《The Death Eater with a Choice》Lucius's Punishment


First chapter in my second Drarry fanfic. You can go read that if your interested. This is kinda a continue to that, but you can also just read this one. Hope you enjoy and feel free to come with comments if you feel something could be different or if you have any ideas!

(All rights goes to the wonderfull J.K Rowling)


"I'm sorry Narcissa, but our dear Lucius has failed my order one too many times now" Lord Voldemort said in his cold voice, while looking down at the woman.

She sat on her knees in front of her Lord with her sixteen year old son at her side. Bellatrix was standing out at the wall, looking with big eyes at the man. "And now he's in Azkaban. How unfortunate. How can I punish someone who I can't get to?" he asked sighing.

Narcissa Malfoy looked up. She tried to keep the voice steady. "I promise you, my Lord, he suffers there".

Voldemort laughed a cold laughter. "Do you really think that a couple of dementors are enough?" he asked.

Narcissa quickly looked down. "Of course not" she mumbled.

Draco Malfoy, who also was on his knees, looked frightened at his mother. He had a hard time controlling his shaky body. He clenched his hands hard and tried to breathe properly. Voldemort looked down at the skinny boy and chuckled. "What do you say Draco?" he asked silently.

Draco winched when he heard his name. "I'm sorry my Lord?"

"Don't you think your father needs more punishment?" Voldemort asked and studied the boy's face.

Draco trembled. He looked over at his mother who nodded carefully. Draco looked back down at the wooden floor. "Yes, my Lord" he answered.

"I'm glad you agree" he said.


Draco heard the voice and knew was what gonna come, but he had no chance of truly knowing. "Crucio" the dark Lord said calmly and pointed his wand at the pale kid.

Draco felt to the ground screaming. He had never experienced something like this. It hurt so much that he thought he was going to burn up. He wanted it so badly to end, but he couldn't form the words. He scratched his skin panicky, trying to get the pain to go away. "Please no. I'll do anything" Narcissa screamed.

She ran over and tried to stop her son from scratching his skin off. Bellatrix went over and pulled her away. Voldemort laughed silently. "Bella, no, please!" Narcissa begged.

"You can't go against the dark Lord" Bellatrix hissed in her sisters ear.

Voldemort took his wand down and looked at the boy who now was laying curled up on the floor, trying to hold his sobs back. "Draco" Narcissa cried silently.

He didn't respond. "That was really good boy" Voldemort said calmly.

Draco tried to get up and sit on his knees again. His whole body shook violently and he kept his eyes on the floor. "I have a really important assignment for you" Voldemort said.

Draco looked up in shock. "Yes, my Lord" he whispered.

Bella let go of her sister and took a step towards her master. "Let me do it" she begged.

"Silence" Voldemort sneered.

Bella quickly went back. "Are you ready to work for me Draco?" Voldemort asked, looking intensely at the boy.

Again Draco looked at his mother before answering. "Of course my Lord" he said, his voice cracking slightly.

"Good" Voldemort said satisfied with the answer.

"You called me, Master" a deep voice suddenly sounded.

They all looked up and saw a pale man with dark hair and a black cape standing in the doorway. "Severus" Voldemort said.


Bellatrix shot an angry glare towards the man, he ignored her. Draco avoided to look at his teacher. "The boy has agreed to take on an assignment" Voldemort said.

Snape looked down at the blond boy. "Alright" he said.

"I don't want you to interfere. Let him show what he can do" Voldemort continued.

"Of course my Lord" Snape said still looking down at the boy.

He couldn't help to notice the tremble in the boy's hands. "Can I ask what the assignment is?" he asked carefully.

"Of course Severus, but first I have to make sure that Lucius's punishment is fulfilled" the Dark Lord said and turned to the boy again.

Severus looked confused, meanwhile Bella again had to hold her sister from running to her son. Draco closed his eyes and prepared for the pain.


Thanks for reading!

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