《Blue Road》Episode 15 (Part 1)


“Sorry about this, but you got on her bad side,” Christy told Richard with a frown.

“But wait, I wanted to—”

“You’re probably not allowed to come back here anymore either, nor will she speak to you again.”

“Do you have to say it like that?”

Christy shrugged. “Sorry, but I got to do my job, and your friend over there crossed the line. Goodbye.” She pushed Richard and Mindy out of the building. Her expression towards the latter was more filled with a grimace. “And don’t make me call the cops on you. If I see you again, there will be consequences.” She threatened Mindy before walking back inside, closing the doors behind her.

Richard and Mindy trudged back to their office building, feeling dejected over their failure on the mission. Neither were sure what to tell the boss about how it went. Richard stuck his hands into his pocket and grumbled under his breath while Mindy lowered her head and sighed.

Ken and Kelly were at the receptionist’s desk chatting when they spotted the two, still in sour moods. Neither of them noticed the married couple as they walked past them in silence. After a while, Mindy spoke under her breath, which Richard caught onto.

“Well, that didn’t go as planned.”

“Plan?” He repeated. He stopped walking and turned towards her. “Tell me, what was that back there?”

“What do you mean?” Mindy stopped herself and turned to face him.

“Why did you try to break in? I thought we agreed I’d take care of things!”

“I had to steal some secret stuff while you distracted them.”

“What ‘secret stuff’? And why in the daylight? I had everything planned, things were going well until you ruined everything!”


“Excuse me? Did you not notice how things were going too well over there?” Mindy reminded him. “Lily probably already knew what was going on and tried to eliminate you. Or worse, try to convince you to switch sides and betray us.”

“How is that worse than...?” He groaned, then shook his head. “Never mind that. How would you know what I was up to? Were you eavesdropping on us?”

“Of course. I couldn’t trust you on this mission! Hiring someone like you to go on that mission was a grave mistake.”

“What do you have against me? You better not tell Charlie I was the one who messed up.”

Mindy scoffed. “You don’t understand—”

“No, I don’t.” Richard interrupted. “And you know what? I’m sick of your attitude. I’d bet Lily treats her employees better and nicer than—”

“Don’t you dare compare me to her!”

“Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t because the only one I see here being inconsiderate is you!”

“How...” Mindy’s face fumed at that point. Ken and Kelly looked at each other before hiding behind the desk. “How dare you speak to me like that! Minus—”

“You know what? I don’t even care about the points anymore!”

“You know what? Since your performance has been so poor, I’m going to get you fired!”

“That’s not fair!” He exclaimed. Mindy didn’t want to hear any more as she stormed out in a huff.

Kelly peaked her head off from behind the receptionist’s desk. “Um, hey, guys? You should calm down. There’s no need to fight over...”

“Fine!” Richard thundered, his eyes red and burning from the tears. “Be that way!” He yelled and stormed off in the opposite direction.

Silence embodied the lobby shortly after. Neither Kelly nor Ken were sure what to do about the matter. But one thing was for sure, though…

“We need to do something about this.” Ken brought up, getting out of the hiding spot.

“I agree.”

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