《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 145 : Nangong Yiren


Qiuzhen looked at Yixiong. "What else did the police say?"

"They said Caihong had also contacted them. So the police already know that we have a vehicle to go to the location where the ransom will be handed over tonight."

"I don't know if this will be useful enough or not." Yiren suddenly spoke out loud. "While Mr. Pinghe is still here, how about we ask him again for his help to sketch the faces of the two people who rode the motorcycle?"

"This is an excellent suggestion," Qiuzhen said. "The sooner the better. It has to be done when Jingkang still remembers the faces of the two people very well."

"I still remember well, Sir!" Jingkang said.

"Mr. Pinghe?" Yixiong asked. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Sir!" Mr. Pinghe nodded vigorously. "You can count on me. I promised Mr. Mingzhu."

Yixiong looked at the clock hanging on the dining room wall. His face looked a little tense. "Then, Jingkang, you give Mr. Pinghe the information about the two people’s characteristics. I’ll take a shower first, then we’ll go."

"Are we all going there?" Jingkang asked.

"Of course not. Someone has to look after the house." Yixiong pointed at Qiuzhen. "This Qiuzhen hasn't been in this house for a long time, so I give him this honor."

"So now it’s my turn to guard the house?" Qiuzhen shook his head with a wry smile.

"As Xiongge just said, you haven’t been relaxing in this house for a long time. Think of this as your chance to enjoy the atmosphere here. Isn’t our presence here only a matter of days?" Yiren said.

"Then what about Mr. Pinghe?" asked Qiuzhen.

"Mr. Pinghe won’t go anywhere. Later, he still has to draw the sketches of the girl’s face." Yixiong said.


"Right," said Yiren. "Although we already have two sketches of the girl's face based on your and my testimony, there is nothing wrong with adding more sketches based on information from Yige and Caihong."

"Besides, I think, tonight, Caihong will take Mr. Pinghe home after Mr. Pinghe finishes his work," Yixiong said.

Pinghe just nodded. He said nothing.

Qiuzhen laughed. "Okay! Don't worry. I'll take good care of the house. But it is definitely far from relaxing."

"Alright! Now I'm going to take a shower first," said Yixiong. He immediately ran into the bathroom. He took a quick shower. After taking a shower, he went straight to the bedroom to change clothes.

Xiongge looks tense, but excited at the same time!

Yixiong wasn't in the bedroom for long. In an instant, he had reappeared in front of his friends. He was wearing neat clothes.

This is too neat!

"What do you think?" Yixiong asked.

"Your clothes don’t seem to fit. You don’t look like someone who wants to give ransom," said Yiren. "More like someone going to a meeting at the office."

"Is there a special style for people who want to meet the kidnappers?" Yixiong asked. "It's an official event, after all."

Since when that giving ransom to kidnappers is an official event?

"It’s up to Xiongge!" Yiren laughed.

Qiuzhen raised his hand. "Xiongge, if I may, I’ll give you a suggestion."

"Go ahead. Just say it!"

"I don’t think wearing work clothes like this isn’t such a bad idea. I mean, since you’re replacing Beaushu, then wouldn’t it be a lot better if you wear clothes that suit Beaushu’s style. He loves to wear shirts, ties, and vests."

Yixiong thought for a moment. "You mean to make me look more like Dage? At night, people won’t be able to see clearly. From a distance, they’ll probably think I’m Dage." "


"That’s right," said Qiuzhen. "Does Xiongge think it’s worth trying?"

"Things have become like this. I think we should try any way," said Yixiong.

After saying that, Yixiong entered Shanquan’s unlocked bedroom. Not only Shanquan’s bedroom, the other bedrooms were also unlocked. Under no circumstances did they ever locked the bedroom doors. Except when no one was home.

After about five minutes in the room, Yixiong came out. This time he was already wearing one of Shanquan's clothes. Not only wearing a vest, he was wearing a full suit.

"Wow! You really do look like Mr. Duanmu," Jingkang exclaimed.

"Have you finished giving information to Mr. Pinghe?" Yixiong asked.

"It's over already, Sir!"

"Now where is Mr. Pinghe?"

"He said he was a bit sleepy, so I suggested he rest for a while. Maybe his eyes or hands are a bit tired," said Yiren.

"Which room is he in?" Yixiong asked. "He isn’t in my room. And he certainly isn’t in Dage’s."

"He didn't want to rest inside any room, instead choosing to sit on the back porch." Yiren said quietly.

"How can we let him rest there?" said Yixiong.

"Maybe he’s used to doing things like that," Qiuzhen said. "After all, looking at plants will make one feel calmer."

Yixiong nodded. "As for me now, is it really that much like Dage?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good!" Yixiong smiled. "Although I don't feel that my appearance this time makes me so similar to Dage. But if you say so, of course I have to believe it."

"Hopefully, the dark night will make you look more like Dage," said Yiren.

Yixiong smiled even wider. "Qiuzhen! Since you are the one who has the honor of being in the house this time, then I leave the business related to the two small bags to you."

"I will do my best. Xiongge, please don't worry!" Qiuzhen gave a thumbs up.

"Probably Zhengyi or Caihong will arrive soon. You can ask Zhengyi for help if you run into trouble. I think he has some experience with such tools. As for Caihong, he is a very intelligent young man. You can count on him."

"Both bags have the manuals on them. So I guess I'll just have to follow the instructions written on them."

"I’ve heard Dage say something that I feel has something to do with this," said Yiren.

"Something like what?" Qiuzhen looked at Yiren. "Actually Dage didn’t say it to my face. I just happened to hear it." Yiren turned his face towards Yixiong.

Yixiong smiled. He patted Qiuzhen’s shoulder. "You were confused when you read a manual right after you bought a television in our hometown. Is that true?"

Qiuzhen chuckled. "Dage is exaggerating. I just wasn't paying attention at the time. The point is that this time you don't have to worry."

"Alright! If that's the case, then everything is in order. We can go now!" Yixiong said.

"Yes, Sir!" Jingkang said.

Depart now? The clock on the wall just showed 6:45. Xiongge apparently wanted to get there early.

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