《The Death Eater with a Choice》Near Breaking Point


"So he wants Draco Malfoy to kill me?" Dumbledore asked calmly as if they were just discussing the weather.

"He wants to punish Lucius Malfoy. If Draco actually succeeds in killing you too, it would be a bonus, but he doesn't think the boy can manage" Severus said.

Dumbledore nodded. "It really is a terrible punishment. To see your son fall apart. See him struggle with something bigger than he could ever manage" the old man mumbled.

Snape looked away. "That's not all, is it?" Dumbledore asked and looked at the other man.

Snape cleared his throat. "No. He also... tortured the boy, in front of his mother, and me. The Crucio curse".

Dumbledore looked worried at him. "I know you care for the boy" he said.

Snape looked away. "He is near breaking point already. How is he supposed to live with this without destroying himself completely?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "You must keep an eye on him. Help him. He trusts you".

"Maybe once, but I think he's ashamed that I saw him, when the Dark Lord..." Snape trailed off.

Dumbledore looked at him with sadness in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. Snape shook his head and looked up again. "I will do my best" he mumbled.

"That's all I can ask for Severus".

Snape nodded. He left the head misters office and went down the corridors until he reached his own office. He went over to his chair and sat down. He looked at his table. He could still hear the boys screams in his head. He closed his eyes, trying to keep the pictures out. He gave up with a sigh and went over to his cabinet. He opened it and took out the Pensieve. He put it on his desk and looked down in the silver water. He took out his wand and put it to his head. He slowly pulled out a silver string. It felt from the wand and down to the water where it floated around a bit. Snape took the Pensieve back and sat himself back down in the chair. This was going to be a hard year.


Draco looked down at his arm. He could already feel the heavy burden of the black mark. The angry snake looked like it was starring up at him together with the dead eyes of the cranium. Draco looked out the window. Sixteen years old, and already a Death eater. He knew he should feel proud, but it was hard.

He quickly pulled down his sleeve when he heard footsteps approaching. Blaise Zabini opened the door and looked confused at the other Slytherin boy. "Where were you?"

Draco shrugged. "I didn't feel like watching a bunch of small kids get their ass sorted around".

"But the feast?" Blaise asked.

"Drop it Zabini. Wasn't hungry".

Blaise lifted his hands. "Wow, someone has become peevish after meeting the dark Lord. Was he scary? Is that it? You're scared right?" he asked mockingly.

Draco growled irritated. "Go to bed Zabini".

Blaise chuckled and went over to his bed.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked.

Harry quickly put the Marauders map away. "Nothing".

The three friends were seated in the Gryffindor common room, only a week into the new school year. It was dark outside, so the light was orange from the touches and the fire place. Ron and Hermione were both doing their homework, which Harry also should be doing, but he couldn't help it. He hadn't been able to pull his mind away from the blond Slytherin ever since he saw him at Borgin and Burkes this summer. He was sure the boy was up to something, but what?

It had already been four months since the school year started. Four months! And what had he achieved? Nothing. He worked hard day and night to make that stupid cabinet work, but for no use. Draco had been so desperate to succeed that he had poisoned a wine that he had hoped that Professor Slughorn would give Dumbledore. Of course he had failed. Instead the stupid Weasel had been the one to suffer. And to make it all even worse, Snape kept on asking him about his plan. Draco couldn't make himself look in his teachers eyes. And there was no way he was going to spill anything. But four months had passed and the cabinet still didn't work one bit. Draco felt so stupid and meaningless. He couldn't do anything right. He was worried sick for his mother and father and he couldn't do anything. These thoughts never left him. He felt so bad all the time. So bloody alone.

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