《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 129 : Nangong Yiren


Finally, they arrived at the underground parking lot. The police car that had been parked next to their car was still there. The police on guard looked relieved to see them.

"Where's Mr. Duanmuh?" The policeman immediately opened his mouth when he didn't see Shannchyuan.

"We don't know. We were separated," said Caihong.

"Can one of us go to find Mr. Duanmuh?" asked Zhengyi.

"Better not, Sir. Things are still so chaotic. I suggest you to go back home."

"But we want to know about Mr. Duanmuh's whereabouts. We are worried that he is one of the injured people," said Yiren.

"Then, later I will try to find out about which hospitals receive victims from this incident," said the policeman.

"How about you?" Yiren asked the policeman. "Are you all right?"

"I didn't sleep last night. So when I was resting in the car, I fell asleep. I happened to have earplugs in my ears, so I didn't hear anything at all.

This cop is very lucky. Negligence like this brings blessings!

"Alright, now we're going home." Zhengyi saluted the policeman.

"Be careful on the road, Sir!" The policeman nodded respectfully to all of them.

On the way out of the building's underground parking area, Caihong's way of driving the vehicle was a bit different from before.

"Is there any problem?" Zhengyi tapped Caihong on the shoulder.

"It's okay. I just have a little headache."

"You'd better drive slowly. It's already this hour. The kidnappers must have called our house long ago. So we don't need to rush." Yiren tried to calm Caihong.

Caihong lowered the speed of the car. This time, as Yiren suggested, he drove the car slowly. Actually, it was unnecessary because right after they arrived at the main street in front of the mall, they faced an annoying reality. The traffic was far from what they expected. Severe traffic jams made it very difficult for their car to move forward. The incident that just happened inside the mall was one reason for the heavy traffic in the area around the gigantic building.


Everyone in the car could only look at each other. They couldn't say anything. They patiently waited for their car to move. Fortunately, an instant later, a group of traffic police showed up to put things in order. However, too much time had been wasted. Even though the mall was close to their house, it took them more than half an hour to reach their house.

When the car stopped, they all rushed out of the car quickly. The gate was not locked. They all went straight to the house. Immediately, the front door of the house opened when Yiren set foot on the front porch of the house. The people in the house seemed ready to open the door when their car arrived.

"You're taking too long," Yixiong emerged from behind the door. His face was a mixture of both worried and relieved.

"Something extraordinary happened. I don't know whether Xiongge has heard of it or not."

"What happened?"

"There was an extraordinary incident in the mall in front of Jongharng station. On our way home, we stopped by the mall first." Yiren explained briefly.

"You mean the incident at the mall? I've heard it. The police have told me briefly. After all, there's already news on television," Yixiong replied. He pointed at the television set that was on. On the television screen was the mall building where they had stopped. He then let everyone in.

After they all entered the house, Yixiong was still standing at the door. Zhengyi went straight to the kitchen. Qiuzhen ran towards the bathroom. Previously, in the car, he had said that he needed to defecate.

Hopefully not too late!

Yiren and Caihong quickly sat on the sofa in the living room. Jingkang, who had been sitting in the dining room, joined Caihong and Yiren in the living room straight away. Yixiong closed the front door and sat down on the couch.

"How's Juger doing?" Caihong asked.

"Worse than this morning, Sir. Now he is sleeping in the bedroom. He had lunch and took medicine," answered Jingkang.


"We haven't even had time to eat yet," Caihong said.

"When you stopped by the mall, didn't you all eat there?" Jingkang asked.

"We did buy food. But we wrapped it up to eat at home. The package that Zhengyi just brought into the kitchen was our lunch," Yiren replied.

"Where's Dage?" Yixiong, who realized that Shannchyuan was not coming home, looked sharply at Yiren.

"I don't know how to tell this." The words slipped out of Yiren's lips at a plodding tempo.

"Just say it," Yixiong said. "But briefly."

Yiren nodded. "While we were ordering food, suddenly Dage ran out of the restaurant. After that, we didn't see him again."

"What do you mean by saying you don't see him anymore? Where did he go?" Yixiong frowned. Surprisingly, his voice was also thunderous. Yixiong rarely showed such an attitude.

Xiongge must be really pissed off right now!

"We don't know where Uncle Duanmuh went," said Caihong.

"There was a woman who was standing in front of the restaurant for a brief time. As soon as the woman left, Dage suddenly ran out to chase the woman," said Yiren.

"What woman?" Yixiong's face is hard to describe. He looked angry and confused.

"That's the woman who a few days ago had a conversation with Dage," said Yiren.

"Hah?" Yixiong raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, she's the woman Dage chased into the mall three days ago," said Yiren.

Yixiong's face turned very strange. He looked at Yiren with an odd look.

Xiongge must agree with me that Dage has really gone mad!

"But he didn't run outside the building, did he?"

Yiren and Caihong looked at each other.

We had not considered that possibility at all.

"Ah! We didn't think that Dage would go out. But could that be the case?" Yiren said.

"Could Uncle Duanmuh possibly do such a thing?" Caihong asked.

"Maybe. He's been acting weird lately," said Yiren, holding back a laugh.

"I'm seriously asking about Dage's whereabouts," Yixiong said.

"I don't know where he is now. The worst possibility is that he was lying in a hospital bed because he was injured during the incident," said Yiren.

"We have to find him," Yixiong said.

"Earlier, Qiuzhen also said to discuss this with you. But now let's talk about other things first," said Yiren.

"Which matter?"

"What else besides that? It's about the calls from the kidnappers!" Yiren said.

Yixiong took a deep breath. "You guys eat lunch first. I'll tell you later. I'm going to the kitchen to help Zhengyi prepare lunch." Yixiong got up from the sofa. He walked towards the kitchen.

Yiren also got up from where he was sitting. He asked Caihong and Jingkang to move to sit in the dining room.

Not long after they sat in the dining room, Qiuzhen came out of the bathroom. He soon joined the others. Zhengyi and Yixiong emerged from the kitchen carrying some dishes.

"Don't worry. Even though I was sitting on these dishes, they're still delicious." Zhengyi laughed.

"Sit on the food?" Jingkang looked surprised.

"That's a long story." Yiren smiled. "We'll tell you another time."

"You guys, please have lunch. Jingkang and I already ate," Yixiong said.

Yiren ate fast because he wanted to hear Yixiong's story about the calls from the kidnappers as soon as possible. The dishes were actually really delicious, but right now, it wasn't Yiren's priority.

"I'm done eating!" Yiren said in a loud voice as soon as he swallowed the last bite in his mouth.

"I'm not going to start talking until everyone's finished eating," Yixiong said.

Yiren glanced at Jingkang.

"Jingkang won't say anything either until I start," Yixiong said.

Qiuzhen laughed. "Don't worry Renge. We're almost done eating, too!"

"I'm not nearly done yet," Zhengyi said. "But it's fine if Xiongge wants to start talking."

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