《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 126 : Ximen Yixiong


Yixiong's musings were interrupted when suddenly there was a sound from one of the Huaxiangs lying on the small table where their phone was. The sound of the small box was similar to the sound of Yixiong's alarm clock. Yixiong walked over to the small table where the box lay. Then he put earphones to his ears.

"Good afternoon!" There was a voice from the other end.

"Good afternoon," Yixiong said.

"We are from the police. My name is Qiulin Xinzhang. Who am I talking to?"

Shanquan had already told Yixiong about the policeman who spoke to him last night. Qiulin Xinzhang's voice was not as heavy as Yixiong had initially imagined.

"I am Ximen Yixiong. Is there anything I can help you with, Mr. Qiulin?"

"Has Mr. Duanmu arrived home yet?"

"Not yet, Sir! I've also been waiting for him to come home. Has he been back from there for a long time?"

Yixiong shook his head several times as he felt a little upset. He did not know where the police were monitoring this case. But he knew the distance between him and Qiulin should be quite close.He could already guess that in order to maintain secrecy, his friends might have to use tricks to transit elsewhere before heading to a place not far from their house. When they returned, they should have used the same method. Even so, they should have returned a long time ago. It was impossible for them to make a place so far away a transit point.

What's even weirder is why did he even ask me? Shouldn't he have known better about when Dage and the others had left?

"They have been away from this place for a long time. So, they had transited at the mall near Zhonghang Station, both on their way here and on their way home."

"Then I think they must have had lunch at the mall first. Ouch! I hope they don't linger there."

Yixiong's anxiety rose again when he learned his friends had left the monitoring house long ago. Shanquan and the other friends were very careful. It was almost impossible for them to linger deliberately at the mall at such times.


It seems impossible for Dage to act recklessly like that. Even if that happened, surely Zhengyi or Qiuzhen would remind him.

"Listen, Sir! I have something to say." Qiulin's voice sounded a little odd.

"Please, Sir!"

Yixiong's feelings were getting worse.

Qiulin's tone was exactly like that of the police in Yuandong when they intercepted people for suspecting that the person had done something illegal. Things like that in Yuandong usually end badly.

"Something happened at the mall building!"

Qiulin's words made Yixiong even more restless. Even though he was getting ready to receive bad news, there was still a part of him that wasn't easy to calm down.

"What happened there, Sir?"

"We have reports that the incident three days ago just happened again!"

"Are you referring to a flash of light that could temporarily blind human eyes?"

"That's right, Mr. Ximen."

"Could you explain in more detail?"

"At this point, that's all we can say. We haven't received any further detailed information yet."

Why did it have to happen again today? It's really weird!

Yixiong began to feel cold sweat dripping from his forehead and palms. He turned when he heard someone open the door of one bedroom. It turned out that Zhuge Qiuwei, who had been sleeping all this time, had woken up. His face still looked pale. He didn't seem to know what to do now. Yixiong gestured for Jingkang to help Zhuge. He was worried that Zhuge was still weak, so he couldn't stand for long.

"Then what about what we're dealing with here soon? I mean, about the kidnappers calling here?"

"Inevitably, Mr. Ximen, you had to replace Mr. Duanmu to receive the call."

The thing I feared happened!

"No problem, Sir!"

"Mr. Ximen, please don't worry too much. We are always on standby to monitor everything that happens."

"Thank you, Sir!"

After that, without saying anything else, Qiulin hung up the phone.

Jingkang had carried Zhuge up to the dining room. He helped Zhuge to sit in the chair over there. This morning Yixiong had given medicine to Zhuge. But looking at Zhuge's state, it seemed the drugs weren't working. Instead of getting better, Zhuge's condition was getting worse. This morning, he was still able to walk upright. It differed completely from now. If Zhuge's condition continues this afternoon, Yixiong must take Zhuge to see a doctor or go straight to the hospital. But now, Yixiong absolutely could not leave the house. He felt his head throb at the thought of such a complicated thing.


Yixiong looked at the clock hanging stiffly on the wall.

There's still a little time!

He walked to the dining table. Then sat down on the chair opposite Zhuge's seat. Jingkang sat down next to Zhuge.

"How do you feel?"

Zhuge shook his head weakly. "Sorry, Sir! I didn't know my condition would drop so drastically like this!"

"It's okay. I'll prepare lunch first. After that, you eat first. Take some more medicine. Then go straight back to the bedroom to rest!"

Zhuge nodded weakly. He didn't even seem to have the energy to argue with Yixiong.

Yixiong went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Fortunately, there were still leftovers that he could process quickly. In no time, he was back in the dining room with some dishes.

"Jingkang! You should have lunch too. I have a feeling we'll be very busy after this. It might be difficult to find time for lunch." Yixiong tried to be as firm as possible when he said those words.

"Yes, Sir!" Jingkang didn't argue.

Yixiong ate his lunch at lightning speed. Jingkang also did the same.

"You don't have to hurry," Yixiong said when he saw Zhuge trying to keep up with him as he ate. "I have to finish eating soon because after this I have to take a call. You take it easy. Eating too fast is not good for your digestion."

Zhuge nodded. He then ate at a normal pace. The thing that pleased Yixiong was that even though he was sick, Zhuge still had an appetite. In caring for the sick, nothing was more troublesome than a patient who won't eat. It was what Shanquan had once told him. Yixiong didn't know how true Shanquan's statement was. But to Yixiong's knowledge, Shanquan was quite patient in caring for the sick. At least, that's what Yixiong witnessed when Shanquan took care of his mother.

"Has something happened to Mr. Duanmu and the others?"

Jingkang suddenly asked such a question. He had heard what Yixiong said earlier when he was communicating with the police through the Huaxiang device. The young man must have guessed what had happened at the mall. Yixiong had no idea how much information Caihong had told Jingkang. But at that time, no one else was home. Inevitably, he had to believe in Jingkang.

While continuing to eat quickly, Yixiong spoke to Jingkang. "Do you know about the explosion of light that happened at the mall near Zhonghang station?"

"Yes, Sir! There is a lot of news about it. There is so much speculation going around about it."

"As you might expect. Earlier, it happened again. Just when Mr. Duanmu and the others were inside the mall building."

"It means they won't be home anytime soon. It must be a mess over there."

"Right! So this responsibility is on my shoulders." Yixiong sighed.

"I'll help as much as I can, Sir!" Jingkang's voice was so steady.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Sir! Mr. Mingzhu said we all have to help the gentlemen here."

Caihong is weird! He doesn't have to help us. He shouldn't even have asked his employees to get involved in this matter.

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