《Game World (The Game Masters Saga)》Opulential


Marcus woke up and groaned. He wondered where he was. He looked around to see that he had been sleeping on a hard floor in a cavern-like room. Then he remembered last night. Cthulhin, the demon lord. Their fight. The final blow.

What had happened after that? How did he come here? And where was Kyrie?

He checked his notifications. He had gotten 1,000 experience points from killing the demon lord and 900 experience points in killing the demons and shadow animals. He had not yet received the experience points of the major quest. He got up and walked out of the room to see a narrow opening at one side.

Marcus then remembered where he was. It was the cavern where he had first rested when they had reached Una Lake. It felt like a long time ago. He exited the cavern.

Upon seeing Marcus, many water nymphs came out of the water. Kyrie was among them.

Kyrie grinned as Marcus approached her and said, “Good morning, Marcus. You slept a lot.”

“How long was I out for?” asked Marcus.

“One day. We defeated the demon lord the night before yesterday.”

“That means I slept the whole night, the whole morning and the whole night again.”

Kyrie laughed and said, “I woke up an hour earlier only. Don’t worry. The fight took a lot out of us. But it was good. No nymphs died. There were no casualties except for the demons. The corrupted shadow animals have also turned back.”

“How do you know that they have turned back?” asked Marcus confused.

“I have been talking with my brothers and sisters”, gestured Kyrie towards the other water nymphs, “The source of the darkness was that object. With it destroyed and the demon lord dead, the darkness has disappeared. There has been some damage, but the other nymphs are already working to restore that part of the forest. It won't take them long.”

Marcus raised an eyebrow, “That is good. I am starting to think nymphs are overpowered or something.”

Kyrie laughed and said, “Nothing like that. However, when we come together for a particular objective, nothing can stop us.”

Marcus laughed as well. He then said, “What do we do now?”

Kyrie said, “Now, we turn in the quest.”

Kyrie gestured at Marcus to follow her. He did. The other water nymphs took lead. They took Marcus and Kyrie to the same clearing where they had met the High Priest and the High Priestesses. All three were present this time. Even the High Priestess of the air nymphs was present.

Marcus smiled as he and Kyrie were presented to the nymph elders.

Wush said, “You have done what we had asked of you. It is true that you required our help but as the humans say, ‘All’s well that ends well’.”

Marcus got a notification that the major quest pertaining to darkness in Sosquatch forest was completed. The demon quest got updated again. It became the same that it was before.

Major Quest

Find out more about the Demonic Invasion

Sosquatch forest has been saved. The demons are not done yet. Find out more about the invasion and where the demons would strike next.

Hint: Join a major faction

It all came back to joining a faction. Marcus would see about that. First, he and Kyrie needed to reach Opulential.

Marcus and Kyrie got 1,000 points of experience for completing the quest.

Tananashadra then said, “Now it is time for your rewards. Come forward sister.” She meant Kyrie who stepped forwards.


Tananashadra handed her a circlet. Kyrie examined it and gasped.

Tananashadra said, “We know the restrictions you face while adventuring Kyrie. This circlet will act as an extension of your body. And it will also help protect you. You deserve this for driving the darkness out of our forest.”

Kyrie was holding the circlet, gaping at it like a fish. Marcus did not know if water nymphs could cry but he could see that Kyrie could tear up any moment. Marcus was assuming it would be tears of joy.

Marcus said, “Equip it then. It seems to be a good circlet.”

The circlet in question was cyan in colour, just like Kyrie’s skin. It looked completely smooth and simple, no extra adornments. However, Marcus knew appearances could be deceptive. He would ask Kyrie later about the circlet.

It was Dashandara who approached Marcus. She simply said, “Your reward adventurer.”

Dashandara held out a scroll. Marcus examined it and drew in a sharp breath. It read,

[Enchant Weapon: Holy]

Enchant your weapon with Holy damage for five strikes. The damage would be equal to 50% of intelligence. Cooldown 5 minutes.

It was a specific Enchant Weapon spell. He had seen a generalized one in Solaris during the fight with the demon lord there. It was the gnome Zissix who had it. His spell was more flexible. But this was also good. This would help Marcus against the demons.

Marcus said, “I don’t know what to say.”

“Thank you would do”, replied Dashandara with a smile.

Marcus thanked her. He looked up to see everyone looking at him. Kyrie gestured at the scroll in his hand. Marcus realized what she meant.

She opened it and strange runes flashed in front of his eyes. The scroll disappeared as soon as the runes disappeared. He got a new notification.

You have learnt a new spell [Enchant Weapon: Holy]

Do you wish to equip it to the Circlet of Hope now?

Yes No

Marcus selected Yes. He now had a spell equipped. His first spell. He grinned and the nymphs in the clearing cheered.

Marcus and Kyrie grinned at each other. They had been given really good gifts. They both felt happy. Now to the next step of their journey. Now to Opulential.


Leyda looked at Marcus and Kyrie as they received their rewards. She was well hidden. She doubted whether the nymphs knew that she was here.

What these two adventurers had achieved here was truly wondrous. It is true that they had the help of non adventurers and normally, the adventurers are not supposed to get help from non adventurers. They had written in the system. Non adventurers should not be able to help adventurers on a quest except for certain circumstances. Without the knowledge of Rauros, Leyda had added a condition.

Non adventurers could now aid adventurers in any demon related quests. She had done this to stop her husband’s madness. She knew that she would not be able to stop the demonic invasion but she would reduce the number of casualties.

This was one of the steps she took. She tampered with the portal spell so that Marcus and Kyrie could come here to Sosquatch forest. Leyda was confident that they would find the nymphs and they did. This quest for cleansing of Sosquatch forest was originally a high level quest. The Sosquatch forest was supposed to be taken over by demons, the nymphs hunted to almost extinction but Leyda did not want that.

By accidently sending Marcus and Kyrie here, she had stopped the destruction of the forest right in the early stages, when the demons were weak. This was not the only place she had intervened. There were many other places all across Una where she had been directing adventurers without their knowledge to take care of the demon scourge.


She could not send many adventurers as she did not want to draw attention to herself. She knew Rauros would stop her if he found out what she was up to.

She had sent Marcus and Kyrie to Sosquatch forest for two purposes. First was to stop the spread of demons in the forest. Second was to gauge their abilities and teamwork.

They had both done well according to Leyda. She knew that this quest would have been impossible for them without the help of the nymphs and she was glad that they had asked for the assistance of the nymphs for completion of the quest. And they had completed the quest without any casualties.

She had well chosen her ace. She smiled as she disappeared from there. She appeared in her room and the door opened in a couple of seconds.

Rauros came in and said, “Come on then love. The gorking champions are here. We need to debrief them, give them bloody guidance regarding their role.”

Leyda raised an eyebrow, “And why are we doing it directly?”

Rauros opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. Then he said, “Oh gork me. What the gork am I thinking? We have to guide them. Not give them direct orders. I forgot how champions work. I am gorking arsehole. Gork. Gork. Gork.” He continued the tirade for a few minutes. Then he said, “I need to make some changes.”

Rauros went out of the room and then came back the next moment.

He simply said, “Help me.”

Leyda laughed and followed her husband out of the room. They had work to do.


Kashgul spat and spoke to his partner Dumol, “What ya reading there you big oaf.”

Dumol looked a bit affronted as he replied, “I am working on my reading. Madam Pacifica told me I had gotten good. I need ta read more ya know.”

Kashgul spat again and said, “Why the gork do you need to read? And what the gork are you reading?” Kashgul tried to snatch the book out of Dumol’s hands but failed. He did manage to read the title of the book.

“A History of Opulential”, declared Kashgul, “Why da gork chu reading this for?”

Dumol blushed and said, “Madam Pacifica recommended it.”

“So you would read anything that wench recommends.”

That earned Kashgul a whack on his head. It was not a powerful whack but it still hurt. Kashgul was human while Dumol was a huge orc. Dumol’s hands were like hammers and they hurt.

Kashgul snarled, “What the gork!”

Dumol said angrily, “You do not be going insulting Madam Pacifica. She is good. She helps those who need it. She does not deserve your stupidity.”

Kashgul grunted but did not say anything. He massaged his head where Dumol had hit him.

After some time Kashgul said, “All I meant was dat you need to stop this gorking thing and keep a watch on the path. We are supposed to guard the gate and not idle around.”

Dumol sighed and closed the book, marking the page he was on. Kashgul and Dumol were part of the local guards who were responsible for guarding the four gates of Opulential. They were currently at the Western gate which led to the Sosquatch forest. The forest was about a hundred metres from the gate. There was a small path which led from the forest to the gate.

The Western gate of Opulential was not used by many. It was mostly used by hunters who go into the forest to hunt game or occasional adventurers who go into the forest for a quest. No one else normally used the gate.

Dumol said, “When did we start watch, Kashgul?”

“Zero hour”, came the reply.

“And since then have you seen any gorking soul pass through the gate into da forest?”


“Then why da gork are you asking me to stop reading my book. I also need to work on my gorking pro- pro- pronun- how I speak words.”

Kashgul laughed which earned him another whack. Dumol opened his book and started to read.

The city of Opulential was surrounded by a giant wall. The wall was twenty feet in height and thick enough that six people could walk side by side on it. It was reinforced with ballistas at strategic locations and archer guards patrolled it.

Dumol was not worried about Opulential’s security. He was also not worried that someone would come out of the forest and attack them. So, he continued to read his book. Kashgul looked as if he was bored and he was getting more bored with every passing minute.

Their shift was ten hours and only three hours had passed. Sensing Kashgul’s mood, Dumol felt that it was going to be a long day.

Dumol was well engrossed in his book when he felt someone hit him on the arm. He looked up to see it was Kashgul.

“You got a death wish Kashgul?” asked Dumol.

Kashgul simply pointed. Dumol looked in the direction where Kashgul was pointing. Two figures had come out of the Sosquatch forest and were heading towards them. They were far away and Dumol could not see their names.

Kashgul said, “Are you seeing what I am seeing Dumol?”

Dumol replied, “Calm down. They could be adventurers.”

“Or bandits.”

“There are no bandits in the forest you dumb arse. How many times do I have to tell you! And why would the bandits just stroll up to us?”

Kashgul did not reply to that. They waited for the two figures to come up to them. As they approached, the guards checked their names and other status.

Marcus Blank

Human, Level 24

Health 130 / 130

Kyrie Shiningstar

Water Nymph, Level 24

Health 120 / 120

“Welcome adventurers”, Dumol greeted them as they came close, “Welcome to the magnificent city of Opulential.”

“Thank God”, said the adventurer named Marcus Blank, “My feet were killing me.”

“We did walk fast today. It was the last push as we had agreed”, said the adventurer named Kyrie. She was indeed a sight to behold. Althoug, Dumol found every female nymph attractive. He had met many of them, standing guard as he was and had dallied with some of them too.

Dumol pushed thoughts of nymphs aside as he said, “What brings you to the city adventurers?”

Marcus and Kyrie looked at each other briefly before Marcus answered, “Seriously! Quests man… orc… man… quests.”

Kashgul said, “What the gork is wrong with you? Never seen an orc before?”


Kashgul gaped and Dumol hurriedly said, “Wait a moment. We need to get the gate open. This gate opens normally for larger crowds or vehicles. There is a side gate for individual entry and exit.”

Dumol led Marcus and Kyrie to the side gate. When they entered, they thanked Dumol.

They were leaving when Marcus suddenly turned and said, “Oh, I almost forgot. Where can we report demonic activity?”

“You need the Church of the Golden Sun”, replied Dumol automatically, “They are looking into demonic activity in and around Opulential.”

Marcus thanked Dumol and left with Kyrie. They seemed to be talking with each other in whispers.

Dumol shook his head and went back. Demons. He snorted. He doubted whether those adventurers had anything to do with demons. Mostly they wanted to earn some quick units.

Kashgul questioned him about the adventurers and Dumol told him what had transpired. Kashgul spat and said, “Gorking demons. There are no gorking demons. Arse shit adventurers.”

Kashgul went on mumbling for some time and Dumol returned to his book. Enough excitement for a day. Now back to their dull boring shift.


Timothy was irritated. He was looking at reports of demonic sightings around Opulential. So many false reportings. So many goring false reportings. One of the sighting actually turned out to be a drunk dwarf mistaking a gorking churot for a demon. Timothy sighed and put the report down.

Commander Timothy Candlewick was the head of the Order of the Golden Sun in Opulential. He had been tasked by the High Priest to ensure Opulential remains safe and secure from the demon attacks that were happening all over Una.

His knights had been stretched thin. Considering the number of reportings, he could not spend a sufficient number of nights investigating each and every one of them. And to top it off, there were only few who had been correct and he had lost 10 knights because of people’s stupidity. He wondered what could be done.

Timothy felt a headache coming on. He picked up the glass of mulled wine from his desk and took a sip. Weak. He needed something stronger. He was about to call his secretary when the door to his office knocked.

Timothy said, “Come in.”

His secretary entered. She said, “There are two adventurers here to report demonic activity.”

Timothy’s eyebrows raised. Two adventurers now was it. He thought about it. If adventurers are coming in with sightings of demons then maybe then it would be a valid thing after all.

Timothy said, “Send them in a minute. And send me something stronger than this wine. Whisky would be good.”

His secretary said, “You are on duty.”

“Gork that. Just bring me a whisky. I won’t be getting drunk. I just need a peg or two.”

His secretary did not say anything except purse her lips. She went out and Timothy swore again. He sat back on his desk and waited for the adventurers.

Exactly after a minute the door opened and two adventurers came in. His secretary also came and placed a glass of whisky on his table. Timothy thanked her and examined the adventurers.

Marcus Blank

Human, Level 24

Health 130 / 130

Kyrie Shiningstar

Water Nymph, Level 24

Health 120 / 120

Low level adventurers. And reporting demonic activity. Interesting.

Timothy said, “I am Commander Timothy Candlewick of the holy knights of the Order of the Golden Sun. I welcome you adventurers to our church. I believe you have some demonic activity to report. Please. Go ahead. I am all ears.”

The adventurer named Marcus muttered ‘Fucking Tim’ under his breath which Timothy clearly heard while the adventurer named Kyrie said, “Well met Commander.”

Kyrie did a complicated movement and Timothy simply bowed back to her.

Marcus said, “Oh, it’s just traditional water nymph greeting Tim. You don’t need to bow.”

Timothy gritted his teeth and said, “It’s Timothy. And I did not know. I have not met any water nymphs till date.”

“That’s a fucking tragedy”, muttered Marcus.

“You swear using Earth words”, said Timothy, “You are on Una.”

Marcus shrugged and said, “I speak whatever I am comfortable with.”

Timothy said, “Okay. About the demonic activity. What do you have to report?”

Kyrie took out a rolled out parchment from her inventory and gave it to Timothy. Timothy took it and read it. It was from the elders of the nymphs residing in Sosquactch forest. As he read more and more regarding what they had written, Timothy’s eyebrows kept on raising till there was danger of them disappearing in his hair.

It took him a few minutes to read the scroll. Till that time it seemed Marcus had made himself at home. He lounged on a chair while Kyrie had walked up to a window and was looking out of it.

Timothy cleared his throat and Marcus said, “Go ahead Timmy boy.”

“The name is Timothy”, Timothy gritted his teeth again, “I read the letter. However, I want your part of the story too. Start from the beginning. Where did you come from? Leave no detail out, no matter even if you feel it was insignificant.”

Marcus and Kyrie told Timothy about their failed portal from Solaris, their journey to Una lake, the meeting with nymphs, the quest, their discovery of the demon encampment, their fight with the demons, the unidentifiable object, the destruction of the object, the fight with the demon lord Cthulhin and the aftermath.

They took some time and Timothy had brought in some refreshments as they talked. When they were finished Timothy was lost in thought for some time. His headache had increased though.

Timothy said, “Thank you for taking care of the demonic encampment and killing the demon lord adventurers.”

Marcus said, “We had help.”

“Even then this is a big achievement. I have read the letter of the elder nymphs. I shall send an entourage of priests and knights that the demon encampment is thoroughly cleansed. I shall also talk with my guy at NAIF and find out why your portal failed. Is there anything else you want of me?”

Marcus and Kyrie looked at each other and then they got up.

Kyrie said, “Thank you commander. We shall be on our way. Our task here is done. We shall go explore Opulential.”

They then left. Timothy sat in his chair for some time. An idea had started to form in his mind. He grinned. He knew what he had to do. He would use adventurers for investigating demon sightings. Some adventurers would come for that. He would pay well. That would help.

He called his secretary. He had work to do, demons to kill and Opulential to keep safe.

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