《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》May Not Be Posting, A/N


I made a little post on my profile, but for the people who just want to read this book (Which is perfectly fine), I'll make a post here.

I may not be posting for a little bit. My mental health has been fucking me over recently, worse than usual, and I don't have the motivation to write poetry at the moment. Usually, I want to write them because it's a way of coping, but right now I don't think I'll finish any poems I start.

I don't really need to post this, I wrote in the description of this book that if my updates will be sparatic, but I really wanted to post this so you guys don't think I'm dead. And also to apologize for not updating for a bit. So, I'm sorry if I'm gone for a bit, gotta get my brain somewhere better before writing again.

I do really love writing, so have no fear or worry, I will return. Eventually, I will be back. It may take a week, or maybe a month or two, but I promise I'll write again.

I think I need to take a nap and reset my mind for a bit. I'll get through some things I've been putting off......like cleaning, just until I feel a bit better.

So until we meet again, I once again am sorry. And if I've already updated when you read this, feel free to skip, or if you're just here for the poems and not my brain going off the rails once again feel free to skip. I SHALL RETURN.

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