《The Zodians - Book 1: The Outlander》The Return of Warriors - Chapter 16: Settling Down


One year after victory. Irene Island, where the Resistance was born.

"That's right! That pose! Straighten your back!”

On the windy green grassy hill, Reind was teaching Jon how to use a sword. The boy is nine years old this year, holding a sword is not steady but he really tries. Jon always said that he wanted to be as good as his father. Reind also forged for Jon a sword named Snow Lion. Both the Mighty Dragon and the Snow Lion swords are similar, except for the hilt, that one is engraved with a dragon, the other with a lion. The father and son were still engrossed in training, unaware that Victoria was fervently running from their wooden house, still holding something in her hand. Before Victoria had even reached the hill, she called out in a loud voice:

“Reind! Where are you?"


Reind sheathed Mighty Dragon, and Jon followed. As soon as Victoria saw her husband's face, she ran to him and hugged him. She hugged and smiled happily.

“I have something to show you.”

Then she handed Reind an envelope made of goatskin soaked in wine and written in charcoal ink. Reind suddenly received the letter and asked suspiciously:

"Whose is that?"

Victoria made a mysterious face, smiling while trying to hide, said:

"You guess."

Reind was also curious. He immediately opened the letter, and it was clear that it had already been read by Victoria. Reind took out the letter, but didn't read it right away. He glanced over at Victoria to spy on her attitude, but Victoria revealed nothing. Well, there's no point in procrastinating. Reind opened the letter, even for the first moment he could not hide his joy. It was the Phalanx that sent them! They received news from the Phalanx for the first time after that tragic war. What touched him was not only the receipt of the letter, but more than that, he knew that Phalanx was fine after all this time.


“To Reind and Victoria, two old friends of mine.

I am writing this letter to you mainly to inform me that I am fine, and also to apologise for leaving for so long. I just need time to let go. You both know that… But it's fine, you two can rest assured.

Right now, I still can't meet the two of you. I still have unfinished business. I am traveling all over the land of this Arglohandre. I knew that was Herone's wish. She loves the feeling of traveling everywhere. And I will be the one to fulfill her wish. In every place I go, I will find a high ground and scatter some of her ashes. Only that way will Herone be able to travel the world with me. And the last point will be where she was born. And that's where I stop, too. I'm getting old too, it's time to settle down!

I'll try to write to you two if I can. Don't worry about me, this old man has survived many battles, nothing scares me anymore!

Look forward to meeting you.

Phalanx Volrock.”

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