《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 75 - The blue egg hatches


At 12:30 Robert, the goose, Anne, Jessie, the owl, the rooster and the dove all piled into Robert's car and they set off. They drove south into New Jersey and kept driving along the coast in search of a completely deserted stretch of beach where they could safely hatch the egg. Anne and Jessie walked with Robert and the others onto the shore of the deserted beach that they found to see the egg hatch close up. Robert removed the backpack from his shoulders and set it on the ground and retrieved the egg from the inside. The egg was shaking from being so close to the guardians whose primal force would be enough to hatch it, so much so that Robert had to hold it with two hands, and even then he was still struggling to keep hold of it.

"What the hell's going on with this thing?" Robert asked the goose.

"It's desperate to get out, we need to do this quickly before it breaks out on its own without absorbing their energies!"

The owl and dove both flew onto Robert's hands and the rooster jumped up onto his forearm. The three of them placed their beaks against the egg at the same time and underwent the transformation that saw them take on the appearance of normal animals. The egg also transformed, it was fully blue in color, and had stopped shaking.

"It's going to hatch, put it on the ground," the goose said to Robert.

Robert did as the goose told him. He put the egg down on the sand and stepped back from it, waiting for whatever was inside to emerge. The egg hatched in an instant, exploding open. None of them got to see it hatching, they had to avert their eyes from the bright white light that burst out from the egg and when the light had dissipated and they looked back there was a giant creature standing before them that had the lower body of a lion and the upper body of a bird. It had a long beak like a crane's, a golden crest on top of its head and large talons for forelegs. The top half of the creature was covered in red feathers and the bottom half in white fur. On its back it had four wings, the feathers on the insides of which were all different colors: blue, green, purple and yellow. It's eyes were a beautiful blue, and on the tip of its tail was a large black spike.


When the Behemoth had hatched from the red egg it was the goose's belief that the only way they were going to stand a chance was if one of three creatures hatched from the blue egg, and one of them had. The Gryphon, along with the Phoenix and the Chimera, was the strongest creature that could have possibly hatched from the egg and their best hope against the Behemoth. The Gryphon didn't stay for long; it sensed the presence of the Behemoth, looked out over the ocean, flew up into the air and took off.

"Now what?" Robert asked.

"Now we wait," the goose answered.

"Hey guys, check this out," Jessie said.

Robert and the goose turned around to see what she was talking about and saw that the owl, dove and rooster had reverted to their primal forms.

"What's going on? Didn't that thing take all of their power?" Robert asked the goose.

"The blue egg isn't like the red egg, it doesn't absorb all of their energy for itself, when it hatches it returns some of their energy to them so that they can help it if it needs them to."

"And we can still talk," the dove said.

The pilgrimage was now over, and with that being the case the seven of them shared in a moment of silent reflection.

"THE LEVIATHAN!" Robert exclaimed, imagining the penguin transforming back into the leviathan and crushing the city with its size.

"Don't worry, because they maintain their consciousness they're able to perfectly control their powers, including their power to control their physical form," the goose said.

"I'm going to go back to Tom," the dove said.

"I'm going to go too, I think I could be quite effective on a political campaign," the rooster said.


"And I'm going to check in on Ryan, make sure he's okay," the owl said.

The three of them flew off, and Robert, Anne, Jessie and the goose made the drive back home to Queens. When they arrived home, Anne got to see the wolf and the goat in the primal forms for the first time and they all got to see the new form of the leviathan, which had transformed into a small water dragon with blue and purple scales.

"Where are the others?" The wolf asked.

"They left, the dove and the rooster have gone to help Tom Groff and the owl has gone back to Ryan."

"Soon it'll be time for us to leave as well to play our roles in the plan that we discussed with Sonya," the wolf said.

"Are you going to go as well?" Jessie asked the goat.

"No, my powers are of no use in conflict," the goat answered.

Jessie was glad to hear that the goat was staying, but she could feel, as Robert and Anne could, that their time with the guardians was drawing to a close and once it did they were going to have to go back to their ordinary lives. For Robert and Anne that meant getting back together, Jessie could see that was inevitable. For her however, what came next after all of this wasn't so clear, and it scared her to think about it.

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