《The Maxwells' Legacy》[Extras 4] The Spirit Force (A More In-Depth Dive)


(Note: Although this isn't necessary to read now, it will be in the future, as knowing the klutz I am, I probably won't be able to explain things about Spirit Force clearly, so I'll just reference this chapter in the future.)

The Spirit System or Spirit Force is a very interesting system that allows its user to control Spiritual things, such as their astral form, and morph physical objects. There are many more uses, but those are the most common. The Spirit System uses an energy called Iprist. This energy is measured in Rites, which is a measurement of the volume of energy, not intensity. This is due to the fact that every energy in each system is ranked on a system of color. The colors are, ranked from lowest to highest, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Cyan, White, Gray, and Black, although there are theories that suggest there are more levels, none have been proven, and all have actually been disproven. Now the higher ranked the color of the energy is, the more intensity there is within. This is the reason why one rite of black iprist is worth 100 million rites of red iprist, with each level having 10x the intensity of the previous level. This energy color ranking is the same with all 8 Systems, so this is important to keep in mind. Now, with that aside, there is another component that is essential to Spirit Force; Spell Constructs. Spell Constructs are complex “circuits”, if you will, of Iprist, which direct and channel Iprist through them. Spell Constructs, by themselves, are weak, but when put together with other types of Spell Constructs, forming a complete circle, will create something called Spell Rings. Spell Rings will then use the Iprist within them to create magnificent and mind-bending spells. This is why Spirit Force User will spend their entire lives just creating an enhanced Spell Construct, as something as simple as a 1-millimeter change in the paths of Iprist could create profound results, and they could be both, either amazingly positive or horribly negative results. Now onto how to use Spirit Force. Spirit Force Mastery is divided (commonly) into 3 (known) levels, which are Beginner, Expert, and Master. These 3 levels are differentiated by the amount of Spirit Points. Spirit points are areas where one could find a concentrated amount of Iprist. Spirit Points aren't the only places where Iprist could be found in the body (which is a common misconception amongst people), but rather Iprist is everywhere within a person's body. Now, although Iprist is found everywhere within the body, in order to use it, one must concentrate Iprist before using it, unless one possesses White Iprist or higher, as the intensity is so high, it's already ready for use. So, within one's body, Iprist will flow through veins, as it's easier for Iprist to flow through blood rather than solid flesh, although some lucky few have a genetic mutation that allows Iprist to flow through the blood within the flesh. These paths that Iprist takes are called Spirit Veins. Now, back to the 3 levels. As stated earlier, the 3 levels are separated by the number of Spirit Points. For example, the Beginner Level must have 12 points, then for the Expert, 14 is required, while the Master level requires 72. The reason why there're 3 levels specifically at these amounts is that at these levels, the Iprist conditions within the body change, from changes in the max capacity for Iprist to the speed at which Iprist flows. That is why all Spirit Force users rush to gain more points within their body, as it can prove to be very useful. Now, onto the final part. Users of Spirit Force all have an interesting ability, which is that they're able to see the Iprist within their body from a third-person view, meaning they are able to see the Iprist within their body. Now, after many testimonies, it seems that The Spirit System, like all other systems, is affected by something called The Power System [Author's Note: Will be discussed later]. Depending on what ability one had from The Power System, the Spirit Points will change color (this color change doesn't affect the color of iprist). Also, those with abilities from the Power System will notice their Iprist gaining certain unique properties, like for example, those with the pyrokinesis power will have Spirit Points colored red and their iprist will have a fiery quality. Also, the intensity of these qualities differs greatly depending on the color. For example, let's say a person has red iprist with a fiery quality. The intensity of that person's iprist, when focused, could cause first-degree burns. Now, compare that with people that have fiery black iprist, who are able to completely evaporate a person's body if they sneeze wrong, not to mention when they focus (A bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea). Mind you, this all could be done without the use of spells, only pure energy. Now, if you flip to the next page, we'll begin showing you how to set up your Spirit Force and teach you some Spell Constructs to use.


(Excerpt from Spirit Force Basics by Anthony McCluger, one of the books purchased by Maxwell Maximillious.)

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