《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 132 : Ximen Yixiong


The strange thing he had just heard made Yixiong glance at Qiuzhen. Less than two seconds, he turned to look at Zhengyi. The expressions on the faces of the two people who had just put forward the controversial theory looked normal. They didn't look like people who were joking. Yixiong couldn't tell if they had any good reason to make that assumption.

Zhengyi's old friend is a member of the secret society, so Zhengyi might have received some news from him. A piece of news that might have made him suspect Caihong. But, if that is the case, showing suspicion in front of Caihong is an unreasonable thing!

Regarding Qiuzhen, since yesterday Yixiong had felt something odd. At least, that's the impression Yixiong got when he saw his friend's behavior. Even though Shanquan had tried to convince him that Qiuzhen had always been like that, Yixiong still felt that there was something strange about Qiuzhen.

Could it be that Dage actually knew that there were things that Qiuzhen was hiding. He said that on purpose so that I wouldn't try to dig further.

Yixiong couldn't rule out the possibility that before arriving at their house, Qiuzhen had realized some things that even the others had not. Yesterday, he insisted on going down to the dungeon exactly that very night. Yixiong guessed Qiuzhen used the opportunity to tell Shanquan what he knew. If this is true, then Shanquan must also have a good reason to keep it a secret, and not directly share the information with other friends.

So many things I don't know about the people who live in this house!

"Wow! This is very interesting." Duanmu Jingkang opened his mouth. The young man's eyes lit up.

Uh? Is he serious?

"Right! Uncle Zhonghang and Uncle Dongfang's words were indeed quite reasonable. If I don't know myself, there's a chance I'll suspect myself too." Caihong laughed. He looked at the people around him, one after another.


This kid is really weird! Or it could be that, in this city, this kind of behavior is natural for young people who are the same age as him.

"You were the one who led us to suspect you," said Yiren.

"I think we've had enough joking," Zhengyi said. He laughed bitterly. "Now let's see what happens at four o'clock this afternoon."

Luckily, they were just kidding! It means, I was thinking too much.

Yixiong looked away at the wall in the room. Various things quickly went on and on in his mind.

But is it true that they are not suspicious of Caihong at all? Even though they say it's a joke, it's possible that they don't really trust Caihong!

Yixiong couldn't shake the doubts that were swimming freely in his mind.

"Xiongge! Never mind! Don't think about it too much. We'll see how this goes on. The police must also be prepared to deal with various possibilities," said Yiren.

Yixiong woke up from his daydream. "I'm not thinking about that. A lot of other rights are bothering me right now."

This is not right! Caihong has helped us a lot. We shouldn't have bad thoughts about this kid.

"It's best if Xiongge doesn't make all of that a burden, either. You don't need to think about it," said Zhengyi. "Let's just do the best we can do."

Yixiong just smiled bitterly at Zhengyi's words. He said nothing more. The situation was silent for a while.

"Is the atmosphere in the mall so crowded?" Yixiong broke the silence.

"That place is always full of visitors," said Yiren.

"I mean," Yixiong continued. "Are there more visitors than usual? Or is it a little quieter?"

Zhengyi smiled. "Maybe Xiongge thought that because a few days ago something extraordinary happened there that people decided not to go to that place for a while. But reality proves otherwise. I think the atmosphere there is very lively. Like nothing had happened before."


"Right." Yiren nodded. "In fact, it seems a little busier than usual."

"The people in this city are no different from the people in our hometown. The mall is a place for recreation." Zhengyi laughed. "They really weren't worried about that strange incident a few days ago."

"But, it makes sense." Jingkang joined in. "It's almost impossible for the same thing to happen again there. So people must think it's a safe place."

"But in fact it really happened," said Yiren. "This really doesn't make any sense."

"There must be a logical explanation for all that," said Caihong. "It's just, it might take quite a bit of time to be able to reveal everything."

"After this, maybe people don't dare to come there anymore," said Yiren. "At least for the time being."

"Not necessarily like that," said Zhengyi. "You know the people in our hometown. There's almost nothing that can scare them away from visiting a place. I see that some people's mentality here is like that."

"We'll see," said Yixiong.

After that, it was quiet again. Everyone was busy thinking. Yixiong couldn't guess what his friends were thinking.

"Sorry Uncle. I want to see Zhuge. I want to know how he is." Caihong's voice broke the silence. "Since arriving here, I haven't had the chance to say hello to him."

Earlier, Caihong had asked about Zhuge's condition. However, as they later became engrossed in a conversation about other matters, Zhuge's matter was forgotten. Yixiong could see the guilt on Caihong's face.

"Go ahead," Yixiong replied. "But I think he's still sleeping."

"It's okay, Uncle. I'll have to see for myself how he's doing. If it's true that he's not getting better, then he should receive a proper medical treatment."

Yiren rose from his seat to lead Caihong to the bedroom where Zhuge rested.

"You two come with me." Yixiong looked at Qiuzhen and Zhengyi. Without waiting for the answer from his two friends, he immediately walked to the terrace in the backyard. Qiuzhen and Zhengyi followed him. They left Jingkang alone.

"What's wrong, Xiongge?" asked Qiuzhen.

"Can you find a vehicle we can use later?" Yixiong looked at Qiuzhen.

"Okay," said Qiuzhen. "Time is running out, but I'll try."

"If we can't get a rental car in such a short time, we can take a taxi to a place that the kidnappers will decide later," Yixiong said.

"Wait a minute." Zhengyi frowned. "Xiongge, won't the police help us by providing a vehicle?"

Yixiong shook his head. "Didn't the police say anything about this to you?"

Zhengyi and Qiuzhen shook their heads.

"Is it safe now that I use the phone to find a car?" Qiuzhen asked.

"I think it's okay," Yixiong said. "Even if the crooks tapped our phones, they'd know we were just looking for a vehicle."

"I'll call now," Qiuzhen said.

"Not now," Yixiong said. "Later, as soon as they leave."

Qiuzhen nodded. He didn't say anything about Yixiong's last words.

Zhengyi looks confused. "Are they going somewhere soon?" He looked sharply at his friends.

Yixiong nodded. "After seeing Mr. Zhuge's worrying condition, I'm sure Caihong will soon decide to take him to the hospital."

"Oh! Is it really that bad?" asked Zhengyi.

Yixiong shrugged. "I'm not a doctor, of course I don't know how serious Mr. Zhuge's illness is. But from what I've seen, it's clear that he's in much worse condition than this morning. Immediately taking him to the hospital is the most logical choice."

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