《Blue Road》Episode 14 (Part 2)


Everyone in the office entered the white meeting room. The employees took their seats across the long table. Charlie stood at the far front of the room, behind a board with markers. Claudia stood out of the way and activated a presentation from her laptop. After she connected it to a projector, the video played onto the board.

It showed off a graphics scale with two lines going off in different directions. The blue one that represented the workplace they were in plummeted below the main grid. The yellow line that served the opposing workplace skyrocketed above the charts.

Charlie grew serious as he turned to face his workers, telling them about the situation.

“As you guys can see, our market stocks have gone down the drain recently. We seem to be losing our profit and customers to our rival group, The B.E.E.S.” He pointed at the yellow lines.

Those guys again? Richard thought.

He clenched his fists and tried to keep his cool. He didn’t want his experience the first time he visited the place to sour the meeting for anyone involved.

“So, what do we do about it?” Ken raised his hand and asked.

“What do I want?” Charlie inquired. “To discuss strategies on how to win and come out on top!” He posed and pointed at the ceiling. “Are there any questions?”

“I have one.” Richard raised his hand. “What do the B.E.E.S. do differently from us?”

Mindy facepalmed at that remark, but Charlie responded without hesitation.

“Basically, the same thing as us, but they’re somehow doing better.” He turned and noticed Mindy raising her hand. “Yes, Mindy?”

“Why did you hire this guy?”

“What was that?” Richard snapped, feeling offended by the remark.


“Now, now.” Charlie held his hands up. “There’s a reason for everything. So now is not the time for—”

“Hey, I got an idea.” Claudia interrupted, fidgeting. “If it’s ok with you.”

“Ooh, what is it, Claudia?” Charlie leaned over and asked.

“How about we sneak in the place, gather intel, and do stuff like those guys?” She suggested.

“Why, that’s a great idea.” Charlie took steps back and examined the room. “But who should we send to investigate?”

Mindy raised her hand again. “I volunteer...Richard.” She pointed.

Richard’s mouth gaped as he pointed at himself. “What? Me? Why?”

“This could be your chance to redeem yourself.” She replied, adjusting her glasses.

“You know, that’s not a bad idea.” Charlie placed his hand on his chin, thinking about it. Claudia gave him a ‘You think so?’ look before he took his focus off Richard. “Listen closely. Not only will you sneak into unknown territory as a mole, but you’ll also try to discover the enemy’s weaknesses. Specifically, about their boss and what makes them tick.”

Mindy ground her teeth and turned away, scoffing when he mentioned the other boss. Before Richard could ask what the matter was, Charlie slammed his hands on the desk, startling everyone else in the room.

“So, what do we know about the boss so far? It’d be best to get some information early on. They can help you out on this.” Charlie said.

Richard raised his hand. “But I’ve never—”

“I got it!” Kelly exclaimed without raising her hand. She got up from her seat and placed her hands on her hips. “I know she goes to the bar when night time hits on certain days.”

“Is that so?” Ken placed his elbows on the table and rested his hand on his cheek. “Well, that’s a start, I suppose.”


“Hold up.” Mindy raised her voice. “How would you know that?”

“Well, you wanted to know where I was, right?” Kelly reminded her. “I investigated and did some research overnight and brought Richard along for extra help.”

“But I thought...” Richard started.

“I can’t reveal other true motives to just about anyone,” Kelly told him.

Richard balled one hand into a fist and collided it with his other hand, which was open-palmed. “Oh, so that’s why you were so nice to everyone at the Midnight Pegasus, including that charming bartender.”

Kelly’s eyes widened as Mindy glared at her.

“What bartender are you talking about?” Mindy squinted her eyes and leaned in closer to Kelly’s direction.

“Uh, don’t remember their name.” Kelly shrugged. She turned away, placing her finger across her lips and shushing with her teeth.

Richard didn’t notice and kept talking without thinking about the consequences.

“I thought you said you had known her for a while.” He scratched his chin and pondered. “What was her name again? I think it’s something to do with a flower...”

Mindy’s eyes widened as she shot up from her seat and slammed her hands on the table. “You talked to Lily?”

“Yeah, that’s it!” Richard exclaimed, not noticing the woman’s rage until it was too late. “Oh. Did I do something wrong?”

“Yes, she’s our business enemy!” Mindy snapped. “Why would you two talk with her?”

“It was just a small chat.” Kelly defended. “She’s not as bad as you—”

“The woman will do anything to get what she wants. Don’t make an excuse to keep enemies closer—”

“Calm down!” Charlie interrupted. “They wouldn’t suspect a newcomer like him, so it’ll be fine as long as Richard keeps a cool head.”

Richard explained to everyone that he had been over there at the opposing work building before, but left. With more experience, Richard might have an easier time blending in with the other co-workers there.

The group wished him luck as he headed out for the critical mission at hand. He didn’t want to do it, but considering how they’re business rivals and wouldn’t suspect a thing, he was their best bet. Plus, this was his chance to prove himself to the others. As Richard walked alone in the main lobby, it occurred to him that Fawn wasn’t here. How long had she been gone for? Why didn’t she tell him?

Richard concluded it might’ve been hard to explain, especially given the time they had left. I’m sure she’ll let me know how her progress has gone once we meet up again.

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