《The Death Eater with a Choice》Peacefully Sleeping


So, if you haven't read my other story "Love Revealed by Fear" this chapter might be a tiny bit confusing. All you need to know is that Harry and Draco had a problematic relationship in their firth year, caused by Draco's fear of his father. After a lot of trying, they broke up and havn't been on speaking terms since.

Now you can read


"You have been stalking him since the start of this year Harry. When will you realize that he isn't up to anything?" Ron complained.

It was evening and the three best friends were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. Hermione was reading in a big book, Ron was reading about Quidditch and Harry was studying the Marauder's map. Like it so often happened, Draco's name was nowhere to be seen. "Harry?" Ron asked when the dark haired boy didn't respond.


Hermione sighed when she lost the little bit of patience she had left. "I know you too have a past together, but you need to let him go. He's not a Death Eater, you just want to find something on him, so you have a reason to hate him" she exploded.

Harry just looked up at her. Her words stung, because they were true. Or partly true at least. Hermione took a deep breath to calm down. "I'm sorry Harry. That was a bit harsh" she then carefully said.

Harry send her a little smile. He knew she didn't meant to be mean. "I mean, maybe you guys were right, but you have to admit that it's weird he disappears from the map" Harry pointed out.

"Maybe he just sneaks out to Hogsmeade" Hermione said looking back down at the paper.

"Maybe" Harry mumbled.

"Let's go to dinner. I'm starving" Ron said and stood up.

"Two seconds" Hermione mumbled and quickly scribbled some sentences down in her notebook.


She stood up. "Ready".

Harry folded the map and put it in his pocket where he also had his invisible cloak.

Together they began the walk towards the Great Hall. The winter weather was slowly taking its hold on the castle. Walking in the stone build hallways were not a pleasure and you had to pull your cape close to not freeze.

"You should really read that book I'm reading. It's fascinating" Ron rambled happily.

"Never thought I should hear that sentence from you" Harry mumbled.

Hermione giggled, but Ron either didn't hear or ignored it. "It's about all kinds of flying techniques. There's this especially cool one where you- what is he doing?" Ron suddenly asked, stopping mid sentences.

Harry looked up and saw Draco Malfoy sitting on the floor a little down the hall. His knees were pulled up to his chest and his head rested on the wall behind him, his eyes closed. Ron chuckled. "Is he sleeping?" he asked.

Hermione furrowed her brows. "It looks like it. What is going on with him?".

"That's what I have told you all year. He's acting weird" Harry mumbled irritated.

"Don't start on the whole "Malfoy is a Death eater" again" Ron sighed.

"Well-" Harry looked at the sleeping boy-"We could just check now" he mumbled halfhearted.

He looked at the pale boy. His skin was smooth and his blond hair ruffled. Harry couldn't help to think that the boy looked quite cute when his face was relaxed like that. Lately he had ever only seen Draco with a smirk, a hateful mask or the weird dark mask he had been wearing all year. He always looked away in thoughts and his eyes had dark circles beneath. But right now he looked peaceful, but also a bit sick. His cheekbones stuck out more than they should and the same did his eyes. "We can't do that!" Hermione exclaimed shocked.


"But he's right actually! This would be a great opportunity to take his wand or something" Ron said with a half grin.

Hermione shook her head and turned to continue down the hallway. "Let's leave him be" she said.

Ron shrugged and followed her. Harry glanced a last time on the boy. He was sure he saw the boy shiver lightly. He must be cold. Should he wake him? He felt a slight pain in his heart, watching the boy he had so much history with, sitting there, alone and cold.

He sighed and followed his two friends. Hermione kept shooting him funny looks over her shoulder, but Harry was too deep in thoughts to notice. Maybe he should tell Dumbledore? That was actually a really good idea. Dumbledore would believe him and he had the power to do something also.

---------Time Skip--------

"See you later" Ron called after him when Harry left the Gryffindor common room.

It was late, so he didn't meet anyone out in the hallways. The castle was silent, except when a painting chose to give him a comment or simply held conversation with each other.

Harry walked slower than he normally did on his way to Dumbledore's office. His private lessons with the headmaster was interesting as well as important, but this evening he had other things on his mind. Should he tell Dumbledore about his suspicion of Draco Malfoy? As the Headmaster he should know right?

He took a deep breath when the staircase slowly lifted him up towards the office. He nervously bit his lip before entering. The room was as it used to. Multiple mystic objects stood on tables and on the floor, making funny voices, moving or just standing still, but with the sense of magic over it. The headmaster himself sat behind his desk. "Professor" Harry greeted.

Dumbledore looked up at him over his glasses. "Good evening".

Harry sat down in the chair in front of the older mans desk. When he didn't say anything Dumbledore leaned back and folded his hands in front of him. "You have something on your mind" he said, it wasn't a question.

Harry bit his lip. "It's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" he then said.

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah. I'm just worried".

"For his wellbeing?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry quickly shook his head. "Not at all".

Dumbledore stood up. "Then I can't possibly think what would cause you to worry".

Harry turned to look at the man who stood searching through the bottled memories. "I think he might... be up to something".

Harry new he sounded childlike but he couldn't let that stop him. "Up to something. You know, I always find people being up to something. That's what makes life interesting" Dumbledore said, casting a glance at Harry.

Harry also stood up. "No Professor. I think it's something bad" he tried to explain.

He couldn't find out if Dumbledore was being serious or not. "If it's bad, maybe you should talk to him about it. Maybe you could help each other" the headmaster suggested he looked back at the bottles.

"Oh, there it was" he took out a little blue one. Harry looked shockingly at him. Did Dumbledore know something? He had the feeling he wasn't talking about Death Eater stuff at least. Did Dumbledore know about Draco and Harry's shared past? "Are you ready?" Dumbledore asked and poured the memories down the pensieve.


Do you feel som Drarry coming? Because i do

Thanks for reading

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