《The Ravening》Relentless Hunger


I tried to fight him off. But everything I tried just passed through him. Yet I could feel him.

He was as real and hard-bodied as an iron cast.

So hard inside me it felt like a bit of wood planting into me. I could feel the swollen shape of him stretching me. Stroking inch by inch as he drug in and out of me. Extending to press my furthest opening.

"Oh, your body sucks me in. Like it doesn't want to let go." He moaned. "I'm going to live in your body." He vowed. Pumping so hard I shouted in objection, trying to squirm again.

"Yes, fight." He purred. "So good..."

I pleaded for someone, anyone to help me.

"Careful...If someone could happen upon us they may want a turn." He cautioned. "Remember they can't see me. They'd only see you open and ready..."

I shook my head against his words. Envisioning what I'd look like with my skirts around my waist, my legs spread apart and bent at the knees with my opening moving as something invisible entered and withdrew from me.

"Shush." He whispered laughingly. Letting go of one of my wrists to force the neckline of my dress down enough he could palm my breast while he worked into me. Massaging the soft globe. He dropped his lips to the side of my neck.

Making me shiver in excitement despite myself. I hated that I couldn't stop him. Could do nothing.

"Yes...You're quite helpless. And it feels so nice." He purred. "Doesn't it? Admit it..."

"I hate you." I hissed.

"That's fine." He leaned up to stare down at me. Forearms and biceps were visible now. Wound with lean muscle. Wide shoulders thick as they flexed. His gold eyes were piercing as he massaged the inside of my body with his large, heavy member.


He slowly tilted his head as if seeing through me. "You'll hate me more tomorrow. Then even more the next day. Than one day, you'll surrender. You'll learn to love me. Love me inside you..."

"I won't." I wailed. Praying I wouldn't. "You're a demon."

"Yes." He nodded cheerfully. "I was a cursed man. Lascivious by nature so the devil played on my nature. Making my lust for women, my sexual hunger, insatiable. But now I have you to assuage my appetites."

"No." I shook my head vehemently.

He shouted in pleasure.

"No. Please no. Don't do it inside." I begged.

What if I were to bear the offspring of this beast.

"You're mine." He frowned. Tilting his head. "Why wouldn't I spill seed in my little plaything?"

Then he did. Burrowing deep and arching his back to touch as deep inside me, as his large cock could reach. Spilling hot seed into the cradle of my body.

"Mine." He smiled in satisfaction. Gold eyes hooded as his body eased. He let up his grip and I pulled my arms into cover my breast and put a barrier between he and I.

"Are you finished?" I asked defiantly. Covering my face with my free hand to hide my shame.

He peeled my hand aside to touch my nose with his. Blinking large gold eyes at me. "Not nearly."

And he began stroking inside me all over again.


The morning past in a blur of him rolling me onto my knees. Bruising them as he pressed deep into the cushion of my body. Moaning at the warmth, as he came again and again. Pouring into me until my body ached and I was covered in a sheen of sweat. Afraid I'd die right here from what he was doing, I tried to shove him away or to escape. But every sweep of my arm resulted in just passing through his body.


I tried once to roll away but he just chuckled in that cool way. I couldn't see him. Frantically looking around, I scrambled to crawl away. I felt his hand on my hip shoving me sideways to the ground and tumbling with me.

"Where are you going, Zira?" He whispered in my ear.

The back of my dress lifted, exposing me to the chilly morning air. His knees pressed the back of mine and bent them up toward my belly.

Suddenly I felt him inside me again. And I could see him once more. Lush, dark skin glistening. And taut muscles rippling as he looked down at where he entered me from behind, watching his movements.

I tried to roll onto my bruised knees but his arm wrapped my waist. Compressing me against his chest so tight it was difficult to breathe.

His forearm became visible around me, holding me fast so he could writhe into my bruised body. "Please..."

"Please, what, Zira? Don't you know what I am?" His lips were tight as he shook his head. "Saying please will never stop me. Don't waste your breath." He curled his body to thrust hard into me again. I felt the hot flare of his seed entering me.

It's never going to end. Deflating, I went limp.

While he began anew.

Was this the fifth or sixth time? I'd lost count.

And all the while he's never stopped to rest. Nor to let me.

He'd been telling the truth, his appetite was insatiable.

I whimpered as he finished again. Remembering vaguely what he'd said about when I slept, I forced myself awake.

Blinking hard, I realized I was alone on the Fall leaves, staring up at the morning sky. Listening to birds. I'd been asleep? It was all a horrible nightmare?

Climbing to my feet, I stumbled a few steps and felt the pained ache low in me. Clutching myself I slowed my stumbling pace. Making it to the nearest tavern, I rushed in and slammed the door behind me. Sliding down it tearfully.

"What's wrong girl?" A passing barmaid stared at me wide eyed.

"Don't let him in!" I caught her skirt. Confused about whether this morning had been real, I still feared him getting a hold of me again.

I slapped coin into her hand and climbed to my feet in my dirtied dress. "A Room?"

"Room Five is open." She nodded upstairs.

Running up them, I counted doors, then rushed in and locked the fifth room. Running to the shutters and slamming them too.

"No. No. No. Please. Please. Please." I chanted. Backing up from the window. Scanning the room desperately.

Don't be here.

Let me be safe...I calmed my ragged breathing. Slowing my heart by drawing deep breaths.

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