《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 142 : Ximen Yixiong


Yiren quickly stood up and walked towards the kitchen. A moment later, Qiuzhen and Yiren came out of the kitchen carrying trays of dishes that Qiuzhen had just finished preparing.

This is absolutely amazing!

"It smells great," said Yiren after he sat back down. His eyes sparkled. "Xiongge, how about you? I don't think you're going to take a shower."

Yixiong glared. "The food is ready. Instead, you tell me to take a shower! Later, after I finished eating, then I would take a shower."

Yiren chuckled. "Alright! Eating until we're full is the most important thing we should put first."

Yixiong smiled. Suddenly, he felt the hunger he had been feeling had increased many times over.

"Please, Sir. Don't hesitate." Yiren put the rice into Gongxi's bowl.

"Thank you, Sir." Gongxi nodded respectfully.

"Mr. Pinghe, you don't have to be shy," said Yixiong.

Pinghe smiled. "Thank you." With such a slow motion, he then took the bowl. The movement was so different from the movement of his hands when he was painting.

Is he not in the mood to eat? Or is he usually like this all the time?

"Jingkang hasn't come back yet?" Qiuzhen looked around.

"Maybe the police also feel the need to ask him some questions," said Yiren.

"Although it is only today that he becomes involved with our business, the things that happened in one day are indeed very complicated. It's only natural the police feel the need to question more people." Qiuzhen's voice sounded more like a mutter.

"Let's start eating now. If it's true that he has to give statements to the police, we don't know how long it will take," said Yixiong.

As they were just starting to eat, they heard the gate opening. The sound was quite loud.


"Ah! Here he comes!" Yiren cheered happily. "Let's just ask him about what happened."

"No need." Yixiong shook his head. "If he really wants to talk, we'll listen carefully. But if he doesn't, that's fine. We don't have to press him."

"Okay!" Yiren nodded. Unlike before, his voice sounded so soft.

The front door was unlocked, so Jingkang could go straight into the house. He then approached those sitting in the dining room right away. He was carrying a black plastic bag in his hand.

"Sorry it took so long," Jingkang said.

"It's okay. We also just started eating," Qiuzhen said. "Please, sit down. Here's a plate and a bowl for you."

Jingkang took the rice and side dishes. "There was an incident there."

"What happened?" Yiren asked. His eyes remained fixed on the bowl and plate in front of him.

"Someone fell. Ah, actually two people."

"Inside the grocery store?" This time, Yiren turned to Jingkang.

"No, Sir. Outside the grocery store."

"Wait a minute." Yixiong interrupted Jingkang's words. "What about your personal belongings? Have you bought your underwear?"

Jingkang smiled. He pointed to the plastic bag he had placed on his lap.

"Then what about the note? Have you given it to the police?" Yixiong asked with a smile.

"Yes, Sir! Take it easy," said Jingkang. "I also had time to give brief news to Mr. Mingju."

"Then how can people fall outside the grocery store? The sun is still shining bright." Yiren tilted his head slightly.

"We'll talk about the people who fell later," Yixiong said. "Now you eat first." Yixiong was worried that Yiren would drag the conversation so long that Jingkang wouldn't be able to eat dinner quickly.


Jingkang and Yiren complied. The six of them then ate voraciously. After eating, Pinghe started to do his job. He sat back down in the living room to start drawing. Qiuzhen got the first turn.

"Now you can start talking about the men who fell," Yixiong said to Jingkang.

"It was an accident, Sir! There was a collision between a car and a motorbike. The driver and passenger of the motorbike fell." Jingkang started his story.

"Did the car stop right away?" Yiren, whose face already looked impatient, immediately asked.

"Yes, Sir! The driver of the car also got out of the car. I think the car is okay. Maybe it's just a minor scratch. So, the policeman and I immediately got out of the grocery store and helped the two people."

"Are their injuries serious?" Qiuzhen shouted from the living room.

Jingkang did tell the story with such enthusiasm that perhaps unconsciously the volume was too loud. As a result, Qiuzhen could hear clearly.

"No, Sir! Maybe they're just bruises. But the police won't let them leave right away. So they rested in the grocery store first."

"Wait a second! Did the cop you met introduce himself as a cop?" This time it wasn't just shouting from the living room, Qiuzhen had also moved from there. With a serious face, Qiuzhen appeared in the dining room. Apparently, he left the living room to hear Qiuzhen's story more clearly.

Qiuzhen's question makes sense. The policeman Jingkang met was undercover. So he should not reveal his identity. But indeed, this is a dilemma!

"No, Sir! So the policeman I met earlier borrowed the phone at the grocery store to call the police. And, in just two minutes, two uniformed traffic cops arrived. They were the ones who told the people involved in the accident to stay there."

"Why are you even here?" Yixiong looked at Qiuzhen. "You haven't finished the sketch yet, have you?"

"Jingkang's story, I think, is very important. What if Mr. Pinghe also moved to this dining table?" said Yiren. Yixiong nodded. They asked Pinghe to continue what he was doing in the dining room. Without saying a word, Pinghe got up from the sofa in the living room and walked into the dining room. He then sat at the dining table and continued his drawing activities. Qiuzhen immediately sat down beside him to give descriptions of the girl they saw.

"Then, what happened next?" Yixiong asked.

"The driver and passenger of the motorbike hastily stated that they were both in the wrong. Those people wanted to leave quickly. They said that they had very important business at the moment."

"What about the driver of the car?"

"The police asked the man some questions. It turns out he is your neighbor here!"

"Our neighbors?" Yixiong said.

"He lives next door." Jingkang pointed to the house to the right of their house.

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