《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》The Water


(TW!Sewerslidle Thoughts. My inspiration just kinda appears in the car for some reason smh. Also that event happened yesterday and I saw a really pretty person there dressed as a fairy so I'm not okay. Anyway, enjoy!!)

You are in the water

It is your friend

You swim in the water and it is your friend

It never hurts you

Never harms you

It's calm and cold

It's your friend

Sometimes you wish it wasn't

You wish it was your enemy

You wish that one day you enter the water

And it's angry

You wish that it would drag you under

Never to resurface

You wish to drown

But to drown

Is to be in pain

To be forced water down your throat

Trying to breath as it fills your lungs

Choking and sobbing

Screaming for the help you don't want

To die in pain

In excruciating

Burning pain

Its not what you wish

You wish to be at peace

So you swim

You stay afloat

And hope that the water will stay your friend

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