《The Ravening》The Tormentor Finds Me


I'd conveniently passed out with my skirts still up. My wounded thigh exposed.

I awoke to a dark skinned man knelt between my thighs blowing on the mark.

The heat of his breath stirring the tender skin of my thigh enough, I felt my flesh goosebump.

I sat bolt upright but he palmed my stomach and shoved me back down. Pressing me flat.

What's he doing to me?

"I'm helping you." He said in a deep rumbling voice. Nearly purring. "It won't hurt now."

Still crouched between my legs, his eyes peered over my rumpled skirts. So amber that in the early afternoon light they glowed almost gold.

I realized that strangely all I could see in the rays of light cast between the treetops was his head, muscled arms and the top half of his chest.

The rest of him is invisible. I suddenly realized. Wondering if he was a tree nymph. I'd heard tales of them preying on human women.

Magic isn't foreign here. Even I, as ignorant as I was, knew that.

"Not invisible, Zira. Just not substantial. I'm made of air and wind." He grinned. A heart melting smile, with perfect square teeth. Vibrantly white in the dark gold of his skin.

Then he hovered his face near my core, revealed by my lifted skirt, and inhaled deeply. "You smell delicious."

He looked as though he'd caught a whiff of a fresh sweet cake in a bakery.

Then he delved his face into my lower lips. Licking virulently. The pressure was hot and aching.

"No!" I objected. Kicking around him but unable to reach him on his elbows between my thighs. I lurched up to swing at him but he was gone. My hands only passing through where he'd been.

Still, I could feel his ministrations. The hot, wet pressure of his mouth was still there.


He jutted his tongue deep inside me and I realized it was too long. Broken into two parts which moved alternately.

My back instinctively arched upward. Giving him more access than I'd intended. My thighs peeling open further to let him lathe me more deeply.

The feeling was like being stroked and then stretched ever so slightly inside.

I couldn't see him. I looked around frantically. How can I fight off someone I can't see!

I was beginning to panic.

His tongue worked expertly in my body. Curling to lathe my inner walls. Stroking viciously.

My body involuntarily responded. Back reflexively arching again as I cried out in wild pleasure.

A wild animal noise.

What have I just done?


"Oh..." He paused, to look at me in interest. Head appearing again. Strange eyes now glowing gold in the dim light as he looked intently at me. Black hair curled over his forehead. But the back half of his head was gone.

Just a face floating between my legs.

And the fingers of one hand where he pressed down on my thigh. The rest of him was invisible.

"I'm going to have to feel that on my cock." He crooned. "Soon."

No you won't! I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. Doing to me.

"I'm going to do far more." He vowed.


I felt his weight climbing up over my body as the sun Peaked in the sky. Filtering in through the trees to slash through his face. Nearly breaking it in half. As though it were some ghostly image.

He was strikingly handsome. Features intriguingly perfect. A square jaw, bright gold eyes, a straight nose and a full beckoning mouth which revealed perfect white teeth when he grinned. His body was hot and hard as he lowered atop me. Pushing my skirt up and pinning me into the leaves.


I pushed at his hands but mine just brushed through his. Unable to stop him.

"There's no use." He chuckled. "It's going to happen. But fighting does make it more fun, if you wish to continue? It feels good when they fight." He moaned at the thought.

I tried to toss his weight off. Struggling underneath him.

But he's too strong!

He weighed too much.

"Help! Help me!" I screamed desperately. Tossing my head and looking around for anyone.

The witches even. They may still be close. I hoped. Willing to take salvation from any quarter.

"They won't help you. They gave you to me so they could be free of me."

"What?" I was so confused.

He caught one of my wrists and slammed it to the ground in his brutal grip. "They surrendered." He explained. "My hunger was too much for them."

Sexual hunger he meant. That was clear. It was obvious what he intended to do to me.

He clucked in his cheek. "Not that obvious I hope." He feigned disappointment as he caught my other wrist and slammed it down too. Pinning them aside my head.

Is he reading my mind? Hearing all my thoughts. I looked at where he pinned my hands in the dirt.

I could only see his fists and up to his wrists. Then his head and torso where it rested atop me. Nothing else.

"I like when it's a surprise." He whispered near my ear. Then he slammed into me. Low and deep. And hard as a staff.

I screamed and writhed.

"Yes." He purred. "Oh, yes. Buck against me." And he was stroking inside me. I could see him now. His entire body visible as he thrust into me. Shining dark skin reflecting the morning light.

Is it the sun that makes him visible? I wondered in my desperate attempt to avoid what was happening to my body.

"No." He drug that long flicking tongue up my neck. Still pulsing inside me. In and out. In and out.

"It's because I'm inside of you. Touching you. It's the only time you can see me." He confided. Arching back to pound harder and faster into me. "Oh you feel good...I'm so glad it was you they marked. So glad you're mine now..."

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