《Brahms Heelshire x Y/N》23


Footsteps awake me from my slumber, it's takes me a few seconds to register where I am and how I got there. I jolt up and look behind me from the tree to see a figure walking a few trees from where I am located, it doesn't take me long to know who it is the white mask tells me enough for me to start moving and ending up in a dead sprint for the second time.

The footsteps are heard behind me getting louder by the second and before I know it a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me backwards and I am met with a chest to my back " Let me go, let me go!!" My screams fill the chilly morning air, his arms snake around my waist and his head goes into the crook of my neck, his breathing is slowing down but his heart is still beating like crazy "Never leave me again." It's his normal voice not the child one, it's so deep and sort of relaxing, it made me stop trying to get out of his grip and my own heart is now beating like crazy, i'm relaxed but still scared of what he is going to do.

We have been standing like this for some time now, no words were spoken from either of us, both our hearts have stopped pounding and have now been going its normal speed and so has our breathing from the running. I am growing weaker by the minute of all the running and adrenaline that was going through me, I think he knows thats why he is holding me in his embrace " Lets go home." Is all he says before picking me up bridal style and starts walking back to the house I don't try to get out of his grip I know well enough that I am to weak to get out of it and that he will have me back in his arms in no time so for now I will accept my fate that I will never get away from him, to do that I will need his trust and I won't have that for quite some time after our little hunting game.


I don't know what happend but I am laying in my own bed like nothing happend and it was all just a dream, sitting up and looking around the room it doesn't take me long to notice the figure sitting next to me on a chair to confirm that this is definitely not a dream. His chest is moving slowly meaning he is asleep, I carefully move out of the bed and making my way to the door but before I could turn the handle a hand smashes itself right next to my head making me jump in surprise " I told you to never leave me again." He is close to my ear making me shiver " I wont, I was just going to the kitchen to eat something." " Liar." How can someone this scary have such a voice? " I am not lying, I haven't eaten since..." " Since you decided to leave me yesterday evening." " Well you didn't give me much choice." I am toying with my life right now, if he didn't want to kill me before this he will most definitely want to now. His hand leaves the spot on the door and I slowly twist the handle and open the door I wait a couple seconds before I make the first step having no responce from him I make my way downstairs and to the kitchen with him right behind me watching my every move.

It's hard to focus when a pair of eyes are burning holes in the back of my head every second, he is watching me like i'm about to run for the door, what I really want to do but he will beat me to it and it would put me in a much worse situation to get out from and I would have to start over with gaining his trust to get out of here, since that is the only key for me to get out. Breakfast wasn't special since he had his mask on preventing him from eating so he watched me eat the whole time, only when I started washing my plate having my back turned to him did I hear the sound of cutlery and him eating the food I made for him and me.


He insisted on following the rules his parents left me, don't know if he knows that they killed themselves not so long ago because if he does he is taking it like a champ. Reading poetry was still his favorite thing of the day I was the one doing the reading while he sat beside me just listening to me, I had multiple voice cracks of how nervous I was he was really close to me our shoulders almost touching " Could you move, you're really uhm, in my personal space." I don't think he cared even te slightest cause he just stayed in the same position he was in the whole time " Brahms move away." i'm really getting irritated by this man does he know what personal space even is I don't think so cause he is doing a real shitty job at it " Brahms for the last time, move!" Maybe raising my voice to him is not the greatest idea since I am the one held captive and he is the one keeping me that way, but god! This guy really needs lessons on being human he is just a big rock doing its own thing not caring the slightest about someone else. In the end he never moved away he only came closer, now our shoulders were touching eachother and his head was so close to mine I could smell him and damn did he smell bad, the mixture of swet, dust and I don't even know what else, was entering my noise " Okay lets end this for now and uhh...lets take a shower." I don't think he took the hint because he angrily stood up after I closed the book " NO!! We have to follow the rules!" "Yeah well I am telling you right now that we are taking a shower if you like it or not!" I really lost my patience with him right now " The rules were made for a reason and not to be broken because you said so!" " Stop acting like a child and just do what I am telling you, God! It's not that hard the world isn't going to end if we do something else then what the stupid rules tell us to do!" I think I reached a point that I shouldn't have because he took a step to me, his hands clenched showing the white in his knuckles and his chest was rising and falling in a dangerous way, but before I could shout at him again for being a stubborn and arrogant person he turned around left the room leaving me in a angry state done with his way of ordering me around like a damn dog listening to its owners orders.

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