《The Death Eater with a Choice》What a Pity


So, bit of a time skip here. Welcome to the battle of Hogwarts.


"Harry Potter is dead!"

The hoarse, cold voice filled the air with the four words that made Dracos whole world crumble. The pain he had felt earlier and the cold that had had its bite in him all day were all gone. He could hear someone scream, but he couldn't make himself look to see who is was. He felt like screaming too, but his body felt so numb. It slowly moved him down the staircase, towards the courtyard. He couldn't see much. All the Hogwarts fighters were gathering around him. All trying to get a proof on that the boy who lived, really had left them. Draco stopped, frozen in his spot in the middle of the stone staircase, when he saw him. He saw the raven hair and dirty clothes in Hagrids arms. He could feel his lips tremble and the world suddenly felt so dark. A pain shot through his chest in hurtful waves. This couldn't be real. This was a nightmare, nothing more. He could sense the death eaters standing in the courtyard and he knew Voldemort himself stood somewhere out there too, but he couldn't look away from the boy. He couldn't see Harrys face, and he kinder didn't wanted to either. He wasn't sure he could manage to look at the white pale face. The face he only wanted to remember as smiling, laughing, intense when thinking, smirking when discussing or pouting when loosing a discussion. Draco's breath hitched in his throat when he thought about all these things. He felt like he was going to fall. Hit the ground and still keep falling. He couldn't see how he ever should be able to get up again. Everyone started to yell around him. He was sure it was about Harry most of it, but he couldn't get the words. All he could hear was a muffled buzz around him. They didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. "Silence!" Voldemort yelled.

Suddenly the whole courtyard felt silent. "Put him down Hagrid. Lay him at my feet where he belong" the Dark Lord said.

Draco could feel anger bubble all of a sudden. He finally moved his eyes over at the tall, white man. If you could call that monster a man. How could he stand there all proud and happy, when Harry Potter, one of the most pure human beings, had been killed by his hand? How could he stand there like it was a victory?

"And now is the time to declare yourself" Voldemort said, smiling like the madman he was.

Draco saw Bellatrix standing on a big brick, swinging her arms around in the air. "Come forward and join us- or die!" The Dark Lord said and looked around.

The silence that followed was intense. Draco seriously doubted that anyone would shift side. He knew all too well how Harry could seize peoples hearts. Everyone here would stand for Harry even though he now was no more. Draco could feel his lips tremble again. His chest still hurt like an iron fist was slamming against it, but something else had taken a hold in him. A determination he didn't know he could poses.

He looked up when he heard a familiar voice. "Draco!"

He looked over at the other side. Over to the death eaters and met eyes with his father. He looked desperately at his son. Draco could feel all the eyes on him. He looked scared around. Where ever he looked he met eyes. Some were filled with hatred, others with grief. "Draco!" Lucius repeated and made a small wave with his hand.


Draco gulped nervously. He could feel his heart race in his sore chest. He thought he might explode from all the different kinds of emotions and pains that were stocked up inside of him. He looked down and his eyes meet Grangers. She looked at him with such a grief and lost hope, which made Draco almost give in to the tears that tried to break through his shield. He had never been especially brave or anything, but he had to do this. He had to end what Harry had begun. He had to finally prove that he could stand up for himself. A thing Harry had never seen him do. He had to finish what Harry had fought for. He knew that he probably would fail, but it would be worth it. He had to do it, for Harry Potter. "Draco... come" a softer voice sounded.

Draco looked up again and met his mother's eyes. She had her hand raised towards him. Draco took a deep breath and took a step down the stairs. He didn't know where to look. He could still feel all eyes on him like thousands of small stabs. It hurt, when all he wanted was to run down and hug the lifeless body on the ground. He kept moving his feet slowly towards the dark side. He tried not to look at Harry when he reached Voldemort. "Well done Draco! Well done" the Dark Lord said and awkwardly pulled Draco in for a hug.

Draco felt like he was going to be sick. The man who killed Harry, the man who had made the Gryffindors life a living hell sometimes, had given him nightmares and scars for life, had his disgusting arms around him. It felt like ages. Draco had to fight the best he had learned to keep the tears away, but he wasn't a Malfoy for nothing. He had been trained to do that since the day he had been born. He stood as still as he could manage and looked out the empty air. Finally the arms released him. Draco's heart speeded up. He took a step passed Voldemort and then he turned. "Avada Ke-" he yelled and pointed his wand at the Dark Lords back.

Before Draco could finish his spell, Voldemort had turned and pointed his wand at him. Draco could feel his heart sink when his wand flew away from him. Everyone in the courtyard gasped loudly. "Draco!" he could hear his panicky parents scream behind him, but he didn't turn.

Instead he glared the evil killer in his eyes. "What a pity" Voldemort said with narrowed eyes and looked the pale boy up and down.

"Tell me Draco, why would a clever young boy as you do something so stupid?" he asked with forced calm.

"I fight for Harry Potter" Draco spat.

He could hear laughter from the Death Eaters behind him. Voldemort smirked. "Oh really. And why is that?" he asked.

Draco took a deep breath and looked over at the Hogwarts fighters. Weasley and Granger looked at him with big eyes, and so did the rest of the people. Draco looked down at the body on the grass. "Because I love him" he said loud and clear.

Again the sound of laughter filled the air. Voldemort also released a slight chuckle. Draco could hear the surprised gasp from the other side. "Oh, our dear Lucius must be so proud of his only son" Voldemort said.


"Please, my Lord" Lucius begged.

"Silence!" Voldemort cried.

"Being friends with Harry Potter is a crime Draco. Being in love with him is even worse".

"You may think you won the war because you killed him, but you're wrong" Draco spat.

Voldemort sneered. "Crucio!"

Draco felt to the ground when the raging pain shot through him. It was like his whole body was on fire and every bone broke slowly one by one. Suddenly it stopped and he lay breathless on the cold ground. He looked up. Harry lay only a few feet from him, but still his face was turned away. "I have won!" Voldemort said harshly.

Draco slowly got up on his shaking legs. "Harry doesn't matter. He matters for us who knew him, but for the war he is nothing but a guiding light!" Draco yelled.

He looked over at the Hogwarts. "We have to win this now. We have to fight and make sure that Harry didn't die for nothing!"

Again Draco felt to the ground screaming. The curse held so much anger and hate that Draco thought he should die. Hell, he wanted to die. But again the pain stopped as suddenly as it had begun. "Well then Draco- It sounds like you have chosen your side. It's time to go and say goodbye to your loved one" Voldemort sneered.

Draco looked at him. Voldemort took a step away from the dead savior and gestured at him to come. The death eaters chuckled all at the sight. Draco nodded. He knew from the second his wand had left his hand, that he was going to die. That he could die with Harry in his arms were more than he had could hope for. He started to crawl towards the boy on all four, and finally he could lift the limp body up to him. He took the pale face in his hands and looked down at it. Harry was so perfect, even when he was dead. His toned face and the wild black hair. Draco wished that he could had seen the emerald eyes a last time. He could no longer keep the tears back. They started to fall and land on the boy he loved. The boy he had secretly loved for years. The boy he had been sneaking around with in empty corridors, because no one could know about their love for each other. The boy he had let down when things got too much to handle. He had left Harry when he had needed him the most. Draco wanted to kiss the perfect lips one last time. He wanted to hear the boy whisper his name. Draco didn't hear the laughter from the Death Eaters, nor did he hear the muffled sobs from the Hogwarts side. All he could see was the boy in his arms. Suddenly he froze. He had felt something. Something had just touched his arm. He looked down carefully. Harrys fingers lay just beside his arm. Draco's heart razed again and he felt like he was going to faint. He leaned down over the boy like if he was trying to hug him. "Harry?" he asked, voice cracking slightly.

Again he felt something brush against his arm. His crying only became worse. Could it be true? Was Harry Potter still alive? He wanted to yell it out to everyone to hear, but instead he kept his head down. He tried to make his head focuss. "What can I do?" he asked silently and leaned closer to the boy so they were hid from other peoples eyes.

"Distraction" came the answer in a whisper.

Draco sniffled and leaned back. He had to remember not to laugh. Of course Harry was alive. How could he have thought that anyone could have the power to kill the boy who lived? Draco looked up and was met with a wand pointed directly at his heart. "Say goodbye" Voldemort said and looked at him with despite.

"No!" Narcissa screamed.

"You have missed something!" Draco yelled.

Voldemort looked like he could make the whole castle explode. He clenched his fists and bit his teeth together. Draco slowly put Harry back on the ground and walked over towards the Death Eaters so Voldemort would turn his back at Harry. "You have missed something very very important" he repeated.

"Please do enlighten me then" Voldemort said with forced calm.

Draco tried not to look over at Harry. He had to keep focusing on the tall, pale man in front of him. He also ignored the constant calls from his parents who stood behind him. "It doesn't matter that Harry is dead. That will only make us want to kill you even more" Draco said.

He looked over at the Hogwarts fighters. Ron and Hermione was starring at him with wet eyes. He quickly looked away. The silence in the courtyard was broken when Neville Longbottom stepped forward. Draco could feel relief was over him, now when he didn't stand alone in the middle anymore. Voldemort slowly turned towards the other boy with a mask of pure anger on his face. "We will keep fighting for the boy who lived!" Neville exclaimed.

Voldemort sneered and clenched his hands angrily. "He beat you once and now we will do it again!" Ron yelled and took a step forward with Hermione at his side.

Everyone single one of the Hogwarts fighters took a step forward and yelled something to show that they never would never give up. Draco didn't listen. He looked down at the ground where Harry had been laying only minutes ago. The ground was empty. Draco smirked and looked up at the white snake face. "The one thing you had forgotten-" Draco said.

Voldemort turned back towards him with his eyes narrowed and his wand ready to hex anyone. "is to remember to check if someone actually is dead before declaring them so".

Voldemort turned quickly and looked down at the ground. His whole body started to shake. "Harry Potter!" he yelled hysterically.

Everyone stopped yelling and looked at the Dark Lord. "Where's Harry?" someone asked.

"Harry, Harry, Harry?" the question could be heard from all around in the courtyard now, from both sides of the armies.

"Attack! Kill!" Voldemort screamed and pointed his wand toward the Hogwarts side.

Draco ran over at where his wand had been cast aside. He had just gotten it when he heard the words "Crucio" and his whole body was filled up with hot angry pain.


How this scene should have played out. I'm just gonna pretend it did...

Thanks for reading.

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