《Danganropa OneShots》Oumasai- Ice skating Au 💙


--Shuichi's pov--

I have been Kokichi's partner in Skating for about 3 months now. He's more of the Actor, and I'm more of the technique. He likes to make different masks for us for each performance. We are highly known for our "Detective and Supreme leader" act. I was the stone cold Detective, so I didn't have to show much emotion. I'm on my way to practice with Keade with my best friend, Keade as my driver. Kokichi- "Shuichi! Shuichi!" "E-Eh?" "You ok? You got lost in thought again" the blonde Shaker yelled at me "R-Right right s-sorry!" I leave the car and head inside of the rink were I am tackled by the gremlin known as my partner. "Shumai!~ your here!" "I-I-I know K-Kokichi" he gives me a smile and gets off of me to put his skates. "Shumai you need to act eventually you're taking all the fun out of skating with you!" I freeze. "A-are you sure K-Kokichi?-" "Yes I'm sure!" And now we have a problem. Great. "K-Kokichi i-im not going to act" "You have too. Or I'm not going to be your partner anymore." He looks me dead in the eyes. I felt a couple of tears going down my cheeks. He jumps and goes over to me. "Geez Shumai! No need to cry! You just need to act.. please?" He wipes my tears. There a reason I dont act. They are huge actors abroad. They left me.. they didn't want me.. I was a mistake to them and my uncle who had to take care of me.. I look him in the eyes and shake my head no. He looks at me shocked and tears start pouting out of his eyes. I go to wipe with tears but he slaps my hand away and hands me my bag. I look down and take my bag. I felt some droplets of water come out of my eyes as I head to leave. He might as well know why I dont act. I mumble my parents names as I leave.


--Kokichi's pov--

I didn't realize that I was crying until Shuichi tried to wipe my tears. I slap his hand and hand him his bag. He really doesnt care about me does he.. I start sobbing as he leaves. I hear him say two names before he leaves. "G-Goodbye Ouma~kun.." He runs out tears going down his cheeks. I sit down and curl up into a ball on one of the seats in the ice rink. I take out my phone and look up the names. "Oh.." I wipe my tears and run out catching Shuichi. "Shuichi!" He turns around and looks at me with his golden eyes, tears that make his eyes glow flow down his face. I run over to him and put my hands on his cheeks. "I'm so so so so so sorry Saihara~chan!" He puts his hands on my cheeks. "I-Its fine Kokichi" he plants a kiss on my forehead. I feel my face heat up as he giggles. I puff out my cheeks. "Geez Saihara~chan what was that for?" "A-A apologize, I-I should have told you." He gives me a sad smile. "Hey Saihara~kun-" "Hey you gays! Be lucky I'm letting you stay after closing!" Yelled Miu my old friend "Shut up you Bitch!" "E-Eh?!" She blushes and Shuichi stands there confused. I grab his hand and go back inside.

--A couple of months later--

"R-Ready K?" Shuichi asked me "Ya ya I got it S" he comes over to me and kisses my forehead, fixing my mask after. I felt my face turn red and I cleared my throat. "Come on S!" I giggle and hold his hand. He's clearly flustered. We get on the ice and I hold both of his hands. They start playing the song, Mr. Loverman by Ricky Montgomery. (I love this song.) We start skating but haft way though we take off our Masks showing our faces and I look over at Shuichi. He's showing a bunch of emotions, but it's not acting. It's real. I see some tears coming out of his eyes as he skates, watching him skate like this was almost magical but I had to focus. We get to the end of the song and Shuichi spins around me as I spin in the middle of the rink. The song ends and I hold his hand and leave the rink with him trailing behind me. We wait for the judges to announce the winners. Once they do, they call our names for first place. Shuichi kisses my metal and I laugh. We soon leave and outside Shuichi stops me. "Huh? What is it Shumai?" I put my hands behind my head. He fumbles with his words for a second then says something I could understand. "D-Dont hate me.." The blue haired boy mumbles. "I could never hate you my Beloved!" He walks over to me and puts his arms around my waist as my face heats up. "Eh? Saihara~chan what are you doing?-" He cuts me off and kisses me. I felt safe in his arms as I smile a bit in the kiss and kiss him back. I knew at this moment.



910 words.

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