《The Maxwells' Legacy》[Chapter 23] Maxwell Maximillious' Notebook - Teaching


It has been a while since I last wrote in this notebook…

I used to write almost every day in this notebook, but for some reason, I found myself with less and less time, so I stopped. And now, today, many years later, I found that I have much time to write. So let me catch up on everything that happened, starting from the last time I wrote…

I had just shut my notebook after writing for a long time. I got up and put the notebook away and decided to check on Gatir. He was sleeping peacefully, without talking in his sleep. I was happy for him, as he finally has the chance to prove himself to the king. I, on the other hand, didn’t plan on going to sleep. In a day, I would have to go back to teaching at the University of Coligsberg, as I’ve been gone for far too long.

And so, I began putting together my lesson plans for the upcoming classes. I taught 20 classes a day, each one 2 hours long. I made this possible using a highly advanced machine that would use magical energy and time energy to distort time, making it so that one minute outside my classroom would equal 8 minutes inside my classroom. Using this neat machine, I’d be able to teach 4 classes in 1 hour. And the best part is that my students don’t experience sped-up aging, as I made it to reverse the aging that occurs in my class the moment a student leaves (My ingenuity is incomparable to anyone’s.).

Anyways, this took me hours to do, but I was able to finish all of my lessons by 6 AM. I got up after putting my lesson plans away and went to sleep on the floor. After a couple of hours, around 8:30 AM, I got up and got dressed in my usual outfit, and began preparing myself to teach today. Around 8:45, I woke up Gatir and gave him some clothes to wear. The Prince was a bit sleepy, but he quickly got dressed. While he was getting dressed, I prepared a cup of tea and made some breakfast on the go. Gatir came down shortly and I handed him a breakfast sandwich. We both left the house with our sandwiches in hand, while I also had a thermos of tea (although I ought to make a cup of tea with matter condensing storage.). We both got into the car and I began to drive us to Coligsberg University.

We arrived at the door of the university by 9:15 AM. I walked into the school and went straight to my class. I unlocked the door and began to set up the machine to slow down time. After turning the machine on, it was 9:20 outside, so I had an hour and 20 minutes to set up everything inside the class (10 minutes outside). I prepared the holographic board and the speakers attached to the ceiling. The class was huge, with a maximum capacity of 250 people. Needless to say, I’m a popular teacher. After preparing everything, I still had 47 minutes, so I gave Gatir one of the books I had prepared for him beforehand and decided to review my lessons, and began enjoying my tea. This was my usual schedule whenever I came to the university. Thanks to my miraculous reading ability, I was able to review 8 books and still had 5 minutes before the class started. So I decided to check up on Gatir.

“Hey, Gatir, how’s the reading coming along?”


“It’s fine. I’ve been trying to read as much as I could about space-time magic, but there’s nothing in these books about space-time.”

“You know, although science books don’t relate to magic, they do talk a lot about space-time. Especially physics and quantum physics books. They tie in with space-time a lot.”

“Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?! Could you teach me about those?!”

“Well, maybe. I’m really busy.”

“Aw, man…”

“Actually, I’m teaching some physics today, but it doesn’t relate to space-time. Is that alright?”

“Yes! That’s good enough!”

“Well, good luck. I’m going to be teaching the intermediate stuff for physics, so you might not understand, but try to understand everything you learn today. Then I’ll give you some books once we get home to catch up on everything.”

“Thank you so much!”

The Prince suddenly got up and jumped at me, giving me a hug while rubbing his face into my stomach.

“Y-You’re welcome.”

I decided to give him a pat on the back before getting back up. And then the bell rang. It was time for class.

My first class was biology, a class that most of my students sleep through due to staying up all night. Then the next classes, in order, were psychology, physics, quantum physics, relativity and special relativity, chemistry, philosophy, architecture, medicine, law, neuroscience, astronomy, economics, and engineering.

Next came the most tiring classes of the day; magic lessons. The reason why they’re so tiring isn’t that I can’t do magic, as I don’t teach any classes that require the use of mana. The reason why magic lessons are so tiring is that the students are glaring at me the entire class and jump at every moment they get to try to correct me, only for me to take 5 minutes to explain why I’m right. But anyway, the classes went magical theory, magical knowledge, magical engineering, magical sciences, and medicinal magic, with medicinal magic being the easiest, as they were too busy and tired to ask any questions.

After that came my favorite class of all time; Gym/Martial Arts. During that class, I get the chance to stretch my muscles a bit, and I always made sure to teach the kids some type of martial arts, hence why it’s also a martial arts class. In fact, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say the only reason I’m still in shape is that I actually teach this class. Thanks to the class, I get 2 hours of training a day, 5-6 days a week. For this class, I took Gatir with me to the gym and allowed him to do whatever he wanted while I taught the kids some martial arts.

After the class, I usually stay a bit longer to practice my own martial arts that I made by combining all the martial arts knowledge I had with science to create the best martial arts, according to science and other martial arts. It trains every muscle in the body and teaches perfect control of muscles. Once I’m done, I noticed that Prince Gatir had actually been following every move I had made, and what surprised me was the fact he didn’t collapse and was in fact handling it really well. My regime usually caused even the imperial guards to get tired out (I have some students in the imperial guards come visit me after they became generals or something only to tell me that even the imperial training wasn’t as hellish as mine.), so I was really surprised. I grabbed both a water bottle and sat down as we both chugged the water bottle in complete silence. Then we both went to take showers (I had brought the Prince another set of clothes). Then I went to my class to pack up. After grabbing everything, I took the Prince to my car and we both got inside. Then we drove off to my house.


We arrived at the house at exactly 2:30 PM. The Prince and I were extremely exhausted and hungry. I made us a lot of sandwiches, which we inhaled within minutes. After finishing our lunch, we decided to go upstairs for a nap. We were just too tired to function. After making sure Gatir went to sleep, I found something interesting.

I had found the notebook I gave the prince to draw in hidden amongst my bookshelves. What was interesting, though, was that Gatir didn’t drawn anything in the notebook. In fact, the notebook was full of notes, and complex ones at that. What was even more interesting was that Gatir had written some notes and ideas about certain things I said. It was as if Gatir knew what he was writing about. After looking for a while, I was able to conclude Gatir was quite knowledgeable and was a great genius at a very young age. I was pleasantly surprised, but also very tired, so I put the notebook away and decided to sleep for a bit. And so, I set my alarm for an hour.

I got up after my alarm rang at 4:00 PM. I saw that Gatir was sleeping soundly, so I decided to let him sleep longer while I got up to create a quick placement test for him. I finished after an hour, and since the Prince was still sleeping, I walked downstairs and decided to prepare to make dinner later. I took out some meat from the freezer to defrost and checked that I had the proper ingredients to make dinner. When I was done, I decided to sit in my living room and watch something on my phone.

At 5:26 PM, Gatir came down with his hair disheveled, yawning.

“How was your nap, Gatir?”

“Great. I feel great.”

“Good. Are you up for a quick quiz?”

“For what?”

“Just a placement quiz.”

“Oh, okay.”

Me and Gatir went upstairs to my study, where I began to prepare the test.

“Here you go.”


I give Gatir a quiz with 25 questions and a pencil.

“Ready, set… Begin.”

After signaling that Gatir could begin, he begins looking at the questions with a confused look. I decide to leave him alone and go downstairs and continue watching. After a while, Gatir comes downstairs holding the test in hand and shows me it. The test was about complex college subjects, such as physics, philosophy, psychology, etc. Needless to say, it was a difficult test. After looking at every question, I was able to conclude that Gatir is a genius.

“Amazing, Gatir. You’ve done very well.”

“What do you mean? I got every question wrong.”

“Yeah, you did.”

“Then what do you mean I did well?”

“Well, these questions had some really easy ones mixed in with them, ones that a royal prince should be able to answer easily”

“Yeah, I did that bad.”

“But for some reason, the notebook you’re hiding in my study says otherwise.”

“Y-You noticed that?”

“Yes. So, now, the question is, your highness, why do you act unintelligent? Why do you act like you are a fool. I thought you wanted recognition, did you not? So why do you not want recognition from the king?”

“That- I can’t say. Not now.”

“Hmm, I see.”

“I’ll tell you soon, I promise.”

“Good. Now, here’s another placement test. This one is much more difficult than the other one. Put some actual effort into this.”

This time, I hand Gatir a test with 60 questions. Gatir grabs the test and goes upstairs quietly. I decide to get up at this point and begin making dinner.

I grab the meat and began preparing it to turn it to roast beef. After prepping the herbs and spices, I began spreading the spices on the meat, making sure to get every corner of the roast. After spreading the rub, I begin inserting the herbs into cuts I make into the meat. I place the meat on a rack and place it inside a slow pressure cooker. I grab some mushrooms, carrots, and potatoes and put them at the bottom of the pan. I pour some olive oil over the vegetables and season them with salt and pepper. Then I turn the cooker on and set it for an hour and a half.

I walk away and leave the meat alone as I sit down and read another one of the books I got from the bookstore. This book was about the Ki System, a system which is used to enhance skills and control forces. It is a very long book, so I won’t write about everything, only the basics. Ki force has its own energy called Ki. Ki is everywhere, but when it flows through living organisms, it flows through Irkes cables. To enter these Irkes cables, Ki flows through hair and into the brain. Irkes cables are basically nerves (so Ki flows through nerves), hence why it takes a lot of mental concentration to use Ki. Ki also has another name, which is Irkes. Irkes is also a unit of measurement for Ki. Irkes also has colored energies, similar to Spirit Force. Irkes can be used to enhance any skill one has, ranging from telepathy to magic to martial arts. This is due to Irkes’ unique property of being able to control forces. Eventually, though, by mastering Ki, one can control universal (Attraction, Electromagnetism, Weak Force, Strong Force) and magical (Order, Chaos, Cause, Effect, Equilibrium) forces. That is the basics of Ki.

Anyway, after reading up all about Irkes, I decided to check up on Gatir. I walked upstairs and opened the door to the study and felt the door hit into something. I look behind the door, and there was Gatir, laying on the ground. I had accidentally hit Gatir in the head.

“Owowowow. That freaking hurts, damn it.”

“Are you okay, Gatir?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s not like I have a huge bump on my head.” (Sarcasm)

“I already said I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, sure. It’s okay.”

After making sure that the Prince was fine, I grab the test he was going to give to me.

“Well, Gatir. Are you done?’

“Yeah, I finished the test and was coming down to give it to you, but I got knocked out instead.”

“Anyway, you’ve done very well. I give you 96.2% on this.”

“Wait, what did I get wrong?”

“2 things; First of all, the answer to question Number 48 is A, not C.”

“Well, guessed on that one.”

“Okay, and the second thing you got wrong was your name.”

“What do you mean?”

“You wrote Nonya instead of Gatir where your name was supposed to be.”

“Who cares?!”

“I do. Now, get up. Dinner’s done, so prepare yourself.”

“Okay, whatever.”

“Anyway, starting tomorrow, I’m going to privately tutor you.”

“Ugh, not again.”

“What was that?”


“Good. See you downstairs in 5 minutes.”

I go downstairs and begin preparing the table for me and Gatir. I make a quick salad on the side and put into a bowl and place it on the table. I take out some juice as well and place it on the table. I then made some rice real quickly and took the meat out of the cooker. Meanwhile, Gatir came down and sat down on the table. I place the meat on the table and take the rice out of the cooker. And so, we sat down for a very quiet meal.

(To Be Continued…)

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