《Isekai Tensei no Boukensha》Isekai Tensei no Boukensha - Chapter 15 part1


Isekai Tensei no Boukensha Volume 2 Chapter 15 part1

Hi, your translator (Refulgent) here, are you reading this on an aggregator site? The chapter could have mistakes that haven’t been fixed, and probably won’t have proper footnotes to explain things. Please, go to Four Slimes dot com to get the properly edited version and support the translator~

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Chapter 2 – 15 (part 1)

Meeting by Chance in a Dream

Okay, it’s kinda sudden but time for a quiz! What am I doing right now?

1. Sitting in seiza.1

2. Sitting in seiza while angry.

3. Sitting in seiza while extremely angry.

Ding ding ding ding ding! Time’s up!

The correct answer was:

4. Sitting in seiza together with Lilly and her sisters, while the innkeep’s wife is extremely crazy angry~

Wait, what? How did it end up like this?

It’s all because of the censorship worthy sounds Lilly and her sisters made last time. It was three of them all at once, so it was even louder than I had thought.

At first, the innkeep’s wife was only angry with the catgirls. However, the trio tried to turn it around and were saying that I had enticed them into it, therefore I was the main offender here (well, even I can’t fully deny the enticing bit). So not only was I framed, I was getting chewed out just the same.

“Tenma! This is a restaurant! What were you thinking!?”

“No! Ma’am! I was only……”

“No excuses!”

“Yes ma’am, I’m sorry!”

We’re not going to get anywhere if I keep on bringing up the same excuses as before.

“Hey now, isn’t that enough already? Tenma’s group really didn’t mean anything bad by it.”

“Oh quiet, YOU!”

“……Yes dear.” The innkeep’s attempt to back us up fizzled out into nothing.

“I’m sorry ma’am!”

“I wasn’t trying to be mean!”

“I only wanted to have a good time!”

” ” ” The bad one here is Tenma! Please forgive me! ” ” ” the three catgirls cried out.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

“Wait a minute, you three! I gave you a suggestion, that’s all!”


“Tenma went way overboard in his suggestion, so he’s at fault here!”

“Yeah! We just went along with it!”

“So basically, Tenma shouldn’t leave the city!”

“That has nothing to do with anythingggg!”

Hearing our exchange, it was almost like a comedy act.

“All of you, that’s ENOUGHHHHH!”

The innkeep’s wife had such a loud voice it reverberated throughout the city.

Incidentally, her voice was heard by the Fourth Knight Division while they were out on patrol. It was so forceful that they misinterpreted it as being an enemy attack. They were extra vigilant that night, both inside and outside the city.

By the time she finally let us go, it was close to midnight. Naturally, we went without dinner.

I felt extremely tired and hungry as I went back to my room. Shiromaru popped his head out of the bag, and nudged me to feed him. I was so tired that I just ignored him and tried to sleep but,

“*whimper* ”

“*whimper whimper* ”

“*whimper whine whimper* ”

Shiromaru made an extremely strange harmony between his whining voice and empty stomach.

“Okay I get it, gimme a sec.”

I said while I rummaged around in the bag.

“I only have raw meat, but that should be fine, right?”

The moment those words left my lips, Shiromaru started to drool. He’s just like Pavlov’s dog (wolf).

I threw him some Rock Bird and Boar meat and he wolfed it down super quickly.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

“I have to think about your food supply more, huh……”

I muttered. I threw more meat to Shiromaru and he practically inhaled it.

“Don’t eat so fast~! Taste your food a little……”

With a fully belly, Shiromaru made a small happy woof, then curled up into a ball and went to sleep.

“Hmm, I guess the start of the trip will be gathering food then. Mostly for Shiromaru, though……”

I got into bed as I mumbled. It seems I was more sleepy than hungry, as I fell asleep faster than my stomach could bother me. I sunk downwards, falling deep into the world of dreams.


After a while I opened my eyes, and there a world of white spread out before me.

“……What? A dream? Time to go back to sleep.”

I understood it was a dream, yet it seemed too boring. When I closed my eyes again,

“Heyo~ long time no see!” A voice called out.

I opened my eyes and turned around.

“It’s been 15 years, do you still remember? It’s me! The god of creation!”

There, right before my very eyes, was the god of creation who had previously brought me to this world.

“Yeah, it’s been a while. Well, g’night.”

“Yeah, good ni…… No! Wake up! Tenma-kun!”

He forced me to wake up.

“What do you want now? I’ve already reincarnated, so we don’t have other business now, right?”

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

“No, that’s not it. Once every 10 or so years, I can create a space in the dream world for those who have reincarnated, and then connect with them again. There’s a limit to how many people, though.”

The moment the god of creation said that, a chill ran down my spine and my body began to move on its own.

“Te – n – ma – chan! *mwah*”

Just then, I think I managed to move both the fastest and most efficiently as I had in my entire life up to that point, including my previous one.

As I felt the chill run down my spine, I stepped forward with all of my might and pulled the god of creation toward me, then swapped places with him.

The end result? The god of creation had tried to hug me from behind and the god of war had tried to kiss me, but they ended up embracing each other instead.

It was a passionate kiss directly on the lips……

“What the heck are you doing, you blockhead ‘god of creation’! C’mere and fight me!”

“That’s my line! Take this, you flamboyant god of war!”

What an ugly exchange…… I watched as they fought with their fists.

“Oh, Tenma! I haven’t seen you in a while! I wanted to see you~!”

The God of Abilities appeared, just to my side. 2

“Ah, nice to see you again. By the way, why am I here?”

Looking around more closely, it was kind of like the place from way back, just before I first reincarnated.

“This isn’t where we met last time, but I think it’s pretty similar. We called you here because we wanted to ask you some questions so don’t worry too much about it. Think of it more like a little chat.”

“So it’s like that then…… oh, how many people are here this time?”

I asked, and the god of abilities counted on his fingers,

“There’s myself, the two over there and the god of beasts so that makes four.”

“Where is the god of beasts……”

*sniff sniff sniff* ……

“Whoa! You scared me!”

He had appeared directly behind me somehow without me noticing, and was frantically sniffing at me.

“……Long time no see.”

*sniff sniff* ……

I tried to get away, but his nose drew me closer with a powerful force. It wasn’t dangerous, unlike the flamboyant god, so I allowed it.

“So what should we talk about?”

“Ah, nothing in particular really. We’ve generally been watching over you.”

I felt relieved after hearing that.

“Then, wouldn’t it have been okay to not meet at all?”

“Nyo, dyon’t shay tyaht kianduh shing! Henma-fun!”

I couldn’t understand what the heck they were trying to say so I looked over, only to see the god of creation with a horribly beat up and swollen face.

His opponent, the god of war, seemed to not have taken much damage at all.

“First of all, fix your face, because I have no idea what you’re trying to say.”

“Isch nyo yuush, haah!”

He said and his beat up face healed in an instant.

[Translator’s Note]

I apologize for the delay in chapter releases lately! Felt a bit under the weather first, and immediately after that some site problems cropped up. When it rains it pours, after all.

I hope the site problem will be resolved soon (it’s out of my hands), but for now waiting a week is long enough, back to the regular release schedule!

Refulgent, your translator here, if you like my translations, you can show your support by leaving a comment or constructive feedback at Four slimes . com I’d love to hear from you directly~

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