《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》Her


(Guess whos back, back again. I am back, tell a friend. So, you remember when I said I would be taking a break, and that I wouldn't be posting for a bit? Yeah no, my brain had other plans, I gotta stop thinking of ideas in the shower. I'll give a little rant thing at the end of this but for now......TW! Implied Slef Harn and Sewerslide, this is supposed to be happier, but ya know.)


How do you describe her?

How do you describe your best friend?

They have brown hair

But it never stays brown

You're constantly getting calls about a new hair color

Not that you're complaining

She's chaotic

But not over the top

They have excellent fashion

What you wouldn't give to rock half the outfits she does

But you think it suits them best

She is wonderful

She is your bestfriend

And she is your savior


You aren't being dramatic

You truely don't think you'd be here without them

They were the one to tell you to talk to them

They found out about your arms

She kept it a secret


Keeps it a secret

Nearly no one else knows

No one but her

They told you to stop

And you did

For nearly a year

And when it began to get bad again

You told them first

And they stood by you

You can talk to her when you need to

And she can talk to you

They keep you grounded

They keep you from falling down a rabbit hole

One of despair

And of your own design

They give you something to live for

Something to keep you going

Because she is a savior

Without her you would have no one

Without her you would be gone

Without her you would be dead



Okay, so yes, I meant to take a longer break. I was gonna be gone for at least a week and I was gonna get a lot of shit done while gone. Before you ask, no it was not a good break. I spent most of it staring at the ceiling or wall in my room, and I'm writing this as my clothes dry because I haven't washed them till today. I also think this break may have made things a little bit worse, I had no outlet for anything that happened in my life. Parents are getting annoyed easier now for some reason, and teachers are bitches. I have to talk about teachers right now just because I'm very upset right now. No matter how hard I explain to them that I don't get the concept of a lesson because I can't process the information as they want me to, they still try and force the information into my head and I get frustrated because I don't understand the material and can't figure it out and then I'm pissed. Anyway, never let me take a break ever again, if I say I'm taking a break, tell me no, just tell me no, please. Anyway, I'm back, I'll have poems spaced out a bit more but still, I'm back.

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