《Sara's (not really) Fabulous System Armageddon, Book I: The World Ended at Rush Hour》Sara's (author dude, don't break immersion with your crap!) Reader Satisfaction Survey!


Last chapter of book I is out! Our adventure, thus far, is over. But more and exciting things ( he means bullshit) await her (hey, cut me some slack, MDW).

Before we close the curtains (and you go slack off and procrastinate), I have a favor to ask (you do you, dude).

I intend to prepare Sara's Armageddon for publishing (but will never actually do that, you lazy bum). For that, I ask you to comment below or send a private message (you know which place is filled with good intentions?) to me with your impresion of the story (you asked for it, MDW).

I ask you to be harsh and pull no punches (Sure. Come to Georgia, I'll pull no punches. That is, if immigration even let you in. Loser. I'm pissed for what you did to Mary). I need your honest opinion right now (translation: I'm a wuss who can't even set a Patreon but I surely can daydream like a champ).

In what way can I improve Sara's Armageddon? (Like, by not killing everyone right at the onset? How about that, huh?) What is the weakest points of the story? (The fact you made me an orphan like every single one of your loser DnD characters!) What did you dislike the most? (Having to kill Sparky. That was totes gratuitous, man) What scenes threatened or broke your suspension of disbelief? (where should I start?) Which secondary characters deserved more of the spotlight? (George Clooney). If the story had interludes, what side-story would you like to read? (a ritzy dinner date with Mr. Clooney, or Sir Connery. Can I get one? What do you mean they're married in this fictional world? It's just dinner, dammit.)

Anything else you want to say (do you have a year or two?)? Please, send it to my inbox (🎶someone is lonely🎶). Or start a flame war about who's best girl in the comments below (seriously? Duude).


And remember, you can go to the (https://www.royalroad.com/profile/91351) Author's profile and follow your favorite authors (I can hear your inner dialogue, saying, "pick me! pick me, please!"). You'll get a nice notification when said author (cough, cough, he means "me!") releases a new fiction (see? He's going to neglect me for some redhead [Witch]! I knew that!).

Thank you. MDW out. (Hey, why is it suddenly dark in here? Who locked the door? Get me out! Get me out! I take it back! WTH, dude, I was just joking!)

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