《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 139 : Ximen Yixiong


Jingkang still hadn't finished explaining. The young man looked so excited.

"In this second group, there are indeed many elderly people who are still working there. Last month, there was a person who had just retired. He was already eighty-five years old. Even the Mingzhu family had to beg the man to be willing to retire. Before, that person always insisted on staying there."

"Mr. Qintan is a very strict person. Even though it's clear that he couldn't work anymore, he still didn't want to retire." Gongxi explained about the person Jingkang mentioned.

"How long has he been working there?" asked Qiuzhen.

"According to the records, he had worked for the Mingzhu family since he was eighteen years old. That means he had been there since sixty-seven years ago," said Mr. Gongxi.

This old man turned out to be very quick to blend in. I hope he knows what's going on here shouldn't be carelessly said to the other parties.

"Wow! That's amazing." Qiuzhen gave a thumbs up.

"Earlier, what did Mr. Mingzhu say to you?" Yixiong asked.

"Not much, Sir. He said that he was at the hospital. He brought Juger, who suddenly fell ill. Since the gentlemen here need a driver, and at this time I was the only one who happened to have nothing to do, so he told me to come here," replied Gongxi. .

"Is that all he said?" Iren asked.

"He seemed to be in a very hurry, so I don't really know what my job here is now."

"Look, Sir! At this time, we can say that there are very secret things that are happening. So, whatever happens while you are driving us, you cannot share these things with other people. You just need to report them to Mr. Mingzhu Caihong," Yixiong said.

"I understand, Sir! Don't worry, I have worked for the Mingzhu Family for over forty years. I already understand that there are many things that we are not allowed to share publicly."


"Then we can rest easy now." Iren smiled. He then turned his gaze to Pinghe.

"Earlier, Mr. Mingzhu asked me to come with Mr. Gongxi here. He only said that I should draw sketches of people's faces based on the information from the gentlemen who live in this house." Pinghe explained briefly.

"Is your job at Mr. Mingzhu's company related to painting?" Yixiong asked.

"Absolutely not, Sir. Drawing people's faces is just a hobby."

"Before, have you never worked as an illustrator or something like that?"

"I've never worked professionally in that field, Sir. But in the past, when I was not an employee of Mr. Mingzhu's father, the police had asked me several times to help them sketch the faces of the suspects."

"It means that you do have experience in this field."

"Just a little, Sir! I can't say I'm good at it at all."

"Then where did you meet Mr. Gongxi earlier?" Yixiong asked.

"In the painting exhibition, of course, Sir," Pinghe replied.

"Now, I think you two should eat first. I'm afraid we won't have time to eat dinner on the way," said Yixiong.

Pinghe nodded. It seemed he was hungry.

"I already ate, Sir!" Unlike Pinghe, Gongxi seemed reluctant to accept Yixiong's offer.

"Wasn't that lunch? I asked you to eat first. Think of it as an early dinner. Please don't refuse, Sir!" Iren also urged Gongxi.

"That's it, Sir. So that you don't feel embarrassed, then let's eat together," said Yixiong.

Gongxi looked at Jingkang. Jingkang nodded.

"Come on, Sir, let's move to the dining table," said Qiuzhen. "Please chat at the dinner table while you wait for me to prepare dinner."

Everyone stood up. Qiuzhen went to the kitchen to prepare dinner straight away.

"What is this, Sir?" Yixiong asked Gongxi. He pointed to the large bag that Gongxi had placed on the floor.


Gongxi looked at the bag he was carrying when he entered the house. "Before hanging up the phone, Mr. Mingzhu had said that I should stop by the painting exhibition to pick up Mr. Duanmu's clothes and bring them here."

"Thank you, Sir!" Jingkang said in a cheerful tone. His face beamed. He quickly sat on the floor to open the bag.

Yixiong glanced at the gap that the bag had opened. He saw some clothes. There's even underwear poking out. Maybe Jingkang's co-workers had packed the things in a hurry, so they didn't have time to arrange them properly.

Jingkang cheered happily. "It turns out that the contents are complete! Besides clothes, there are also toiletries such as towels, soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Oh! There are even underwear! So I don't have to bother you anymore."

"You'd better get changed now." Yixiong said. "Xinxiu definitely won't mind you wearing her clothes. But if you choose to wear your own, that's fine too. Hurry up and change into the bathroom. After that, we can eat together."

Jingkang nodded. "I'll change first, Sir!"

"Go ahead," Yixiong said.

Jingkang walked into the bathroom to change clothes. The others moved to the dining table. But after only being in the bathroom for a while, Jingkang came out again.

"What is it?" Iren asked. "Isn't that your clothes?"

"The clothes are really mine, but these underwears are not mine." Jingkang laughed.

"Wow! I'm sorry, Sir. I was not the one who prepared it. Earlier when I arrived at the exhibition venue, the things were already neatly arranged in the bag, so I immediately took it with me," said Gongxi.

"It's okay." Jingkang was still laughing. "Maybe the others put the wrong one."

"Then you just eat with us first. After that, then you go out to the shop for a while to buy new underwear," Yixiong said.

"It will take too long, Sir," said Jingkang. "Now I'm just going out to buy those things. Earlier, I saw there was a grocery store in front of this housing complex."

"Are you referring to the grocery store located right in front of the entrance to this complex?" Iren asked.

"That's right, Sir!" Jingkang replied.

"Indeed, the types of goods there are quite complete. However, there is less variety."

"So, where should I buy it, Sir?" Jingkang looked doubtful.

"I think the grocery store is pretty good," Yixiong said. "At least it's sufficient in an emergency. The other places are certainly more complete, but it will take some time to get there."

"Then I'm leaving now, Sir!" Jingkang said.

"Okay! Don't take too long. The food will be cold again," Yixiong said.

"Eh! Wait a minute. You don't have to leave in a hurry," Qiuzhen said. He suddenly appeared from the kitchen.

"What else?" Yixiong asked. "You haven't finished preparing the food, have you?"

Qiuzhen patted Yixiong on the shoulder. "Has Xiongge forgotten? Shouldn't Xiongge give the police the paper containing the messages from the kidnappers?"

Yixiong patted his forehead. He had copied the message onto a piece of paper, but had forgotten to follow up on it.

Qiuzhen continued his words. "The police need to know about the details of the message before Xiongge leaves. If not now, I'm afraid they won't have time to make some preparations at the place mentioned as the place where the ransom items will be handed over."

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