《Brahms Heelshire x Y/N》20


Lets rewind back to that night when I met him for the first time shall we?

So its raining, I just had a mental breakdown so I ran into the garden to catch my breath, and BOOM! Brahms is sitting they're.. Oh no but how??

BAMM! Creepy looking man comes out of the forest while its raining with thunder and lighting and all, me being in a total shock just lets the man take Brahms with him and leave me behind, me realising I just lost Brahms makes a run for it to the house thinking he would mysteriously be there, thinking how the Heelshires would be dissapointed in me, never trusting me again and all of that.

Me all soaked searched all the rooms and losing hope, slides down the wall in Brahms his room, and falling asleep thinking im a dissapointment who should never look after kids again!

And now we are back here with the man but this time in the house with no dramatic rain or lightning " You!" I sight before looking back at him pointing the knife at him " You are back and.. You took Brahms with you that night why?" He takes a step closer and another and anohter before he is standing right infront of me, the knife slightly pointing him in his stomach, me shaking, because i'm actually terrified, terrified of what this man can do, he got in with no sound, well the loud music maybe covered him. " Why are you back? To take Brahms again... To kill me?" I looked up at him seeing him already looking down at me " Why?" It came out as a whisper.

His hand slowly made its way up to the knife, but he placed it ontop of my shaking hand, making me jump and taking a step back, thats when he finally spoke " You're scared." His voice.. I'ts a childs voice, how can a grown man make a such a high voice?? But wait..Thats when the pieces came together.. Being around the house, knowing how to get in, high pitched voice that sounds like a child and the mask.. Is he.. Is he Brahms?? But that would mean that he never died and the Heelshires coverd up his death.. Be good to him and he will be good to you. Those words they linger in my mind, the words Mrs Heelshire spoke to me before they left me here.. Did she know I would find out that Brahms wasn't dead?


Lost in thoughs I didn't notice Brahms getting closer again and grabbing the knife out of my hand, he noticed didn't he?? He noticed that I figured out who he is, is he going to kill me now..

"How are you alive, the stories of you being burned to death in you're room when you were 8 years, was it all a lie?" My mind is lost, how is he here nothing makes sense anymore, did the Heelshire's know I would find out that they're son is everything but dead or was I always ment to stay in the house since I inherited it all?

I took another step back trying to get out of his reach, not wanting to send him on high alert, my mind is going 100 mph thinking of a solution to make it the hell out of here before it is to late, Malcom wont be back till next week so i'm stuck with this man, I don't have a car, the next town is miles away, i'm trapped in this house with him, he who has been watching me from day 1

Brahms drops the knife on the floor before taking another step to me, making me stumble back giving my legs the power to make a run for the stairs, Brahms is right behind me screaming my name to get back to him, when I reach the stairs I see his hand reach to me I duck away from his hand and move my body away from the stairs making Brahms fall forward down the stairs giving me time to run back into the room we just came from, they're must be a way that he moves around the house without a sound without me noticing his presence.

Scanning the room I see a pannel moved away from the wall running to it I look inside seeing the insides of the wall, is this how he moves? Through the walls? I don't think for a second running through the walls hearing Brahms finally making it into the Library, they're holes in the walls giving me enough view of the room, once he notices the panel has been moved from its spot he makes a run to it making me run further into the maze of hallways all leading to different parts of the house, Light bulbs make enough light for me to see but the smell and dust doesn't help at all.


It's been awhile since I heard or seen Brahms, i'm trying to stay as silent as possible, not knowing what is to come when Brahms finds me. All the walls look the same, the tiny holes in the walls tell me in which part of the house I am, i'm in the living room right now the sound of a creaking floor board makes me frozen in place, Brahms makes his way into the room searching frantically for me, when he is done searching for me in the room he walks out of it into the kitchen,I don't waste a minute and walk the other way back from where I came from making different turns then I did before.

Rounding a corner a ladder makes it into my view, hope builts up and I jog to it climbing it until I reach the top I make my way further to god knows where, I finally see something different then walls and light bulbs, a door! Opening it and stepping inside I see a.. living room? It's a room but it has a kitchen, a bed and shower and everything in it for a person to live in " Has he been living here while watching me take care of the doll?" I step further into the room, seeing another ladder, but that is not the first thing catching my eye, they're on his cranky bed lays a live size doll, with my hair color and a dress I lost the first week i've been here, my disgust is short live when fear takes over hearing footsteps making its way to where I am, quickly making my way up the ladder hoping to meet my freedom soon.

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