《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 140 : Ximen Yihshyong


Qiuzhen's sharp gaze made Yixiong feel uncomfortable.

I completely forgot about that. I'm not our dage, who can usually think about several things at once. So, they should all be able to understand it.

"You're right," Yixiong said. "So what do you think now is best?"

"This morning, when I was giving a statement, I had time to ask about where the police stationed their members to monitor. They didn't answer in detail, but they said there was always a policeman manning the grocery store."

"After they set up an monitoring post in the house?"

"That's right. It's not just the grocery store. There are a few more spots they're monitoring closely."

Qiuzhen stopped talking for a while. "So it's best," Qiuzhen looked at Jingkang, "besides buying underwear, you also bring the paper. When you get to the grocery store, you give it to the police who are on duty there."

Apparently nothing escapes Qiuzhen's attention! This kid is amazing!

"Yes, Sir!" Jingkang said.

"Now, Xiongge, please tell the police about this first," Qiuzhen told Yixiong.

Yixiong immediately headed over to where they had put Huaxiang. After plugging the earphones into his ears, Yixiong turned on the Huaxiang. Once connected, he promptly told the police about their plan. Yixiong didn't say much. He really didn't want to talk a lot. He just listened to the cop talking on the other end. Occasionally, he would state that he understood what the police meant.

"Okay!" Yixiong thumbs up. "The police said, later, when you entered the grocery store, there would be a policeman approaching you. You can give this paper to him."

"Was that Mr. Qiulin?" Yiren asked.

"No. I don't know who the policeman I just spoke to was," Yixiong said. "Did you meet him there earlier?"


Yiren shook his head. "I didn't meet him." He turned to Qiuzhen. "How about you?"

Qiuzhen shook his head. "I don't think he's there."

"There's no way he wasn't there." Yixiong said. "The range of the tool is limited." He pointed at Huaxiang.

"I mean, maybe he's not in the house, but he's still somewhere else not too far from here either," Qiuzhen said.

"So you think the police have more than one place to monitor this?" said Yiren. "Do you have a solid enough basis for that?"

"I told you that the police are monitoring many spots closely. It is not impossible that they also have other places where they can gather," Qiuzhen said.

"There is another possibility," Yixiong said.

"What do you mean?" Yiren asked.

"It's possible that Mr. Qiulin was indeed there. You didn't recognize him because he didn't introduce himself. Remember, none of us have ever met him face to face. So we don't know what his face or body looks like."

"I think it's a strange thing if he didn't want to meet us there," Qiuzhen said.

"I'm just saying that it's a possibility," Yixiong said.

"Excuse me, Sir." Jingkang interrupted their conversation. "About the thing I have to give to the police."

"Sorry. I almost forgot." Yixiong gave Jingkang the paper containing the message from the kidnapper.

"How can I be sure that the person who approached me was a policeman, Sir?" Jingkang asked.

"Later, there, when the police officer is standing right in front of you, he will pretend to ask about someone's address in this housing complex. It's up to you what answer you want to give. However, between the sentences you use as an answer, you must insert the words 'full,' 'big,' and 'wet'. Then he will immediately answer. I don't know what sentence he will use as an answer. But for sure, the sentence will contain the words 'roof,' 'window,' and 'door.' After hearing the answer, you must answer that you will draw a map to the address he asked. The cop will then take out a small notebook. It's up to you what you want to write in the notebook, but you must slip this paper between the pages of the notebook."


Jingkang nodded after hearing Yixiong's explanation.

"Do you understand?" Yixiong was worried that he was speaking too fast. "Do I need to repeat the instructions again?"

"No need, Sir! I already understand what I have to do and say."

"Good." Yixiong breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will also give a report to Mr. Mingzhu. He said that I should report important things that happened." Jingkang added his answer.

"Next to the grocery store is a payphone box. You can call him from there," Yixiong said.

Jingkang nodded. "Thank you, Sir."

"Then, let's not waste any more time. Hurry up and get there!" Yixiong patted Jingkang on the shoulder.

"Yes, Sir!" Jingkang then ran out of the house straight away. The young man was walking so fast, he even looked like he was half running. Yixiong hoped he could do his job well.

Meanwhile, Gongxi and Pinghe were silent as they watched and heard the conversation. When they weren't asked, they said nothing. They seemed to be listening to all the conversations in silence. Yixiong was sure that the two of them had been trained to behave that way. From their expressions, Yixiong guessed that Gongxi and Pinghe had already guessed, in general terms, about what had happened.

Yixiong turned to Pinghe, who was just sitting on a chair in the dining room. The man smiled politely when he realized Yixiong wanted to say something.

"Mr. Pinghe," said Yixiong. "Did you bring a change of clothes? I'm afraid you will have to be here for a longer period of time. Apart from the people who are now here, you must also listen to the descriptions that will be given by other people who have also seen that girl."

"How many people are there who aren't in this house right now?" Pinghe asked. "I mean, the people I have to ask about the girl's face I have to paint."

"Only two people. Mr. Mingzhu and one of our friends, Mr. Dongfang." Yixiong smiled.

Did he feel burdened with a task like this?

Pinghe nodded. "Mr. Mingzhu said earlier that I might have to be here until morning. So I've brought a change of clothes."

I hope this person is willing to do it not out of necessity.

Yixiong nodded. "Thank you, Sir."

Ah! This person cannot refuse a request from his employer. Whatever he's feeling, I hope Caihong pays extra. Uh? Or should I give him some money? But, what if he gets offended?

"You're welcome, Sir," Pinghe replied with a respectful nod.

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