《The Death Eater with a Choice》You Don't Know Anything


Ready for some Drarry?


"bump, bump, bump".

Blaise looked irritated down at Draco as he slowly hit his head repeatedly down the table. They sat in a potion class, waiting for Snape to arrive.

Draco shook his head confused. He hadn't even noticed himself doing it. Why did he do it? His head hurt now, but he deserved it, didn't he? He quickly looked around to check if anyone had noticed his none Malfoy behavior. "Potter is starring" he mumbled when he noticed the emerald eyes starring at him from the back of the class.

Blaise snorted. "No surprise when you act like that".

Draco blushed slightly and looked forward again. He was so tired and dizzy. He had skipped meals to get more time to work on the cabinet and he hadn't gotten much sleep either. But he deserved the pain. He had worked on that thing for months and that had only proved, time by time, how useless he was.

He cast another glance back. Harry quickly looked away when their eyes met. Draco had noticed that Potter kept an eye on him this year. Why? Did he know something? He could feel his eyes burn at the thought of the raven haired and he angrily looked up when Snape entered. He hated Potter so much. Why did that stupid scarhead have to be here? He distracted him. He made him weak. A Malfoy couldn't be weak for Merlin's sake. "Are you even listening?" Blaise asked irritated.

"What?" Draco snapped.

"You coming to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" Blaise repeated.

Draco shook his head, but then stopped. Maybe it would be a good idea. Suddenly he felt awake. He had an idea. "Yes. I'm coming" he said, trying to conceal the relief of a new idea, which was flooding through him.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking back to the Gryffindor common room in stunned silence. They were all shocked and scared to say the least. It should had been a nice trip to Hogsmeade and instead they had witnessed one of their Gryffindor friends gets cursed. Harry still had the image of the screaming Katie Bell in his head. How did she get her hands on that necklace? "I can't believe he did that" Harry mumbled.


Hermione sighed. She looked pale. "It's wasn't Malfoy" she said, he voice hoarse.

"How do you know that?" Harry asked irritated.

"Don't start with him" Ron asked putting a hand on Hermione's shoulder.

Harry could feel the irritation grew worse at that. They wouldn't even give him any answers to why he wasn't right anymore. "I'm going for a walk" he mumbled and stormed away from them.

When he turned the first corner he stopped and looked around. There was no one in sight so he reached into his pocket and pulled out the Marauderes map. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good" he mumbled.

The thin black lines, drawing out every hallway, class room and people in the castle, began to fold out on the old paper. Harry searched it until he found the name he was looking for. Draco Malfoy was currently walking out the front doors, out towards the grounds. Harry bit his lip thoughtfully, but then he began walking, hurriedly down the hallways. People eyed him funny when he flew past them, but after many years of practice, Harry didn't notice that sort of things so much anymore.

When he came outside he stopped to look around. It was bitterly cold. Why would Draco go outside in this weather? Maybe he had someone to meet? Another Death Eater.

Harry knew if Hermione heard his thoughts she would explode with irritation, but Harry didn't care. He had to know. He fetched the Marauders map from his pocket and looked again. Draco was down at the lake. Harry furrowed his brows. That was very open place to meet someone secret, so what was he then doing?

He began walking again. Soon after he could see the gangly, blond Slytherins back. He sat, folded in on himself, by the lake shore. Harry slowly approached, feeling more nervous than he should be. It was only Draco Malfoy, why did he feel like his stomach was about to explode and his breath caught in his throat? Harry stopped when he reached the other boy. Draco still hadn't heard him and now Harry was seriously regretting doing this in the first place. Draco wasn't doing anything but watching the frozen lake. Maybe he could just turn and run back up to Hogwarts without the other boy ever knowing he had stood him so close. But he couldn't make himself turn around. Something drew him close to the other boy. The boy he still had feelings for even though he also despised him for the choices he had made. Maybe not despised, maybe he was just disappointed. "Aren't you freezing?"


Draco jumped at the sound of the voice, quickly standing up, swaying for a moment on his feet. Harry couldn't help but to feel slightly worried, but he hid it. This wasn't the Draco he once knew. "You're following me Potter?" Draco spat, but it seemed of.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't".

The two boys looked at each other, both faces conflicting anger and nervousness. Draco looked more skinny than ever before, more tired and pale. "You seem sick" Harry blurted out.

Draco looked like he had been slapped. "Did you just come out to compliment me?"

"No I actually came out to see if you were meeting with a Death Eater".

Draco's eyes got narrow and he clenched his fists. "How dare you" he hissed.

"You think you're so good and important. Try reading the Dailey Prophet Potter. You're a liar and an attention seeker".

That hit hard. Harry's jaw tensed, the anger and irritation was beginning to warm him up from the inside. "You should thank me. I got your dear father locked up. Now there's no one hitting you anymore" he gave back.

Draco took and instinctive step back, his eyes getting bigger and more scared for a moment. "But I guess it isn't any better getting tormented by Voldemort".

Draco even jumped at the name. Harry knew he was being mean, but he couldn't help it. The words burned a hole in him, they begged to be said. "You don't know anything Potter" Draco spat angrily.

"Oh really?"

All the frustration from last year finally was let loose. Harry spend so much energy trying to hold it back and conceal it, but why do that? Him and Draco wasn't anything any more. Why should he try to protect the other boy? "I know that you're nothing more than a scared boy who wants to be a lot more than you are. You too weak to be who you really are. You hide behind your family name, just to feel safe!" Harry yelled frustrated.

Draco had taken another step back, standing dangerously close to the lake shore now. His cold, snerring mask had been replaced with a face of totally despair. He looked so confused and bewildered that all anger left Harry's body like air from a balloon. He took a deep breath and looked down. "Look, I-" he began but he got abruptly stopped when the blonds lips crashed against his, warm and soft.

It came so sudden and so out of the blue that he had no time to respond before it was over. Draco looked even more confused and scared now, starring into the emerald eyes with his own watery grey ones. "Malfoy" Harry mumbled, feeling just as confused as Draco looked, but then he was off.

Harry watched the blond Slytherin walk with an incredible speed towards the castle. He still didn't know what had just happened. Did Draco still have feelings for him?


Who doesn't enjoy some good old angsty Drarry?

Hope you liked it and thanks for reading

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