《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》Invisible


(Literally just had a breakdown over this bullshit, I'm so done with being ignored at the table you have no idea. Anyway here's *gestures vaguely at this* whatever my post-breakdown brain wrote, I'm gonna go nap now.)

Sometimes you feel like you are invisible

That you aren't able to be seen

Nor to be heard

Sometimes you feel ignored

And I mean, you're so quiet it's hard not to be

Your stories are overlooked

Your favorite shows and topics are brushed away

And you are left to hold away your tears

It's kinda your own fault

But is it truly?

You were raised silent

Talking to loud was almost a sin

You were told to quiet down if your voice was raised more than a whisper

And you never had stories to tell then

So you had no reason to be loud

But now you are blamed

You whisper at the table and are told to speak up

But you don't

You shut up

"Forget it" You state

"It isn't important" You insist

And really it isn't

It's just some silly story you remember and want to share

It doesn't matter if they hear

Or care

It doesn't matter

Till it does

Till you want to tell them about something you're worried about

Something that makes your anxiety spike

Something you're scared of

So you want to tell them

But when you do

When it matters to you whether they hear

They ignore you

They don't listen

They look at their phones

And they make you invisible

You get frustrated

You tell them you want to explain

"We're listening" They lie

They always fucking lie

They've lied for most of your life

They've lied about hearing you

They've lied about not ignoring you

They've lied about you being visible

Because to them you aren't visible

You're a nagging voice they can tune out

You are invisible

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