《Isekai Tensei no Boukensha》Isekai Tensei no Boukensha - Chapter 17 part1


Isekai Tensei no Boukensha Volume 2 Chapter 17 part1

Dear readers, Refulgent here, if you’re reading this on an aggregator site, this chapter may contain errors or broken reference links. Please visit [ FourSlimes . com ] to read the properly edited version and show the translator your support.

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As stated above, this chapter is about how the characters close to Tenma were getting on after his departure.

“It’s already been a week since Tenma left, huh…… time really does fly.”

Although there had been some other long term guests before him, I had never seen nor heard of a long term child guest before.

On that day two years ago, Tenma unexpectedly appeared on our doorstep…… how did it happen, exactly?

Well whatever, it turned out fine in the end since he paid in advance for several months, making him a regular customer even from the start. Was he the illegitimate child of an important noble somewhere? That was the rumor going around.

The truth was that he hunted monsters in an unbelievably short amount of time, then paid with a portion of the money he made.

Some adventurers with rotten behavior, or just looking to have a good time, saw his way of making money and tried to do it as well. They would just run into trouble and have a terrible time in the end….. At least their attempts had considerably improved public order here.

No matter how you look at it, Tenma was a strange guy. Even though he was just a child, his true strength was better than first class adventurers, and he commanded magic just as well, too…… I shudder to think about what would happen if someone with a rotten attitude had that kind of power. Fortunately, he was a good guy and wasn’t hostile, and I’m glad for it……

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

Now that I think about it, there were also rumors going around that Tenma had put more than 50 people out of business.

“Dear~, are you finished getting everything ready yet?”

“Just a bit more to do!”

Shoot, shoot. While I was lost in thought, my hands were idle. Today, the Duke’s messenger will be coming, so I need to give it my all.

Shortly after, the Duke spread the word about the sweets made at the Full Belly Inn, and their name became well known not only in Gunjo City, but in the Royal Capital as well. Eventually so many nobles came to buy their sweets, Dozle had to put a limit on sales, to stop the nobles from buying them all. As a result their value went up due to scarcity, and before they knew it the sweets had turned into brand name goods.


The brand name was “Tenma”, and once word of it reached Tenma himself, he was super embarassed. He swore to go back to complain to them directly.

“Vice Guild Leader, this is terrible. This week, the number of monsters defeated by the adventurers went down 30% compared to last week.”

“Calm down! It’s only natural. From this week onward, Tenma isn’t around anymore you know.”

The staff member who had been upset said ‘Oh, right!’ and then returned to their seat.

Normally, you’d expect it to be strange or even absurd for a young boy alone to hunt 30% more monsters. For the guild workers here though, if you said ‘Tenma took them down’, they’d understand without a fuss and had become totally numb to the strange situation.

“That’s probably not a good thing, right?”

The guild workers, now forgetting how strange of a situation it had been, continued to post unreasonable quests for the normal adventurers. Although they weren’t intentionally doing it, it was forcing the normal adventurers into excessive danger, and I went to discuss the issue with the Guild Leader.()

“Excuse me, Guild Leader.”

I knocked on the door of the Guild Leader’s room…… but there was no answer. I had no choice but to open his door.

“Really, this guy…. are you slacking off again?!”

The room was completely empty. Although this always ends up happening, it would’ve been fine if I could’ve gotten at least a few words with him in…… Fine, if he’s going to slack off this much, then I’m for sure going to make him work until after midnight.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

I was angrily thinking of the work I was going to make him do when,

“Guild Leader!”

Hiding in an adventurer’s shadow, I spotted the Guild Leader as he tried to secretly return.

“My bad, my bad, I was just out for a little break.”

“And just why would you need a break?!”

Though I was angry, I noticed that the Guild Leader was holding a package that was giving off a delicious scent.

“What’s that you have?”

“Ah! I’ll share this with you, so please overlook what just happened.”

he said, while slipping it into my hands.

“Is this cream puffs from the Full Belly Inn?”


Just recently, those sweets from the Full Belly Inn had become super popular.

“Nah~, I managed to get ahold of these from an old connection. Please forgive me with those, yeah?”

To think he could buy me with some cream puffs…… it was actually a great idea!

“Thank you very much. I’m grateful that you’d give me these.”

I said, accepting the package.

“Everyone, I have something from the Guild Leader. Because there’s not enough to go around here, it looks like the Guild Leader will bring more in the days to come.”

I shouted loud to the rest of the guild staff.

“Wait a minute! She was only just saying th–…….”

“Isn’t that right? Guild Leader.”

“No, I mean……”



―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

It was good that I got him to promise to that much at least, but I ended up forgetting to talk with him about the actual important issue, and had a difficult time after that.

“Over here! Nelly!”

“Okay, Lilly. Milly, please follow me!”

“Okaaay. Let’s go!”

It was the three of us again today, trying to exterminate some rabbits in a farm field near the village.

Although I called them rabbits, they were actually monsters that were like rabbits. They had 10cm long horns that grew from their heads, earning them the name “Horned Rabbit”.

Their meat was edible, their horns could be used in crafted goods as well as herbal medicine, but most importantly their fur was very popular among women.

The recommended rank for taking them down was D and above, so we expected it to be a simple job for us.

“Lilly, something’s weird here! There’s too many!”

Between the three of us, we had already hunted close to 30 of them. Normally, these horned rabbits rarely exceed a group size of 10, save for during their breeding season. Even if several groups of rabbits had gotten together to mate, it seemed strange that there weren’t any babies or pregnant females among them.

Because horned rabbits are monsters that even children can take down, we haven’t had any injuries at least. We were just a little tired.

In fact, it would’ve even been okay if we didn’t bother. Truthfully, there was a lot of money still leftover from the time we had taken down that group of thieves.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

We had just piggybacked off Tenma back then really, and thought that Tenma should’ve received most of the reward for it. It was no use and we ended up with around 3,000,000G from him. At first Tenma had tried to give us half, but it was way too much and having that much money at once scared us, so we asked for that amount.

Having all that money brought out our greed, however. Despite it being a little greedy, we wanted our little brothers and sisters to be able to go to a good school.

A school such as the academy in the royal capital, where even members of the general public could attend. It cost a lot of money though, naturally.

Gunjo City only had a small school in comparison. If you wanted to properly attend a better school, the costs would include transportation there and lodging, making it a considerable amount in the end. And on top of all that, it was for five people……

That’s why we worked! While avoiding too much risk, we collected the reward from taking down monsters, as well as the money from the raw materials gained in the process.

“You guys, once we’ve taken these down, let’s gather them all up and go back to the village.”

Right as I told them about my plan, a rabbit about 1m large appeared from inside a nearby bush.


Its high pitched cried echoed throughout the surroundings. Responding to its call, a large number of horned rabbits from around the area appeared, and then surrounded us.

“Uwah! What’s with these guys?”

“If it’s just one of them they’re adorable, but this many is terrifying!”

Hi, Refulgent here, if you like my translations, you can show your support by leaving a comment / constructive feedback at [ FourSlimes . com ]

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―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

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