《Beast King now a Mage》Chapter 26- Lome


The Capital of Lome, Kelia, was currently in an uproar. A short fat man with an incredibly intricate robe and gaudy crown paced around his throne. "Shit! Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit!" A scrawny weak-looking man, Lome's chief advisor walked up to the troubled King of Lome and asked, "What's the matter, your majesty!" It seemed as though the King was tired from pacing around his throne as his breathing became rugged. He sat on his throne before saying, "Those damn dogs from the Empire! Why haven't we slaughtered them all yet!? Where the hell is Lyla!" "My King, we are doing everything we can! The Blue Tower Master seems to have gone missing, and we are currently unaware of her situation." "Shit! That cowardly woman! If I get my hands on her, I'll make her regret it! The dogs have already made it to Palon's land!"The advisor started to sweat before saying, "My King, it isn't so simple. We simply don't have an army large enough to contend with, Argon."

A nobleman added, "After losing the Water Tower, we haven't been able to hold Argon's advance. They are moving slowly but surely forward as they take our lands. If they didn't fear the Blue Tower Master's existence we'd probably be conquered by now." The King snorted, "Ridiculous! We don't need the Blue Tower Master! That isn't the only thing we have up our sleeves. We will have working golems soon." The King seemed to have gone into deep thought before saying, "Just gather up the peasants! Gather all of the sick and the weak, the old and the young, and let's throw them all at Argon until we can clear them out." The King laughed before shouting, "Honestly, I'm brilliant! Won't this kill two birds with a single stone?" The King looked at all of the knights and nobles who were bowed before him with a smug look.


Some nobles seemingly agreed until one of the nobles in the back shouted, "My King! We cannot simply treat our citizens like chattel! The Blue Tower Master has an agreement with the Kingdom that as long as the Blue Tower stands the kingdom is not to target the poor of, Lome!" The King slammed his hand on his armest, which shook the fat around his body like a wave, "Well, that agreement only lasted as long as she did her job! Set up the draft and start gathering the disposables immediately! I want the Imperial dogs off of my property as soon as possible!"

"My king!"

"My king!"

Dissent was quickly drowned out as the advisors left the throne room to carry out the King's orders. Within a day, Lome had begun its draft in order to push Argon out of its lands. In cities and towns all over Lome, messenger birds arrived with orders. A nationwide draft had begun.

A blue-haired woman stood on top of a lighthouse at the most northern point of Lome. She watched as men on Herals came into Seaport and started grabbing the drunks and children off the streets.

She sighed before saying, "What an impatient fool. I should have killed the brat when he was younger. I left him as is because he's easy to manipulate, but his stupidity is a damned curse."

The blue-haired woman squatted before opening her spatial bag. She took out a pipe and a small handful of herbs from her bag. The woman gently placed some herbs in the pipe before lighting it. Putting the pipe to her mouth she looked out at the dark murky sea below her and blew a huge smoke ring into the air. "I probably won't be able to save Lome at this rate. I'll have to meet with Jamie and Darien before making any decisions." The woman turned her head slightly at the now chaotic seaport town before jumping off the lighthouse directly into the ocean. The water came to life before exploding upward like a reverse waterfall. It caught her and wrapped around her like a brilliant blue orb. A sailor who was tying his boat in the harbor saw the water seemingly come to life and grab the Blue-Haired woman. "Sweet baby, what the hell was that?"


The beautiful blue orb surrounding the woman quickly turned into the shape of an arrowhead or if the sailor were to describe it a shark. The shark-head arrow shot forth at a speed breaking the sound barrier. A wave erupted from her initial position and rammed straight into the boats in the harbor. The boats lining up the harbor almost toppled over. "Woah!" Sailors ran about holding on for dear life trying to stay on their boats and not get thrown overboard. When the sailors looked at the water again the woman was gone, and following ahead in the water was a wide wake. The sun was setting in Lome, and its biggest player had made her move.

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