《Unkillable Will》Prologue - Opened eyes


I opened my eyes.

Darkness enveloped my vision, and the agonizing smell of rotting corpses filled my nostrils.

My muscles seemed to be frozen, no matter how hard I tried they refused to budge. There was an unsavory taste of copper in my mouth - was it blood? Had I died? I slowly began to believe that I had met my final and eternal destination.

Is this hell? I thought to myself, while being engulfed in the black abyss.

I considered so, because why would someone like me be anywhere else?

I could sense it.

I was being observed by a seemingly endless galaxy of eyes.

They were glaring at me through the darkness, emerald green eyes that could only stare menacingly in pain.

I was being singled out, a feeling I had grown far too familiar with.

I didn’t move nor could I , but no panic manifested inside me. I must have been dead and this must be hell, such a dreadful situation would surely instill a dense terror inside of me if I was still alive.

The piercing glare of the galaxy of eyes dug into me, like they were dissecting my soul.

And I stared back at abyss surrounding me, my pair of eyes joined the thousands of pairs around me.

I could hear the agonizing screams and wails of desperation, which echoed around me.

They are all prisoners of this ominous realm, begging for liberation from the metal prisons they found themselves in.

Their screams deafening, but their cries for help will not be heard by the land of the living.

The desperate voices led me to assume that they were paying for the sins of those that had sent them to war.

There was a sorrowful irony in these dejected souls, as they were being punished in death for the actions of those still living.

I could see my reflection in these poor souls, yet I still found myself questioning them.


Were these prisoners truly dead?.

In the seemingly never ending space I found myself in, I prayed to God for the first time in my meaningless life.

As my vision began to adjust to my new reality, I realized that I was hanging.

Through the darkness I could just barely see the silhouette of my weak arms, outstretched on both sides of my body.

I was being held up by the wires that came out of my arms like veins, which were slowly coming out of my flesh.

My weight was too much, and gravity allowed cords to rip through my skin - more with each passing second.

I could feel myself slowly dropping.

Indescribable pain shot through my body as my skin, veins and muscles were bit-by-bit torn.

Pitch black still surrounded me, but there were peculiar presences that could be felt.

I spun around, and there they were.

My comrades.

My thoughts begin to recollect and the vicious sounds of the battlefield ring in my ears.

Their bloody corpses stood there in display for me, I opened my mouth in a soundless scream from the pain in reliving that moment . They had all died in front of me like lambs to the slaughter.

People hailed them as a phantom force - elite, skilled and tactical. They were super soldiers, considered by many to be invincible.

I too thought they were unbeatable until they were reduced to mortal, mangled corpses laid on the blood soaked battlefield before me.

The great honor and privilege to be a part of their team was given to me. But it was not deserved , since I had nowhere near the qualifications, drive or skill that was required to be appointed.

I didn’t belong with them. I simply wasn’t good enough for them and all I could do now was blame myself for their deaths.

Letting my comrades die must be the sin that sent me to this hell.


As I looked into their cold, dead eyes, a wave of guilt washed over me.

What had I done?

They were the chosen ones. They were the ones who tirelessly took on the plethora of obscure missions demanded by those filthy tyrant royals who only ever sat in their thrones, built by the blood of the working class they enslaved long ago.

It was my fault they were here.

Their dreams to form an army strong enough to topple on America died along with them. And I was greedy for wanting to be part of them, and although they accepted me I could not accept myself.

Now, in hell I would receive my punishment for letting the only ones who ever cared for me die.

Perhaps they will be the chains that keep me here to be tormented for eternity for my own incompetence. Although I love them, my comrades who I saw die before me.

I will forever curse him for appointing me to the special ops. I clearly wasn’t prepared.

It had to be his doing, and for the rest of my existence I will curse him, while I wait for him here, because that is all I can do.

The hands of my dead comrades reached out to me, I close my eyes in anticipation.

It was all his fault that Earth became this way, this single thought could not leave my mind.

He was the reason the war had begun, he was the reason why it was impossible to start a revolution, he was the reason why the bombs dropped, and he was the reason why mom died.

But now I am just happy to receive the punishment of my sins.

Their hands grabbed a hold of me, I expect to be dragged into the depths of the abyss,but instead I felt myself being lifted up.

I tried to open my eyes, but I was ashamed and afraid of meeting their gaze.

They have given me the chance to be his punishment.

I will bring him here with me this time.

And I will accomplish the dreams of my dead comrades.




I open my eyes, and see nothing but white.

From the deep bellows of my chest, I became aware of a feeling of a sixth sense.

Negative emotions such as sadness, despair, agony and loss were being ingrained into my brain, I wasn’t able to understand them but I simply knew what to call them like they were registered within my head.

These feelings seemed so alien to me.

And there were also feelings that contradicted.

Feelings of happiness, relief, the indescribable feeling of a loved one who was slowly dying yet trying to enjoy the last few moments.

These warm feelings were far more familiar to me

This place was like a soup with salt and sugar for the soul, it tasted foul, and only then did my eyes process the place I was in.

As my squinted eyes adjusted to the brightness, the environment around me became more clear. Around me was a clean, soft looking bed with white sheets, cabinets and a window with a beautiful view through the window pane.

I stared at the vibrant colors of the room. The light penetrating the room in a indescribably delicate yet dazzling way.

There stood a woman in blue clothing who was staring at me.

The panic in her eyes was not visible to me, yet I could feel it, I couldn’t yet make out her words.

I could hear a rhythmic beeping, and as I opened my eyes a little wider and became more conscious of my surroundings, the nurse no longer near me, but instead by the door screaming, I heard:


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