daddy's here ni ni time ok baby, I love you so much" he picked me up and put me in bed, I wasn't tired I didn't want to see him I didn't want to listen to him, but I was speechless, he left the room kissing my forehead and closing the light, right as he left I crawled out of bed and turned back on the light switch talking out my phone and putting in my headphones, I was on my bean bag chair listening to the music to help my anxiety, well drawing, my favourite thing to do in little space I had this colouring book and it was my favourite!


Charlie walked in and gasped seeing me not listening to his rules, " Nicolas Nelson your supposed to be napping you can colour later please give me the colouring book and phone" I didn't give it to him I just continued to draw "Baby your going to get a time out of your don't give me the stuff in 5 4 3 2 1" I didn't give it back in the count down I didn't want him here I wanted him to leave me alone I was too sad. He took the stuff off me and picked me up placing me on the small stool in the corner of the room facing the wall. I stood up and got of the stool right away I wanted to run to my mom but couldn't he picked me back up and put on the stool saying "That's an extra minute now you have 6 minutes to sit here" I sat on the stool facing the wall my eyes started to well I kept it in though bitting my lip once again. I put my thumb in my mouth sucking on it for comfort I was crying now but I made sure it was silent.

"Times up baby, good boy" I heard Charlie say as he walked ouches my back, I couldn't turn around and let him see me crying so I just sat there holding back my cry's keeping them silent, only tears falling from my eyes on to my cheeks, but then Charlie turned me around facing him I looked at him then looked down the tears starting to fall faster "Baby what's wrong is this about having a time out it's ok to be upset about it" I finally got the words out "No it's nwot abwout tha time owt" I said quietly Choking on tears. "Oh baby what's it about why are you upset" my lip was trembling and I wasn't quietly crying anymore "It's you, you huwrt mwe" I said balling my eyes out he looked stunned and sorry all at the same time, "Nicky how did I hurt you" "You called mwe mate at din din" I said he wrapped me up in his arms "Baby i'm so sorry I did it by accident I didn't say anything because I thought you didn't notice, I've just been introducing you to all my new mates and when I addressed you to everyone I accidentally said mate thinking I was addressing one of them not you, you'll never be my mate your my boyfriend my love" I clung into him sobbing unable to stop he kissed me "I'm sorry sweetheart I shouldn't have put you in a time out, you were mad at me and your allowed to be i'm so sorry I should've tried communicating with you more instead I just punished you, i'm so sorry" I sobbed louder wiping my face on his sweater. "Your mad at mwe" I mumbled , he bobbed me on his knee up and down "Nooo sweetie i'm not mad but I'm so sorry i'm soooo sorry" he laid me in bed popping my pacifier in mouth to stop my crying it worked I instantly took to it craving comfort, he laid in bed beside me giving me my colouring book, I handed it back to him and crawled on his chest instead cuddling up to him. He kissed me and I was happy on his chest.

Author note

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